The XWF opens up on Cinco De Mayo, LIVE! in Salt Lake City, Utah at EnergySolutions Arena. The fans are on their feet, and celebrating the event they just watch unfold at "Xtreme Mania: Decade" - ONE NIGHT ONLY! But, tonight is to celebrate a 'Decade of Greatness', and we will be passing out many awards to superstars who have helped us over the past 10+ years. Not to mention, the matches for the "King of Xtreme" pay per-view will be set-up tonight in front of this LIVE crowd out here. The XWF fans are fired up, and ready to go.

The night starts out with a familiar theme song, and Stephen Blood with the Undisputed XWF Tag Team Title, comes out and the fans are buzzing as he announces the nominees for the first award.

Best Finisher of ALL-TIME:

1. Christian Falkenyork - The Version 7.0
2. John Studd - Death Plunge
3. HHH's - The Pedigree
4. Carlos Shotgun - The Bullet Bomb
5. Rage - Chokeslam!

Stephen Blood says, "and the winner is... Christian Falkenyork - The Version 7.0". He says, "we don't have much time tonight to pass out every award to every person. But, that's not the only reason I'm out here. You see at One Night Only, at "Xtreme Mania: Decade" I did what I said I was going to do. I beat Xavier Summers in the middle of the ring, with my new Chokehold-finisher, known simply as the 'Blood Hunt'." The crowd has mixed reactions to that statement. But, he continues on saying, "I also became an Undisputed XWF Tag Team Champion again." Most the XWF fans pop for that! He then says, "And you see KOX is just around the corner and Mr. Lucente just told me I was in the 8-man tournament.. now i want to know who I'll be facing in the 1st round?" That's when the lights go out. A minute later CRIMSON TIDE appears after the dark, and is in the ring, staring up at Stephen Blood's face. He also has his Tag Team Championship with him, and says, "I'm going to be your opponent at King of Xtreme." The fans react pretty well to that news, and start cheering the possibilities of these 2 in the ring together! Tag Team Champions going 1-on-1 against each other. Crimson Tide says, "There's one more thing, they'll be a gimmick, a special-stipulation if you will, attached to each 1st round match, ... ours is a Crimson Mask match". Stephen Blood steps in, and adjusts the Tag Team Belt on his shoulder, and says,"1st Blood match." After they argue, Tide smiles, and says, "You got it." But, before he leaves ring he says, and the nominees for,

Best Tag Team of the Decade Award:

The nominees--

1. The Blood Brothers
2. The Guerillas
3. The Elite
4. Full Authority
5. Jericho, and War Machine

Crimson Tide says, "the winners of course are the Blood Brothers." He looks Stephen directly in the eyes, and says, "Congratulations. You earned it." Crimson Tide walks out of the ring, and leaves the XWF fans talking...


After that segment is over, War Machine comes out to a standing ovation from the XWF audience, and he's there to announce the next few awards,

Best Quote of ALL-TIME:

1. The Phan - "We truly are at the NIPSE of the UNIVERSE!"
2. Jesse Jones - "You just got Mad Dogged!"
3. War Machine - " Try Me! "
4. Stephen Blood - " Remember THE NAME. Remember THE PAIN ! "
5. Crimson Tide - "You will be.. SIMPLY - EXECUTED!"

"And the winner is, Jesse Jones, "YOU JUST GOT MAD DOGGED!!"

The fans pop when War Machine repeats that catchphrase, and it's no surprise it won Best Quote of All-Time.

War Machine announces the next nominees for,

The Greatest XWF World Champion Ever?:

1. HHH
2. John Studd
3. Carlos Shotgun
4. 9LP
5. Mars

"The winner is Mars". War Machine jokes that he's not sure why he's not on this list. But, that he's glad who the winner is. It's one of his old friends, and a man he had one of his greatest feuds with, "Mars". The fans cheer when they hear who won that award!

War Machine then says, "I wasn't sure if I was going to be in KOX, but I decided I would--" Matt Sharper interrupts him, and starts talking all this trash down the ramp. When Sharper gets in the ring, War Machine says, "Let me cut you off there.. " The crowd errupts with excitement! They love seeing War Machine stand his ground. He asks Sharper a bunch of smart ass questions. Which sharper keeps saying, "yes" to everything. War Machine then says, "oh yeah? How bout a 1st round match against me at KOX?" Sharper says, "yes" to that as well. Then War Machine asks him, "How about we make it a Strap Match?" To which Matt Sharper again replies, "yes." War Machine just smiles at the kid, and the crowd is feeling the tension right now. As soon as War Machine goes to leave, Matt Sharper attacks him like a coward. The crowd boo's the shit out of this guy. As he stands up, and mocks War Machine as he announces the next award,

The Best Mid-Carder of the Decade:

1. Shawn Taylor
2. Sam Hill
3. The Master
4. Xavier Summers
5. Shiru Vanchiez

Matt Sharper looks directly in the camera, at the XWF audience and says, "The winner is Xavier Summers." He then drops the microphone next to War Machine who is laying face first on the canvas. Matt Sharper leaves the ring to a chorus of boo's from the crowd.


backstage mr. lucente wants peace at the award show, they'll be plenty of time to duke it out at KOX....


After that backstage segment "The Punisher" Crookz is announced, and he comes out to a ton of heat from the XWF crowd. Nobody seems to like this guy really, and they're not afraid to show it. He comes out to give out the next award, and the fans boo.

The Greatest Turnaround in XWF History:

1. When- THE OLD SCHOOL INVASION- transpired.
2. When- the company was handed over to Chris Benoit.
3. When- John Studd, HHH, and Jericho defended the XWF- in "INVASION- Worlds Collide".
4. When 9LP became the XWF World Champion.
5. When THE PHAN recruited superstars - including- 3 of "The Elite" - Number 8, Carlos Shotgun, and Christian Falkenyork

Crookz just looks at the camera, real blankly, and states the following, "And the winner is When 9LP became the XWF World Champion!" The XWF fans pop like crazy, and they all appreciate 9LP's services throughout the years. He was truly an underdog to the XWF fans. Suddenly, Rage interrupts to fire, doesn't say a word, then says, "And the nominees are... for-"


1. HHH vs. Y2J - The 1st match those 2 had-- was classic.
2. Mars vs. War Machine - in an Intercontiental- LADDER MATCH
3. Carlos Shotgun vs. Christian Falkenyork - the 1st time!
4. Jesse Jones v 9LP - in a Triple Hell ON A CELL Match for the Intercontiental Title.
5. Chris Falkenyork vs. "The Original" Jericho - at New Beginnings -

Rage pauses a moment, and then says, "The Winner for Match of the Decade goes to Carlos Shotgun vs. Christian Falkenyork - the 1st time they did battle!" The XWF crowd is kind of split on that decision, and there's a lot of cheers as people see Rage, and Crookz get face-to-face. The 2 giants in the XWF in the same ring. Rage then says, "Me versus you.. 1- on 1.. FLAMING TABLES MATCH!!" After the crowd reacts for a second, "The Punisher" Crookz says, "You're on." Both men stare each other down for a few seconds, and then Crookz backs out of the ring. The crowd boo's a little bit, as he backs up the ramp, and never takes his eyes of the beast in the ring, known as Rage......


The Guerillas come out, and they're all bandaged up. They look in bad shape, and even The Phan has one crutch under his arm, to help keep balance. Midnight Star's leg appears to be wrapped up, and neither of them look good. They are standing in the middle of that XWF ring, and the fans aren't sure what to expect. The Guerillas don't address what happened at One Night Only. They get straight to the awards they're giving out. First, they nominees Midnight Star announces,

The Greatest Pay Per-View in XWF History?:

1. February Fury - 2000
2. Xtreme Mania - 2002
3. Invasion- Worlds Collide
4. Eye for an Eye
5. Xtreme Mania 4

"And the award goes to, Invasion- Worlds Collide." The XWF fans seem to like that nominee that won. That's when The Phan gets handed the mic, and announces the next award up for grabs,


1. When Shawn Taylor first arrived on the scene- he had a great feud- with a belt he brought along with him- from a different e-fed. He feuded with Hurricane- and- it turned out to be a great moment in XWF history.
2. The moment- the UNLIKELY ALLIANCE- formed - it was Y2J's first original heel - turn- as Intercontiental Champion- he joined forces- with than- the hottest- heel- in the company- HHH.
3. Xavier Summers' attitude. He was one of the best sum' bitches- in XWF History-- every moment - he was out there.
4. JACK TANNER- arriving in the XWF!
5. When WAR MACHINE was finally crowned- XWF- World Champion

The Phan looks around, with a pretty disappointed look on his face, and he announces the next one with not much enthusiasm, "And the winner is, ... The moment- the UNLIKELY ALLIANCE- formed - it was Y2J's first original heel - turn- as Intercontiental Champion- he joined forces- with than- the hottest- heel- in the company- HHH." Some fans just boo that award. But, some XWF old school fans mark out hard for it! But, before you know it, The Wreckin' Crew comes out on the top of the ramp. They receive a lot of heat, and the Guerillas stare a hole through 'em. Flip Johnson gets on the mic, and says, "You Guerilla fellas aint worth our time, and what we did at Xtreme Mania, it's what we're all about. We had to do to make a statement. You see people always talk about the Blood Brothers, about the Guerillas. Well, what about the Wreckin Crew? Huh? What about the baddest Tag Team champions in history???" Well, we came out here to make a mockery out of you two, and to announce the next few awards,

The MOST XTREME superstar of the Decade?:

1. Crimson Tide
2. 'Suicide King' Steve Hardy
3. Number 8
4. Sam Hill
5. TV-MA Mark Adkins

"And the winner is none other than, "TV-MA" Mark Adkins. Now that's a true winner!" The XWF fans are thrilled at the announcement of that winner. And next Brutality gets on the mic, and speaks his mind, saying, "There's nobody in the world bigger, and badder than we are! And you two has beens will find that out. But, first, .. the nominees for this next award..

The greatest- pairing in XWF History?:

1. Jesse Jones, and Tommy Ravnos
2. HHH, and Y2J
3. Carlos Shotgun, and Christian Falkenyork
4. "Super Duper Super Heroes"-
5. Xavier Summers, and Jesse Jones

And the winners are unfortunately, Jesse Jones, and Tommy Ravnos.. even though I don't know why!" The XWF fans boo what Brutality has to say. And before they're ready to leave. The Guerillas are tired of this, and decide to take back over the show. The Phan gets on the mic, saying, "I'm getting tired of guys like you. You 2 think you're better than everybody else, and you're owed something. You were Tag Team Champions once, big deal, GET IN LINE! We've been ruling the XWF Tag Division before you were even thought of, and if you think you could really take us out. If you want our thrones, you're not going to be able to sneak in behind us, and push us off a ladder. This time, we'll have you right where we want you, in the center of this XWF ring! What do you say, The Guerillas vs. The Wreckin' Crew... #1 contenders match, for the Tag Team Titles!" After that proposition the XWF fans mark out for the Guerillas, and the Wreckin' Crew looks shaken for a moment. But, finally Flip Johnson answers back, "If you want it, you're gonna get it! We'll see your asses at KOX!"


Alex 'Cool' Beans, and James Shaw commentate on the events, and run down the card at King Of Xtreme. So far, we got #1 contenders match for the Tag Team Titles, between The Wreckin' Crew, and The Guerillas. We also got, Stephen Blood going one-on-one with his tag team partner, Crimson Tide, and those Tag Team Champions will be forced to do battle in a Crimson Mask/First Blood match... either way, it's gonna get be messy! Also, we have Crookz returning to action, and trying to go through the tournament, but he must face Rage in a Flaming Tables match in the 1st round of this KOX 8-man tournament. Lets not forget XWF Hall of Famer, War Machine giving it his all against new-comer, Matt Sharper in a Strap Match!


Next, guess what? Shiru Vanchiez shows up, and surprises the crowd in Salt Lake City, Utah to give out an award. He says, "It is for

The most-awkard-couple in XWF History?:

1. Chesney Clausen, and his group of misfits.
2. Vince McMahon, and his employees.
3. Jason-X
4. DeAngelo Carver, and The Wreckin' Crew.
5. Rage, and Crimson Tide.

"The winners are Rage, and Crimson Tide, formerly of Eyedwatchus " The XWF fans don't seem to really care. But, some of the real fans mark out for those 2 names! Shiru smiles, and tries to down play this next part. He says, "it appears the 8-man tournament for KOX is full, and even though that disappoints me a little bit. Well, beggers can't be choosers, and so I'm offering an open invitation to anyone in the building who thinks he could beat me at King of Xtreme!" After a few seconds of silence, and the fans kind of curious, a young 5'9, high-flyer by the name of Zane Walker walks out in his flashy outfit, and says he'll take him on. Of course, Shiru Vanchiez is a man of his word, and he'll honor that request. He agrees to do battle at the pay per-view. Zane Walker says, "hold up, even though our match isn't going to be involved with that 8-man tournament,.. it doesn't matter. The Winner will be the new #1 contender for the Xtreme Ring-Bell, even if it is a Shiru Vanchiez 'Open Invitational' Match."

Shiru goes to cut him off. But, Zane says to mind his manners, he has an award to get to, and he announces the next nominees, for-


1. Old School
2. DXO
3. The Elite
4. The KORT

Zane Walker says, "and the winner is The Old School." He pauses for a moment, and just stares directly at Shiru Vanchiez. Not blinking.


That segment is over, and we move on to XWF Hall of Famer, Mars- who comes out to announce the most important award of them all. He asks that this next man comes out, and please accept this award in person.

Mars then announces to all the Xtreme Wrestling Federation fans the award they've been waiting for...

The XWF Wrestler of the Decade Award?

1. HHH
2. "The Original" Jericho
3. Carlos A. Shotgun
4. Christian Falkenyork
5. War Machine

Some XWF fans are confused by this list. But, others kind of understand it.

Mars then says, "without further adue... the winner... WAR MACHINE!"

Coming out to his loud drums, his theme music, and pyros is the great War Machine himself. He makes his way down the ramp, and the fans are off the wall right now! They can't believe he's there to accept this prestigious award. So many great names throughout the eras. But, the one that has always stuck. The one man who accomplished it all, and did it throughout such a great historic span.. it's really remarkable. He deserves all the props he gets.

Mars taking pictures with, and posing with War machine, who comes out and accepts the XWF's most prominent award, the 'Wrestler of the Decade Award'...


.. - When War Machine leaves, Mars says, "Thank you to the XWF fans for having me out here, and I appreciate everything you've all done for me. I'm glad to see my name has lived on, and you will all, always have a special place in my heart.", That's when he's interrupted by the unexpected. It's "the Man" known as "The Chosen One" Jon Hampton, who comes out to boo's. He starts making fun of him of Mars. He says, "that's a silly name. Almost as silly as that ol' name of yours" Then Hampton lays in to how he used to be called, "BJ Mars", and how he dropped the letters because he couldn't handle the pressure of being a guy called, "BJ". So, he dropped the two letters in front of Mars, and just became "Mars", and Hampton doesn't get it. He doesn't understand. It's stupid. Hampton then starts making references to people like BJ Penn, a great martial artist, and even the straight edge leader himself, CM Punk. But, after all that Mars says, "I simply don't see what you're getting at. I mean, what are you getting at HAMpton?"

The crowd is interested in this feud, and Hampton replies, "you're named after a planet, thats dumb." He then says, "if you wasn't an old broken down hall of famer, I'd whoop his ass right now, or better yet- at KOX. Mars then cuts him off, and says, "Well, shit for brains - he got one thing right.. I is a hall of famer, but AIN'T broken down, and.. I'll face you Jon Hampton at KOX... .. because, i AM MARS! i was BJ MARS, and right now I AM MARS .. so at KOX it'll be another gimmick match, .... and you could win by pinfall submission, or u can escape.. like right now.. u have 5 seconds- to leave this ring... 5-4-3-2-1.." Mars attacks, and Hampton rushes out of there in time... .. "me and you.. Jon Hampton.. in a CAGE MATCH!!!"


The matches for 'King of Xtreme Tournament' are already set -

'King Of Xtreme' Tournament- will have 8-participants, and the first round will have a certain gimmick match attached to it...

1st round -

Stephen Blood (XWF Tag Team Champion) vs. Crimson Tide (XWF Tag Team Champion) - They are tag team champions, and they will be competiting... in a First Blood/Crimson Mask match.
Winner Moves On . . .

Rage vs. "The Punisher" Crookz - The 2 biggest giants in XWF history get one last chance at glory, and capturing that XWF World Title. ... FLAMING TABLES match!!!
Winner Moves On . . .

War Machine vs. Matt Sharper - It's XWF veteran, Hall of Famer, and former XWF World Heavyweight Champion, War Machine taking on the young, loud mouth, up-and-comer. Matt Sharper.. in a STRAP match!
Winner Moves On . . .

Mars vs. Jon Hampton - Hampton is bitter from losing the XWF World Championship match at ONE NIGHT ONLY, and provokes Mars to want to get back in the ring one last time and prove himself! Both men will be looking to ESCAPE the night, and get their XWF World Championship shot. .. and it'll be in a CAGE match!
Winner Moves On . . .


(The rumor is: "TV-MA" Mark Adkins would only agree to be Special Guest Referee at ONE NIGHT ONLY if Mr. Lucente promised him ONE FAVOR, and his favor was to have this match. So, Carlos Shotgun is backed in to a wall, and the stipulation is.. if Mark Adkins win, Sasha has to be his Personal Slave for 1 year, and if Carlos Shotgun wins- he gets to have Adkins' one favor.)

Carkis Shotgun on titan tron LIVE from his own home, and he is upset with Mr. Lucente, stating, "I was hoaxed in to match my contract clauses. But, on another note, I'd like to give all my full respect to War Machine for winning 'Wrestler of the Decade' anyhow." The crowd pops at the clear sign of a peace gesture offered to a fellow XWF superstar. He then goes on to say, "that doesn't change the fact that I'm upset at the turn of events...."

.."TV-MA" comes out to theme music, where "TV-MA" just ignores Carlos A. Shotgun at first, and goes to rip on cutting edge, rated- r supertard. He says there's never been a show like his. That nothing will ever touch "TV-MA". Especially in these XWF hallways.

Carlos says, "I knew you would be a coward, and only come out if i was at home.. thats why i pre-recorded this.. ..and for what you did to my wife at XTREME MANIA, you shall pay! .. one more thing? thank you very much" Before you know it, Shotgun is in the ring, and attacks TV-MA real quick. But, Adkins escapes his clutches, and rushes backwards towards the backstage area. Carlos Shotgun points at him on the ramp..

(The rumor is confirmed: "TV-MA" Mark Adkins would only agree to be Special Guest Referee if Mr. Lucente promised him ONE FAVOR, and his favor was to have this match. So, Carlos Shotgun is backed in to a wall, and the stipulation is.. if Mark Adkins win, Sasha has to be his Personal Slave for 1 year, and if Carlos Shotgun wins- he gets to have Adkins' one favor.)


Next "The Original" comes out to his theme music, and a lots of heat from the crowd. He gets in the ring, and complains about awards, he says,"Forget these awards they announced tonight. I'm not interested. I'm also not interested in the matched booked for the next pay per-view. If you notice, I'm not in the King of Xtreme' tournament even though I'm the current Xtreme Ring-Bell holder, why not?".. After a few seconds Mr. Lucente comes out and says, "at 'King of Xtreme', LIVE at Beaver Stadium, in State College, Pennsylvania.. heres your opponent.."

The XWF Heavyweight World Champion, "The Mad Dogg" Jesse Jones comes out! He makes his way down the ramp, and stops at the bottom. Looking at "The Original" in the ring. Those two exchange some heated words for awhile, and the crowd is definitely enjoying this feud. After a lot of talking, Jesse Jones says, "I'm a Main Eventer. Scratch that, "THE" Main Eventer, and I could do anything I want. For example, I could walk in this ring right now if I wanted." So, he adjust the XWF World Championship Belt on his shoulder, and grabs the rope, pulling himself up on the apron. The crowd pops! As "The Mad Dogg" gets in the ring with "The Original" and looks him in the eyes, with the XWF World Title slung over his shoulders.

Mr. Lucente says, "Guys.. I forgot to tell you both something.. ... "

Christian Falkenyork appears at top of ramp!!!! The XWF fans are completely losing it right now. They can not believe what they're seeing, and hearing. Mr. Lucente then confirms it by stating the following, "Triple Threat- Elimination style..."

All 3 men just sort of eye each other down, and share a big XWF moment.

But, right before the camera fades out, Mr. Lucente says, "Oh yeah, and one more thing, first one eliminated is never going to get an XWF World Title shot again..."

As the fans are cheering in Salt Lake City, Utah, and you'd have to imagine XWF fans around the world are anticipating the 'King Of Xtreme' pay per-view, especially this Main Event that was just announced. Thank you for watching our Award Show dedicated to the pass 'Decade of Greatness', and don't forget to tune in for some more Xtreme Wrestling Federation action. We're out of time.

The rest of the Nominees, and the Winners for the XWF Decade Awards - - -

The MOVE- that GREATLY impacted the XWF?:

1. 9LP becoming XWF World Champion.
2. Carlos Shotgun becoming XWF World Champion.
3. Dan Cowhey/Dr. Evil becoming President.
4. Christian Falkenyorker/FRAN becoming President.
5. TV-MA

Winner: "Carlos Shotgun becoming XWF World Champion."

The COOLEST Wrestler's name in XWF History?:

1. 9 Layers of Poison
2. War Machine
3. Carlos Shotgun
4. Jack Tanner
5. Sam Hill

Winner: "Carlos Shotgun"


1. The Handler- for - John Studd/Maxx Payne/Jesse Jones(Full Authority)
2. The Handler- for - Jack Tanner/Tommy Ravnos/The Blood Brothers
3. The Handler- for - HHH/Steve Austin/Marcus Manhattan
4. The Handler- for - "The Original" Jericho/Crimson Tide/The Wreckin' Crew/Ryan Ryder
5. The Handler- for - War Machine

Winner: "The Handler- for - John Studd/Maxx Payne/Jesse Jones(Full Authority)"

The angriest FEUD in XWF's 10-year History?

1. 9LP vs. Jesse Jones
2. Christian Falkenyork vs. Carlos A. Shotgun
3. HHH vs. Chris Jericho
4. War Machine vs. Mars
5. The Blood Brothers vs. The Guerillas

Winners: "The Blood Brothers vs. The Guerillas"

The DREAM MATCH we NEVER got to see?

1. Mars vs. Christian Falkenyork
2. "The Original" Jericho vs. Chesney Clausen
3. 9LP vs. Joey Kincaid
4. Jack Tanner vs. Jon Hampton
5. John Studd vs. Carlos Shotgun

Winners: "Mars vs. Christian Falkenyork"

If you could give an XWF- Lifetime Achievement Award to ONE- Man -- who effected the XWF- the most- over it's 10 year- history??:

1. Carlos Shotgun
2. The Phan
3. War Machine
4. XWF Owner- Michael Lucente
5. John Studd

Winner: "The Phan"

The camera fades out on the XWF logo.

You are all required to ROLEPLAY on the new XWF e-fed board at this following link:

And here is the KOX rules page:

"King of Xtreme" official card:

The ONE NIGHT ONLY, "Xtreme Mania: Decade" Results from April 28th, 2010:

XWF 1998-2010