Haley's Web Page

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Hello, all. My name is Haley Hairston.

Thanks for coming to check out my site. Just to give you some brief information about my self:
I was born and raised in Monroe, Louisiana. I graduated in 2003 from Neville High School.
I am now attending the University of Louisiana at Monroe. I expect to graduate in 2006 with
a bachelor's degree in Radiologic Technology.

I enjoy going out to see movies or simply watching one in the comfort of my own home. I love
listening to all kinds of music. Some of my favorite artists include: Ani Difranco, Regina Spektor,
The Mars Volta, 311, Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the Beatles.

I also enjoy reading magazines. If you are a chick
you should check out this mag called BUST. It
is a very feministic magazine that focuses
completely on women. Also check out Rolling
Stone, Elle, and Blender.

Things I Enjoy:

Web Pages I Frequent

After I Graduate High School

Man, I cannot wait to get the heck out of this school. Even though I know I will just have to go right back to school over here at the University of LA at Monroe. But first, there is the SENIOR TRIP!!! My girlfriends and I plan to go to Panama City Beach, Florida. Planning this trip has been difficult. But I bet it will be worth it! Words of advise: Get a travel agent. It helps.

I plan on going to my town's local college. The University of Louisiana at Monroe. I doubt I'll get any scholorships, but I did apply for TOPS. TOPS is a student financial aid type thing. Pretty much, they just pay for you to go to school if you keep your grades up. Cool, huh?

Me: Up to Date with 2004

I am now 19 years old. Well, one thing worked out with the previous paragraph... I am going to the University of LA at Monroe. But I did not make it to the senior trip. Don't ask why. Really I let some girl get in my way. You shouldn't do that for future reference. I did get TOPS... I lost it for one semester. They put me on probabtion and I got it back.

I'm currnetly looking for a house to buy and fix up. Well, mom and dad are gonna cough up the cash to get it. I'm pretty excited. Can't wait to update you on that. Until next time.

New things from 2005

I really am liking doing these littel updates. Well, for starters... I did get a cute little house next to the university. My parents devoted a lot of hard work and time to remodeling my humble abode. I am very grateful for that and would like to thank them now.

Another thing, I recently purchased an XBOX, so if you are into Halo 2... hit me up and we'll see if you can beat me in a little one-on-one. Gamertag: AlienThumbz. I do like playing other games such as The Sims (all of them), Battlefield, Counter Strike, and Burnout 3.

Now about my schooling: Sophomore year just ended about a week ago. Im pretty sure I will pass all of my classes. At least I hope I did. If you pray, pray for me. If I didn't do well, I will sadly move back into my parents house until I can afford to get my own place. Specking of school, take a Philosophy class if you can! You will learn so much, and it will widen your view of life, reality and existence itself.

Update for 2006

COMING SOON............

Movies You Should Watch

1. Magnolia


3. Butterfly Effect

4. Donnie Darko

5. Spun

6. Requeim for a Dream

7. Kill Bill

8. Reservoir Dogs

9. Magdaline Sisters (for chicks)

10. City of God (Subtitled)

11. I Heart Huckabees (PLEASE WATCH)

12. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (new addition)
