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Hollywood Hillbilly

All About Me!!

Hey ya'll! Life's been busy here since school got out! It's been so darn hectic. This week, I have the District 4H Horse Show at the Ike. Next week, I have the State 4H Horse Show in Baton Rouge at LSU. Then, on the 24th, I have a quadrille competition I have to ride in and it's in Canton! I recently got a job interview at Sonic. It's this Sunday at 1. So,...hopefully, I'll get a job! If ya'll haven't heard, alot of people from the Class of 2005 class won't be returning to OCS this year. Jamie Thomas, Amanda Morris, Kevin Adams, Meredith Adison, and Whitney Fugler. If you see any of these people make sure you hit them REAL hard for leaving us!! Hahaha! Especially Whitney-I mean, she's like my best bud in the whole wide campus and then she's like gonna up and leave me without sayin Goodbye-Kiss my foot-See ya later-nothing??!! Hahaha. Oh well...SHE knows she will be missed. Well, I gotta go, ya'll!. There are some chores that I have to do and all! Ya know how that goes. See ya'll soon! PS-The shoutouts page is coming soon (hopefully)!!!