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Dj's sorted by style

oct 15, 2002

News: look, i know this may not be a good site, or even a pretty one, but i do have to say this.....BITE MY ASS AND KISS MY NUTS!!! i m sick and tired of the separation of dj's in neworleans and i feel like its my responsibility as a dj and a citizen to try to bring theese people together in a place where they can share thoughts, views, and even give tips to eachother on basic and advanced skills. i would also like to create an area for the newbies who want to get into djing/production well, those are my goals for the site, if you feel like you want to contribute in an way, contact me at my email address, i can use all the help i can get!!!!

if you see this man known as CYTRACE, call the police or beat his ass with a pool stick....but he might like that



contact me here