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My Wonderful Hubby!

This is my hubby Larry .The man of my dreams and he is my life.

A good husband is hard to fine But your looking at a jewel right here
His heart is made of gold and his head is always in the right place.
Larry is 57years old ,the youngest son of his parents. He has one sister and two brothers. He has many talents but loves to ride a motorcycle and fish best of all.

He loves children and it is a good thing since we have four and lots of grandchildren. Never having children of his own, he sure has been a wonderful father to mine and to the ones we cared for while working at the children's home. For fifteen years He and I worked at a children's home and as you might guess that takes love and patients do to.Working with children ranging from five to twenty -one years old. He was known to the children there as Pap Emmons,of course he liked that as that is what everyone called his father. He still works at the home but in a different position now .

He can cook a great steak and keep house like any good woman can . Does laundry ,mop floors and ladies if that isn't a jewel there isn't any around any more LOL That's My Larry !

Larry works to hard for a man who has had a triple by-pass heart surgery. I tell him all the time he is already over that hill and he needs to slow down now . LOL
He likes to work with wood in the craft's.

Larry loves life and God and his family, he's the answer to all my prayers. He gives me strength when needed and has been with me thru good and bad times. To look into those big brown eyes , all I can see is love .And Baby , I Love You!!!!

Larry also loves to play bingo!AND HE REALLY LOVES MOTORCYCLES!!

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"Hey Baby!"