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Day With Destiny

We believe that there should be a special contest in which a fan, or fans of Jeremy Sumpter would be able to spend a day with him. Whether it be a day of catching some waves on a surf board, or crusing L.A for hotspots, the fan would be treated to a seat with their favorite actor. This would truly be a win-win situation for everyone. Not only a win for the fan(s) but win for Jeremy's Representation. For every entrance in the contest, a contestant would have to enclose one dollar to a charity that Jeremy supports. This way, Jeremy's career would be further propelled towards success. Entries could be anything from a sculpture, a poem, an essay to a song. Of course, if we do convince his representation to do this, they would have to set all the rules. Just imagine a day with Jeremy Sumpter! This is where you can sign a petition to support this idea. This petition will be presented to Jeremy's management. Please sign below!

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Related Links

Jeremy's Official Website
Peter Pan Website
Well-Known Message Board