We open up- LIVE- in- Pasadena, California.. - at- the Rose Bowl-- for this - special--event-

"One Night Only.."


We open up the scene- in the backstage area - with Bob Levy standing side-by-side with Xtreme Ring-Bell champion--- "The Original" Jericho.

Bob Levy: ..Hi guys. I'm Bob... Levy..... and- this- is..

"The Original": They already know who it is- slappy. Just- stand back- hold that microphone- out... and shut your pie hole. Listen-- the XWF fans- want to know.. they want to know.... how I feel- about-- the Special Guest Ring Enforcer-- for tonight's main event... am I right?

Bob Levy: Yes, a lot of people are speculating... that it is your old friend, and stable mate-- from the Unlikely Alliance.... a lot of people- are predicting it's going to be Triple H- who is the Special Guest Ring Enforcer. Care to elaborate?

"The Original": .. What did you not understand?.. . Do you not know what a pie hole is?.. ... Listen- BOB. .. It may be Triple H... it might- not be him- hell if I know!.. We haven't really been friends in years, and- you know.. I wouldn't put it past Lucente-- to bring Triple H out, and spike ratings-- for that boring Main Event. But, - bottom line is... I don't really give a shit. What happens- in that Hell in a Cell- is between those men..... I have my mind focused on other things. Mainly-- the Xtreme Ring-Bell, and- those Undisputed Tag Team Titles!

Bob Levy: ..Rumor has- it.. Mr. Lucente-- has decided- to put - you, and Rage- in the XWF Hall of Fame, -- and you would be inducted with the class of 2010... how's that make you feel?

"The Original": Rumor has it.. you have bad breath, and I hate to tell you this junior... but, it's not a rumor!... . Listen- we could stand here, and talk about this Hall of Fame induction-- all day. It doesn't matter to me-- if Rage gets in, or not. It's all I ever dreamed of.... up- until those basterds screwed me out-- the first time around. Now- that I realize- the XWF has no respect for "The Original".. I plan- on making them care!.. Tonight-- even though Rage-- had those cameras show up at his house. Even though- he threw his wife- in the middle- of the line- of fire.... that's fine. That's them! That's not me... I do things differently, and I fully plan on walking out with my Xtreme Ring-Bell tonight... and- there's not a damn- thing Rage- could ever do about it!... .. .. I may not know who the Ring Enforcer is- for the Main Event, and I may have my doubts- about this Undisputed Tag Team Title- ladder match...... but, lets make one thing clear-- I am going to walk out of ONE NIGHT ONLY- still-- your Xtreme Ring-Bell champion, ... and- these- XWF fans- will never.... eh... eh... everrrrr...... - be the same... again!

"The Original" leaves Bob Levy standing there- all alone- with the mic in his hand, and Bob can't leave without saying anything.

Bob Levy: .. I'm Bob Levy, and- now- back- to ringside...

But, instead of cutting back to ringside-- we cut- backstage-- where Carlos Shotgun is face- to face-- with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: .. I'm standing backstage- LIVE- with Carlos A. Shotgun, and he is scheduled- to compete- in this ONE NIGHT ONLY event-- against his long time- friend, and rival... Christian Falkenyork-- .. Carlos-- .. how does it feel- to finally get this rematch-- on the grandest stage of them all?

Carlos A. Shotgun: .. You know- I said- all I've needed to say about- the match. This has been- years- in the making, and I honestly never thought- we'd get - to this day! But, we're here... Xtreme Mania: Decade.... -- who would've thought? .. You know- it's ONE NIGHT ONLY-- .. one of us- is going to say "I Quit" tonight, and I'd love nothing more-- than- to make- him that man. Then - to - take- his undefeated streak- away from him!.. .. Christian Falkenyork, and I have history-- no doubt about it. But, tonight- ends it all- for good! We will find out- tonight.. who the better man is....

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: .. - You know- .. there is also- an XWF Undisputed Tag Team Title- LADDER MATCH-- and- that'll be coming up- before- your big match-- with Falkenyork.. .. what are your feelings on that matchup?

Carlos A. Shotgun: I don't have much to say- about that... except- that me, and Christian- were once- Tag Team Champions- of the World- ourselves, and- it's fitting to be able to open- up- with that conest.... but, my main focus-- is stopping Christian Falkenyork- in his tracks...

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: .. One more- thing- before- we go Carlos... a lot- of people- are wondering... if- this is going to be your last match. The XWF is rumored to be going to 4 major Pay Per-Views a year, and- continuing the year- long tradition... .... will you be a part of that last reunion tour?.. Or- is the "I Quit" Match- signaling the end-- for Carlos A. Shotgun?

Carlos A. Shotgun: I think I've been waiting for this day... I think Sasha is ready for me to retire... I think the XWF- has gotten all they can from me, and-- tonight... I plan on making it ONE NIGHT ONLY!... There is no- - next time... there is no- .. tour- for me - at least. I've been a part of this buisness- for quite some time now, and to end it-- with another Elite-- "TV-MA" Mark Adkins-- officiating- this match-up.... it's got XWF Classic- written all over it..

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: I want to thank you- for your time.. Carlos Shotgun. Both- now, and- all those matches- you have delivered over the years. You are a true competitor, and a Hall of Famer- in every sense of the word. .. Good luck- tonight- in your "I Quit" Match..

Carlos A. Shotgun: It's not going to take luck... it's going to take- a submission- hold- I learned from you... to put- Christian Falkenyork- away-- for good!... -

With that- the scene cuts back to ringside-- with Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler, and - Lilian Garcia-- in the ring.

Lilian Garcia: This next match.. is scheduled- for one-fall... and- it is for the Xtreme Ring-Bell!!...

Xtreme Ring-Bell holder - "The Original" Jericho vs. Rage -- Xtreme Ring-Bell on the line -

Lilian Garcia: First-- to the ring... the challenger...... - He- is known... --.. as.... RAGE!

All of a sudden- the lights dim down, and fire balls explode from every direction!.. His disturbing theme music- begins playing throughout the Rose Bowl. The ramp- is lit up- in flames, and Rage makes his way out- from behind the curtains. The XWF fans give him a decent reaction-- as he poses at the top of the ramp, and gives the fans- an ugly look. He walks his way- down the ramp, and stands up on the outside apron-- posing for the XWF fans some more. He gets in the ring finally, and raises his hands-- then - throws them down, and -- fire- sprays- out- from all 4- corners!.. Rage stands in the middle of that XWF ring-- looking as intimidating as ever.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: This is a very- highly anticipated match. It's been years- since these 2- really reigned on top of the XWF World, and- after years- of up's & down's.. we find ourselves- here.... LIVE!- for One Night Only! ...

Jim Ross: This should be interesting... ... - as I just- now heard-- that there will not be a HALL OF FAME spot on the line- in this matchup.. this one is just for one-fall...

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent... the Xtreme Ring-Bell champion...... "The Original"....

The fans pop loud! As the countdown begins on the titan-tron..... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...... "BREAK THE WALLS DOWWWWWNNNN!"

"The Original" Jericho makes his way out- from the backstage area, and- poses- with his back- to the XWF crowd- with his arms stretched out-- ..and the fans- love it! He bends down- picks up the Xtreme Ring-Bell turns around, and holds it up.. showing it to all the XWF fans. He then begins making his way down the ramp, and- hops up on the apron- showing the golden Xtreme Ring-Bell - to Rage. .. .. He then hands it to the official-- before- stepping in between the ropes, and getting up in Rage's face. Rage is looking down- at the much smaller Jericho, and lets out a laugh. He then gets real serious, and starts staring down- hard- at "The Original". - They wait for the referee to ring the official bell, and- as soon as he does..


They begin- throwing punches at each other. Rage- manages to work- Jericho back in to the corner- quickly, and delivers- a sharp- knee- to the mid-sectin. He puts his- head- under his arm, and lifts Jericho up- for a giant suplex, and connects!.. Rage waste no time, and makes the cover...



..... kick out!"

Jericho gets a shoulder up, and Rage goes back to work on him. First throwing him in a side-headlock, and then- lifting him up- off his feet. Jericho shoves him forwards- towards the ropes.. Rage bounces back, and Jericho ducks him- laying flat on the canvas. Rage leaps over him, and hits the ropes-- bouncing back, and taking a stiff- DROPKICK- from "The Original"!.. That - shot- takes- Rage down- to the mat, and- they both are quickly back to their feet. Jericho hits him with a vicious chop.......


And another hard- chop...


And a 3rd, and final chop--


Jericho irish whips- Rage in to the corner, and he slams it back first. Then Jericho rushes in-- leaps up, and BODY SPLASHES- him- in the post! Jericho takes a few steps back, and walks around the ring-- working the fans- up!! ...

Jericho rushes back in towards Rage, and Rage puts his big hand- around Jericho's throat.

Jim Ross: He's going to do it!.. He's going to look- to put "The Original" away-- with that Choke Slam.

Jericho- kicks- him in the shin- however, and- drills him with a stiff- DDT!

Jericho nips up, and- goes- to corner-- mounting the top turnbuckle. He leaps off, and drills- Rage- with a beautiful- ELBOW DROP! .. He hooks the leg, and makes the cover...



...... kick out!"

-Infact-- Rage simply body presses- Jericho off- his body - by pushing his arms up, and tossing Jericho off of him!.. They both are quick to their feet again, and Rage stops "The Originals" momentum- with a hard- right hand, and- a inside- knee shot. He whips him to the corner, and rushes- in-- going for a Body Splash-- but, Jericho moves, and Rage- catches the post- instead. Jericho rolls up behind him, and goes for the quick- pin..




... kick out!"

"The Original" gets to his feet, and Rage starts getting to a knee. Jericho goes to grab his head, and Rage lays a nice- hard- right hand- in to his gut! He- drills Jericho with a brutal uppercut, and finally- clotheslines him to the mat!! Rage puts his hand in the air- signaling to the fans- for the end...

Jim Ross: Rage.. - might be trying to put him away.

"The Original" gets to his feet, and Rage puts big hand- around Jericho's throat- this time- lifting him up, and CHOKE SLAMMING him- to the canvas!!

Rage- makes- the cover... to a cheering crowd...





..foot on the rope!"

Rage- waste no time, and lifts- Jericho up off- the ground, and lays him in the corner. He throws a heavy elbow- at his skull, and delivers- another- stiff- elbow shot! Rage- then simply grabs- "The Orginal" with both hands-- by the throat, and tosses- him end- over- end -- down to the canvas!! Rage then begins mounting the top turnbuckle, and stands- STRAIGHT UP- while waiting for "The Original" to get off the canvas. Once- he does, and begins turning around-- Rage leaps off, and goes for an extreme Lariat--

But, "The Original" ducks- that- flying clothesline, and Rage lands on his feet. Jericho gets behind him, and ducks- down.. pulling Rage's legs out from under him, and- then- setting him up-- for the WALLS OF JERICHO!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: He's got it locked on J.R.! I can't believe The Original's - got- Rage in this sort of predictament-- but, Rage is face- down- in the center of that XWF ring!!

After a few seconds of being in that submission hold-- Rage starts crawling for the ropes. But, before he gets there- Jericho simply drags him back to the center of the ring again, and leans back-- creating more pressure- on Rage.

Suddenly, Rage- uses- his leg power, and turns- the move- around - on Jericho-- and pushes- him off- with his feet. Jericho stumbles back in to the ropes, and then- seeing his moment.. he- rushes over- to the adjacent ropes-- jumps up- on the 2nd rope, and leaps backwards- towards Rage. But, Rage catches him-- in mid-air, and - stands up with him-- .. he gets him situated, and -- tosses- The Original- up- over- his head, and down to the mat!!

Jim Ross: What a move- by Rage! What a devestating Back Breaker, and I don't know if Jericho is going to be able to survive that one. He's rolling around the ring-- in obvious pain- King.

Rage - walks over- to Jericho, and lifts him off the canvas. He backs him up a moment-- before Irish Whipping him- in to the ropes, and when Jericho bounces back-- he's met-- with- a crucial BOOT to the face!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: That shot- laid him out, and Rage is starting to lift him up. He - looks like- he wants to set him up-- for that Tombstone finisher!

Jim Ross: If he's able to hit- that.. it's lights out- for The Original.. let me tell- you.

But, as Rage goes to set him up- Jericho wraps his legs- around Rage's throat, and flips him- over- in Hurricanrana- like fashion. Which- he then turns- in to a pinning-combination-- by sitting on Rage's chest, and wrapping his legs up..





... kick out!"

Jim Ross: Nice kick out- by Rage!

"The Original" sees his opportunity, and rolls out of the ring. He walks over- to the time-keepers table, and - grabs- his golden- Xtreme Ring-Bell ... he picks it up off the table, and flashes- it to this sold out Rose Bowl crowd-- .... the XWF fans eat it up!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Don't tell me-- he's going to use that thing- on him- J.R.

Jim Ross: I don't have to tell you a damn thing... you can- see- for yourself.. that's what he plans on doing..

"The Original" Jericho gets in the ring, and waits for Rage to stand to his feet. Once he does-- Jericho rushes in, and attempts to use the golden Xtreme Ring-Bell on him!.. But, Rage dodges the attempt, and kicks- Jericho in the shin.... he wraps his hand around his throat, and goes- for another Choke Slam. But- Jericho blocks it, and turns it in- to a Crippler Crossface!!.. He has the big man- on the canvas, and he's wrenching back on him- with all his might.

Jim Ross: He's going to try to put this one away-- with Benoit's old finisher.. he's got Rage- right where he wants him- in the center of that XWF ring. Can Jericho pull off this victory, and get Rage to tap out??

Rage starts reaching his free hand- back.. clawing at The Original's face- until he finally releases- the hold. Jericho stands to his feet- grasping his eyes, and Rage is quick to his feet- as well. They lock up in the center of the XWF ring, and the XWF faithful- go wild-- as Rage works Jericho back in to the corner- with open right hands, and stiff- uppercuts! Rage drills him with an inside forearm, and places- Jericho on top of the turnbuckle-- he sets him up, and drills him with another- open -right hand. Before mounting the turnbuckle, and setting Jericho up- for a Top-Rope.. Suplex!... He LANDS IT!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Jericho's back just smacked- the canvas, and it barely- missed that golden Xtreme Ring-Bell..

Jim Ross: That was close... now-- here's the cover....

Rage- wraps him up- for the count...





... kick out!"

Jim Ross: And a close- pin- fall.... - Jericho- barely able to get his shoulders up- on that one!

Rage doesn't like that, and starts lifting Jericho up by his hair-- he throws- him- in a Sleeperhold, and begins wearing Jericho down-- with that submission hold. But, out of nowhere- Jericho falls down, and- brings Rage's head- down- on top of his skull-- for a brutal Jawbreaker!!

Jim Ross: The Original sees his chance, and he's going for the Walls of Jericho-- again!!

He grabs Rage's legs, and turns him over- on his stomach. He mounts his back, and leans- as far back- as he can.. applying pressure- to Rage's back-- with that Walls of Jericho-- finishing submission hold!

Jim Ross: Can he do it?... Can Jericho get Rage to TAP!?!

After a few moments- in the Walls of Jericho-- Rage- simply lifts himself up off the mat, and begins crawling for the ropes... -- and he gets there!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Rage is just not ready to go home, and-- I'm not sure how The Original's going to put this big man- away!

Jim Ross: He's going to have try it all first-- before he gives on this..

The Original sees the golden Xtreme Ring-Bell sitting there, and picks it up off the canvas-- .. he lifts- it up-- HIGH- above his head, and shows it off- to all the XWF fans...

as Rage sits- up- ..

and the crowd- goes absolutely nuts!!

Rage gets to his feet, and approaches- Jericho- who tries- smashing him over the head-- with that golden Xtreme Ring-Bell.. but, Rage- kicks him in the gut, and Jericho- drops- the ring-bell...

Rage grabs The Original by the head, and - pulls him over to the corner-- smashing his head- off the post- a few times... as the fans- shout it out- with him--.. as he bashes- Jericho's face- in to that padded top turnbuckle..






Rage puts his hand in the air-- celebrating as the fans- let out an enormous- cheer. They pop hard- for that beast- of a man..

Jim Ross: A lot of Rage fans- in the crowd tonight. He's always had a lot of supporters throughout his legendary- career...

Rage- then- hits Jericho- with a back- elbow shot, and- quickly begins mounting the turnbuckle. Jericho falls to a knee, and starts grasping his face- trying to shake out the cobwebs..

Jerry "The King" Lawler: He's up there again-- J.R., and he's going for another Lariat of the top rope..

Rage waits for Jericho- to get up, and turn around-- and he drills him- with that FLYING CLOTHESLINE!!

The crowd errupts with excitement-- as that high- risk manuever-- puts Jericho- on his back, -- in the middle - of that XWF ring. Rage- then- bends over, and puts his big hand-- around The Original's throat... he lifts him up off the canvas, and- he's about to go- for that Choke Slam--..

but, Jericho kicks him in the shin-- grabs his head-- twirls- his free arm- around-- in circular- motion.. signaling to the crowd-- much- like Jake "The Snake" Roberts-- before a DDT, and he plants- him with a solid- DDT.. - right on top of that golden Xtreme Ring-Bell!!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: He just planted Rage- with that DDT-- on top- of that championship- ring-bell, and that sound-- echoed- throughtout- the Rose Bowl!!

That- devastating-- DDT- bust- Rage's face wide open, and blood is pouring everywhere. Jericho - doesn't waste- time-- and he- goes- for Rage's legs-- turning him over, and going-- for the Walls of Jericho-- yet again!!

Jim Ross: He has Rage placed- in that deadly- submission hold, and this spells doom- for Rage..

But, out of nowhere- Rage starts crawling for the ropes, and Jericho doesn't seem to be strong enough to hold him back. - Rage reaches out, and grabs the bottom rope-- ... ...but, Jericho refuses to release the hold. The referee pleads with him- but, Jericho just keep shouting: "ASK HIM!!... Ask him!?!"

The referee- trys to pry him off, and releases the Walls of Jericho, and finally he does-- much to the schagrin- of the XWF crowd. They let out a chorus of boos, and give Jericho a lot of heat. As he attempts to lift Rage to his feet. He starts picking Rage up, and - connects with a Code Breaker!!

But, Rage stands straight up-- almost uneffected- by the move... he's got blood dripping from his forehead, and- he waits for Jericho to get off the mat-- before-- placing both his hands- around The Original's throat, and literally choking him down- to the XWF mat!!.. He's got both his big hands- around Jericho's neck, and he's squeezing the life out of him!

Jim Ross: Normally.. this would be an illegal chokehold.. but, it's an Xtreme Rules match-- for that Xtreme Ring-Bell, and neither- man- is ready to go- home yet...

Rage continues choking Jericho out, and then stands back a moment-- taking his own hand-- and wiping it over- his face- trying to get the blood out of his eyes. His face- is just covered in blood, and he can barely see- as he grabs Jericho off the mat, and places- him- in an armbar- of some sort... ..Rage then pulls Jericho in, and goes for a clothesline-- but, Jericho ducks it, and leaps up-- connecting with a DROPKICK- .. but, it barely stalls- Rage. He just stumbles back a couple feet, and when- Jericho- gets back up- Rage wraps his hand- around his throat again--- about to go for another Chokeslam---

However, Jericho- pokes- Rage in the eye, and he releases the hold-- turning- to rub his eyes-- Jericho doesn't hesitate, and kicks- Rage's leg- out from underneath him. Rage falls to the mat, and is laying on his back- in the middle- of that XWF ring...

The Original-- rushes over- to the ropes- hops up on the 2nd- rope, and leaps- backwards-- connecting with a LIONSAULT!!.. He- wraps- his legs- up.. for the victory....






.... 3!"

Jim Ross: He's done it! He's done it! "The Original" has beaten Rage, and defended that golden Xtreme Ring-Bell successfully- here.. at Xtreme Mania: Decade!!

Jim Ross: What a way- to end this contest-- .. out of nowhere- like that.. Jericho seizes the moment, and- capitalizes- big- time... on his way-- to defeating Rage- - for the first time- in his long career...

Jim Ross: What a battle- these 2 put on.. quite the display.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: They certainly did J.R... what a quality match-- by 2 great performers...

Jim Ross: Lets send it to Lilian Garcia.. for the official word...

Lilian Garcia: Ladies, and Gentlemen... here is your winner.... and still-- the XTREME Ring-Bell champion.... "The Original" JERICHO!!

Some fans pop loudly for The Original-- but, a lot of XWF fans- giving him heat-- as Rage lays bloody on the canvas-- unable to escape with a victory tonight. Jericho bends down, and lifts up the golden Xtreme Ring-Bell that helped him score the victory- here- at ONE NIGHT ONLY!!

Jim Ross: .. And- it looks like Jericho-- wants to say a few words..

The Original is about to get on the mic-- when- all of a sudden-- MATT SHARPER's theme music- begins playing throughout the Rose Bowl, and the XWF fans-- seem- caught off guard.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: What is THIS J.R.?? .. - I thought Matt Sharper- was done here tonight...

Jim Ross: Me too King... he was sent back- to the dressing room-- with Bret Hart, and-- he's done for the right... at least- to my knowledge. I'm not sure- what he's trying to do out here.

Matt Sharper makes his way down the ring-- and heads towards the Commentators Table-- as The Original- has a microphone, and is standing inside of that XWF ring..

"The Original": I told you-- but, NOBODY wanted to listen to me! I am.. .."the Original".. I have been doing this for over 10 years, and I'm one of the first original GRAND SLAM CHAMPIONS!.. I'm the reason theirs- butts in the seats tonight, and why- Rage is laying there-- in his own blood.... now- I know the Tag Team Titles- are up for grabs next-- I know- you guys plan on coming out here, and capturing XWF gold. But,.. take it from me-- it's not going to be easy. If you get in this ring tonight, and try to win a Tag Team Title.. - I pity you! Because, - you will not leave- here- the same- way-- you came in...

Matt Sharper- finally makes his way- around to the commentators table, and takes Jim Ross' headset off him..

Matt Sharper: How you doing King?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: I'm doing fine- I guess... what are you doing out here Matt? Your job is over- for the day..

Matt Sharper: Do you hear this out here? Do you hear "The Original"? Do you see this mockery- of a display- he's putting on right now? This isn't the proper- way to conduct buisness, and I'm about to let- him- hear- a piece- of my mind...

With that-- Matt Sharper- takes off the headset, and walks over to the Announcer's Table, and grabs a microphone of his own...

Matt Sharper: .. Jericho... Jericho!... Please... ....

The fans don't know what to do, and are a little surprised Matt Sharper got on the mic- to interrupt-- Jericho-- but, that doesn't stop him.

Matt Sharper: We've heard it all before... spare me.

The XWF fans boo the shit out of him-- as he slowly makes his way up the steel steps-- and Jericho- is standing back in the center of that ring-- waiting for something to happen.

Matt Sharper: .. - You see- those Tag Titles might be up for grabs- next, and I might not be able to get my hand-- on one of them 2 titles.... but,... -- and lets make this clear- Jericho..... -- I was just informed by Mr. Lucente- himself... that- even though this might be ONE NIGHT ONLY. Even though-- some people may not be returning, and- they will retire after tonight's matches.... that's fine. A lot of people- are free to do- what they want.. I'm one of 'em. That's why- I decided to stick around, and when the XWF-- changes its format, and goes--- to 4 major Pay Per-Views a year... I WILL BE THERE!!... I will be the thorn in your side... I will be-- right there-- to let- you know-- that- you could never get the better of Matthew Sharper!

Fans boo.

Matt Sharper: .. That- my legacy-- .. my name-- will live on in the XWF forever!!.. I might not have competed tonight..... but, at XWF's next event. In just a few- months.. I will be- one of 8- contestants-- in the KING OF XTREME tournament!!...

The XWF fans cheer the idea- of a King of Xtreme tournament.

Matt Sharper: So riddle me this- Jericho.... Mr. "Oh- so- Original".. ... How are you going to survive that? Huh? How are you going to defend you Xtreme Ring-Bell against the likes of me?.... The answer- is... YOU CAN'T!!

These fans- are giving Matt Sharper a tremendous amount of heat-- they don't seem to like this guy, and some people- just love- to hate him.

Matt Sharper: I'd get in this ring-- right now... if I knew it would do me any good. I'd - show you- that I've sharpened- my skills, and I'm at the top of my game!..... But, no... .. I'm not in the Tag Team Title- Ladder Match, and I'll .. save- you the embarassment...

With that-- Matt Sharper- walks backwards- down the steel steps, and hands- the microphone- back to Lilian Garcia. He then makes his way around the ring-- to a chrous of boos, and- starts making his way up the ramp-- but, Jericho's not done with him.

"The Original": Listen- here... JUNIOR!.. I might not know who you are.... but, these people- damn sure- know who I am!!.. I'm "The Original" Jericho-- .. I'm the current Xtreme Ring-Bell champion, and you want to take this away from me?.. You want to challenge me- at King of Xtreme? Well, thats fine-- ... whoever- the hell you are... that's cool with me. I'm not sure what the future holds-- I'm never quite too sure-- but, - at KING OF XTREME-- .. you will- again- know- why I am... the face of this company, and the most XTREME superstar- ON THE PLANET!!!

The fans start booing this segment-- these exchange of words-- when suddenly Rage sits up- in the center of that XWF ring, and the fans go wild-- as The Original turns around-- Rage wraps his hand around his throat-- and delivers a sickenin' CHOKESLAM!!!!

Jim Ross:... Jericho- is still the Xtreme Ring-Bell champion... Matt Sharper- just announced- the XWF is going to be hosting a King of Xtreme- Pay Per-View in a few months, and now-- Rage has just sent The Original-- to hell fire, and brimstone!! ...

Jerry "The King" Lawler: What more can happen J.R.??

Jim Ross: I'm not sure... .. - we- got the XWF Undisputed Tag Team Titles-- literally- up for grabs-- .... - in a 10-man Ladder Match!....

Jerry "The King" Lawler: What about the rumors- that Midnight Star is returning tonight, and the last XWF Tag Team Champions- of 2006-- The Wreckin' Crew- are in the building...?

Jim Ross: I suppose- it would be a 13-man Ladder Match- then... .. but, - those Tag Team Titles-- are- on the line, and that's up- NEXT!!

VOTE for the XWF!!

XWF 1998-2010