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Mil Mascaras
by monkeyman

Name: Mil Mascaras
Short Name: MIL

-- your choice --

Fighting Style - Grappler 01.
I used Kurt Angle's template & used Flying Body Attack for Mil Mascaras' Flying Bodypress in the Specials. I also added the Springboard Body Attack, and the Boston Crab in.

Logic: Striking

Hair: none
Eyes: Eye Shape 14 - Eye Line 09 - Eye Color 03
Eyebrow: Eyebrow 62
Nose: Nose 08
Mouth: Thin Lips 02
Outline: Face Line 06
Mask1: Type A > Mask 29 > Color1 & 2: default Gold (color belowe default white). Type B > Mask 11 > Color 1 & 2: default gold
LogoA: Pattern 29 > Color1 & 2: Custom Black (H: 000, S: 000, B: 000) > Color 3: default red
LogoB: Pattern 11 > Color1 & 2: Custom Black

Eyebrow: Translate = W 0, L 30, D 0; Scale = W 0, L 0, D 0
Eyes: Translate = W 0, L -27, D 0; Scale = W 0, L 0, D 0
Nose: Translate = W 0, L -8, D 0; Scale = W 12, L 0, D 0
Mouth: -default-
Face: Translate = W 0, L 0, D 34; Scale = W 4, L 0, D 0
Cheekbones: Scale = W 3, L 0, D 0
Outline: Translate = W 0, L 0, D 0; Scale = W -7, L 0, D 0
Jaw: Translate = W 0, L 0, D 0; Scale = W 6, L -15, D 11

Body: Type = Male 01 > Color: default medium grey (2nd row, 1st color)
Lower Body: Long Tights 02 - Color 1: default gold, Color 2 & 3: custom black > Logo 2: Pattern B 11 - Color1: default gold

Shoes > Short Boots 02 - Color 1: default gold; Color 2 & 3: custom black

Body Specs:
Crown: W 0, L 0, D 0
Head: W 24, L -5, D 9
Neck: W 23, L 15, D 12
Shoulder: W 11, L 15, D 27
Upper Arm: W 20, L 10, D 9
Fore Arm: W 11, L 10, D 9
Hands: W 9, L 0, D 7
Chest: W 22, L -10, D -12
Waist: W 30, L -23, D 12
Abdomen: W 23, L -10, D 17
Thigh: W 19, L 0, D 13
Calf: W 19, L 0, D 28
Foot: W 0, L 0, D 0

Start off with Batista's intro & change the following...
Theme Music: Original 02
Titantron: Chavo
Animation: Stage = Rock; Ramp = Al Snow; Ring = Edge; General = Walk 01

Lighting & Camera is your choice

- none -

Start position: Right
Start wait: 2"10
Appeal point: In Gate
Telop Point: Gate
Group: Smackdown