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by monkeyman

Name: Sabu
Short Name: Sabu
Strategy: Dirty
Brand: (your choice)
AI Logic: Brawler

(your choice)
Weight: Normal
Skill Type: Rule Breaker

** I wasn't sure what to use here, but his finishers are the Arabian Facebuster and the "Air Sabu", so I put it in there as much as possible. And don't forget that he loves to use a chair to beat his opponents. I used Template 10, and changed the special moves to:
Front Grapple: Face Crusher 03
Rear Grapple: Face Crusher 02
Attack from Turnbuckle: Shooting Star Press
Down Grapple (Lower U): Strike to Groin
Down Grapple (Upper U): Head Pound
Down Grapple (Side D): Cross Arm Breaker
Down Grapple (Upper D): Back Mounted Punches
Down Grapple (Lower D): STF
Momentum Shift: Schwein

-Taunt [Special]: Magician of Arabia (also recommended: Gaze, Ready for Gore!, Shoulder Stretch)

Volume: +4

Face: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width +26; Length -4; Depth 0
Cheekbones: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Height 0; Volume 0
Outline: Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 30
Jaw: Vertical 0; Deep +36; Width +44
Eye Brow: Horizontal 0; Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Height 0; Yaw 0; Roll 0
Eyes: Horizontal +11; Vertical 0; Deep 0; Width 0; Height 0; Yaw 0; Roll 0
Nose: Vertical +4; Deep +8; Width +28; Length 0; Depth -14; Pitch -40
Mouth: Vertical +2; Deep 0; Width +10; Length 0; Depth 0; Pitch 0
Lip Angle: Vertical -100; Deep +9; Width 0

Crown: Width 0; Length -4; Depth 0
Head: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Neck: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Shoulder: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Upper Arm: Width +30; Length +14
Forearm: Width +18; Length +18
Hand: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0
Chest: Width 0; Depth -2
Abdomen: Width +20; Depth +12
Waist: Width +30; Length +10; Depth +8
Thigh: Width +16; Depth +16
Calf: Width +16; Depth +16
Feet: Width 0; Length 0; Depth 0

Hairstyle: Straight Back Long 03 -- Color: H 335, S 36, B 18
Eyes: Eye Shape = Corner of the Eye Wide; Eyelashes = Male Eye Wrinkle 07; Iris = Normal Brown 01
Eye Brow: Wide Foot Thin -- Color: H 335, S 36, B 18
Nose: Smart
Mouth: Normal 03
Moustache: Mustache Thin 04 -- Color: H 335, S 36, B 18
Outline: Face Line 01
Wrinkles: Wrinkle 02
Decoration (lower): NONE
Decoration (upper): NONE
Mask: Hood 1 -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70 -- Base A Pattern - Common "Belt" (row 2, #3) - Crown; Texture Repeat <->; Vertical -76, Horizontal 0, Width -100, Height -22, Roll 0 -- Color 1: H 331, S 74, B 14 -- Color 2: H 321, S 94, B 100

Body: Fat -- Color: H 325, S 19, B 42
Bottom Wear: Ninja Wear -- Color: H 360, S 74, B 32 -- Pattern 01 = 2 Tone 01 - Color 1: H 360, S 74, B 32 -- Color 2: H 0, S 0, B 100 > -- Pattern 02 = Belt 01 - Color 1: H 0, S 0, B 100 -- Color 2: H 0, S 0, B 70 -- Color 3: H 0, S 0, B 70

Gear 1: Scarf 02 -- Waist -- Horizontal 0; Vertical -5; Deep +33; Width +100; Height +100; Depth +100; Pitch +23; Yaw 0; Roll +51
Gear 1: Torsion Headband -- Upper Arm (Left) -- Horizontal +2; Vertical +17; Deep +2; Width -6; Height 0; Depth -40; Pitch 0; Yaw 0; Roll -44

Tattoo: Hurt Whole Body -- Color: H 252, S 38, B 67
Wrist: Both > Wrist Band Short -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70
Hand: Left > Bandage 01 -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70
Hand: Right > Bandage 02 -- Color: H 0, S 0, B 70
Footwear: Ring Shoes Long 01 -- Color 1: H 0, S 0, B 100; Color 2: H 0, S 0, B 70; Color 3: H 0, S 0, B 70

(Detailed Creation -> Template 08 with changes)
Theme Music: *your choice* (I chose "Falling Apart" because the intro sounds Arabian)
Entrance Movie: WWE
Entrance Walk: Male 04
Name Plate Settings: Ramp

Scene Edit:
Intro: n/a
Stage: Kurt
Ramp: None
Arena: Benoit

Intro: Intro 02
Stage: Stage 01=Stage 01; Stage 05=Walk 01
Ramp: Ramp01=Ramp05
Arena: Arena 01=Arena 12

Intro: Christian 01
Stage: Stage 01=Christan 02
