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I've noticed something over the last several years and it just bugs the crap out of me. I'm sure you've noticed it too. I really started to notice it back in high school, and that's been over twenty-five years. What I'm referring to is a double standard that has swept across the United States. Today its called political correctness.

Here is my point of irritation. The pin heads in Washington, D.C. can have a "Black Congressional Caucus", but you can't have a "White Congressional Caucus". Why not? There can be a "Miss Black America" contest, but no "White Miss America" contest. Again, why not? Why, there are even "Black Chambers of Commerce". When was the last time you heard of a "White Chamber of Commerce"?

The liberal media can always find white supremacists like the Klan. However, they are very "hush hush" about black supremacists like the New Black Panther Party. White high school students come under fire and are kicked out of school for wearing t-shirts that have the Confederate Battle Flag or images of Confederate heroes. Yet no one says anything to black students who wear the colors of the African Liberation Movement or images of their black heroes. Again, I have to ask, why?

When was the last time you went into a government office, school office, city hall, etc., and saw a picture of Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis? Can't remember can you? Now think, was there a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr? Probably so. I recently went into the city court building here in Shreveport to take care of some business. A deputy City Marshal took me around to talk with a black woman who worked in one of those cubicles. On her computer, she had a screen saver of Martin Luther King, Jr. She had a calendar with his pictures. Let someone who works there get a screen saver or calendar with the Battle Flag and see what happens.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not a racist. I believe everyone should be allowed to honour their ancestors and heroes. Wouldn't that come under the first ammendment to the US Constitution, the right to free speech? I also believe in fair play. After all, isn't that what "Kweezy" Mfume and the National Association of Always Complaining People are supposed to be for? Fair play. But I guarantee you, the first time that you try to have a "White" anything, (except a white sale), "Kweezy" and the NAACP will be there to condemn it as racist. Of course we'll also hear from the other race baiters. Rev. Jesse, the role model for all black fathers and husbands. And let's not forget Rev. Al, who believes in breaking the Ten Commandments, especially the one about "Thou Shalt Not Lie". Maybe he was absent from seminary the day they discussed that one.

If you've read my editorials here on my site, you'll notice that I do not use the term "African-American". I refuse to use it because it is exclusionary. It only refers to black people. If you have a person whose ancestors came from Libya, he is not called "African-American", even though Libya is on the African continent. Someone of Egyptian descent is not called "African-American" either. Isn't Egypt on the African continent? Is this racism, bigotry or double standard?

Let's take the Black Congressional Caucus. By its very name it is a racially exclusive organization. If you ain't black, you can't be a member. Black Chamber of Commerce, same thing. Miss Black America, same thing. However, the Miss America contest that is held in Atlantic City every year is open to women of all races, religions and ethnic backgrounds.

In cities with other large minority concentrations (Los Angeles for example), you also have other minority commissions and chambers of commerce. When people talk about a black chamber of commerce, or a Hispanic heritage commission or whatever the minority group may be, no one raises an eyebrow. But throw the word "white" or "caucasian" in the mix, stand back and listen to the howls. And of course there is the new trend in many cities and even family amusement parks, "Gay Pride Days". Do you think Walt Disney World would be open to having "Rebel Pride Days"? I doubt it.

Certain things need to be identified for special purposes, i.e. "Asian-American Festival", "Hispanic Heritage Week" etc. I hear a lot of talk about diversity, but it seems as if it only applies to certain groups of people. We need to stand up and call it like it is. If it excludes certain races, religions or ethnic backgrounds, it needs to be called exactly what it is. Racist. Bigoted.

Therefore, I call the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, D.C. RACIST. I call all Black Chambers of Commerce RACIST. And "Kweezy", Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al, every time you open your mouths it's obvious, you are all RACISTS!

They and others of their ilk try to condemn the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans as racist. However, let us remember that the Confederacy had black soldiers long before the Union decided to try it. Gen. Lee allowed his Jewish soldiers to celebrate Jewish holidays. On the other hand, Gen. Grant issued Order No.11, ordering all Jewish soldiers to leave within 24 hours or be arrested. Jefferson Davis apponted Judah P. Benjamin, who was Jewish to serve as Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State. Did Lincoln have any Cabinet members of the Jewish or even Catholic faith? No. And since the Confederacy had black, Jewish, Catholic, Irish, Scotch, American Indians, Hispanics and many other ethnicities, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to anyone who can show their lineage to a Confederate soldier or sailor.

Yet the NAACP and even the Anti-Defamation League use their scare tactic rhetoric to convince those that they supposedly serve, that the South is full of bigots and racists. They do this while at the same time rejecting true, documented history. So, where is the racism? Where is the bigotry? It lies within the double standard that has become the norm.



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