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by monkeyman

Name: Kamala
Short Name: Kamala
Type: *your choice*

-- your choice --

I used the Rough template and threw in any kind of wild power moves I could find.

Logic: Striking

Hair: none
Eyes: Eyeshape 12 - Eye Line 9 - Iris: Eye color 03
Eyebrow: 52
Nose: Nose 08
Mouth: Heavy Lips 02
Moustache: Beard 03 > color: Custom Black (H 000, S 000, B 000)
Outline: Face Line 05
Paint/Tattoo: Paint 09 > Color1: deafult white > Color 2: custom black

Eyebrow: Translate= W -46, L 0, D 0; Scale= W 0, L 0, D 0
Eyes: -default-
Nose: Translate= W 0, L -39, D 5; Scale= W 8, L 0, D 10
Mouth: Translate= W 0, L 0, D 14; Scale= W 50, L 0, D 8
Face: Translate=W 0, L 5, D 0; Scale= W 0, L 0, D 0
Cheekbones: -default-
Outline: Translate= W 0, L 0, D 0; Scale= W 6, L 0, D 0
Jaw: Translate= W 0, L 51, D 62; Scale= W 0, L -50, D 10

Body: Type = Male 03 - Color: default dark brown
Lower Body: Skirt 02 - Color1: default > Logo 1 - Pattern A 16 - Color1: default dark brown

Tattoo > Custom > Belly paint (see

Gear 1 > Bracelet 03 > Position: Head > Trans = X -1, Y -2, Z 1; Rotation = X 0, Y -24, Z 0; Scale = X 50, Y 50, Z 50

Body Specs:
Crown: W 0, L -4, D 0
Head: W 14, L 0, D 0
Neck: W 0, L -50, D 0
Shoulder: W 0, L 0, D 0
Upper Arm: W 23, L 0, D 23
Fore Arm: W 23, L 0, D 23
Hands: W 8, L 0, D 8
Chest: W 0, L 0, D 0
Waist: W 50, L 0, D 50
Abdomen: W 25, L -50, D 50
Thigh: W 23, L 0, D 23
Calf: W 23, L 0, D 23
Foot: W 0, L 0, D 0

Start with Tajiri's template and change the following:
Theme Music: Chavo
Titantron: Al Snow

Fireworkds, Lighting & Camera is your choice

Group: Raw