The scene cuts to ringside with Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Jim Ross: Well, we have a match up next. But, those 2 have let the fight spill out somewhere in this Rose Bowl Stadium, and I'm not sure where they went?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: We got to get a camera, or something on them J.R. But, did you hear the latest?

Jim Ross: What's that? .. Oh yes.. Go on, and tell 'em King--

"The King": This will be the last time me, and J.R. do a broadcast together. I mean, it's very sad to say that. Because, we don't like the goons replacing us. But, we are happy to celebrate ONE NIGHT ONLY with all of you guys out there, and we hope we could make "Xtreme Mania: Decade" special for you. But, yeah.. this Carlos Shotgun vs. Christian Falkenyork - "I Quit" Re-match.. will be the last time we commentate an XWF event. So thank you all who have supported us through the years, and great job to Matt Sharper, and Bret Hart for picking up the earlier matches..

Jim Ross: Yeah, it's been a great night. I have no complaints. Like The King said, we just don't like the fellas that are replacing us. But, ladies and gentlemen enough about us. And on to the matter at hand. It's been years in the making, and finally HERE WE ARE! In one corner you have Carlos A. Shotgun. He is an original XWF Hall of Famer. He is a former XWF World Champion, and a dedicated member to the Elite society if you will. But, his opponent.. Christian Falkenyork has similiar accolades. He too is an XWF Hall of Famer, albeit he just got inducted in 2009. But, if you look at his resume it's just as impressive as Shotgun's, and he also was an Elite. So, tonight-- those 2 will be doing battle in an "I Quit" Match... of course, a lot of us refer to it simply as "The Re-match", and you got the legendary, and always controversial, "TV-MA" Mark Adkins returning to the squared circle to officiate this match. Now, if you look over time.. Mark Adkins himself is an XWF Hall of Famer, and was always considered the 5th outlaw in the Elite society. But, he was unable to capture the World Title during his few runs with the company. None the less... this is it... the moment we've all been waiting for. 2 of the XWF's greatest legends, and class acts in their own right... Carlos A. Shotgun vs. Christian Falkenyork... that's next...

The lights dim down a bit, and fire works start going off everywhere. The sky is lit up with beautiful colors, and pyros begin popping off everywhere as well! Loud as could be, and it feels like a celebration!!! The XWF fans are on their feet, and anticipating this next contest. When all of a sudden it gets pitch black, and the only thing on the titan-tron reads: "TV-MA"

The XWF crowd goes absolutely insane!!!!

Jim Ross: Here he comes King..

After a few seconds of the crowd cheering for this wildman. Then he finally steps behind the curtain, and he's not wearing his ref shirt. Instead he has on a leather jacket of some sort, and blue jeans. He's got on a bad ass black-t underneath that with strange symbol, and the word: "ELITE" across the front, barely visible under that biker jacket. He makes his way down the ramp, and the crowd explodes!!!

"The King": They can not believe that "TV-MA" Mark Adkins is back in the building, and quite frankly-- neither could I.

Jim Ross: You got that right King. But, he is... my gawd, "TV-MA" is here in the XWF yet again!

He makes his way down the ramp slowly, and claps a few hands near the bottom of the ramp. He hops up on the apron, and starts shaking the ropes on the outside. The fans lose it! They love seeing "TV-MA" Mark Adkins back in the arena, and back in the XWF. He has a huge smile on his face as well, as he steps through the ropes, and grabs a microphone from Lilian Garcia. He sets the mic down for a second in the ring, and plays to the crowd. They love it, and pop like crazy! He takes off his leather jacket in dramatic fashion, and then points out the "ELITE" shirt he has on. People mark out for it, and him! He then pulls that shirt up over his head, and tosses it out to a pack of wild XWF fans. Somebody snatches it out of the air, and gets themselves a souvenir. Of course, now you could see Mark Adkins wearing a ref's shirt, and he looks like he's ready to start calling this action.

Jim Ross: You know what prompted this King? Besides the fact that Mark Adkins came back on his own will, and showed up out of nowhere. That was a huge surprise. But, the funny thing is.... - is that Mr. Lucente was about to contact him anyway to see if he'd like to do the job. But, before he got a chance-- "TV-MA" Mark Adkins appeared out of nowhere, and simply stole the spotlight. The man must have a sick intuition. Because, he couldn't have picked a better time to be a Special Guest Referee. In Falkenyork's last match, an official called for the bell due to blood loss at "New Beginnings", and he lost a controversial ending. Likewise, Carlos A. Shotgun was competiting for the XWF World Title, in the '2nd Chance Championship Tournament'- but, after a series of bad officiating calls, including Goldwire running out to save the day, and HHH's theme music which caught everyone off guard. Needless to say, it was a bizarre ending, and it left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths around here in the XWF hallways, and in the XWF universe. But, it's clear now.. with "TV-MA" out here, that nothing of the sort will be going down tonight.

"The King": Yeah, I expect a clean match J.R. And I'm not sure exactly how clean it'll be. Because, there's no DQ, and no COUNTDOWN. It's a brawl for it all, an "I Quit" match, and there's a lot at stake. What you think's going to happen J.R.?

Jim Ross: It beats me. Lets listen up ...

In the ring, after celebrating with the XWF fans a moment. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins is finally ready to talk, and so he picks the microphone off the ground, and address the crowd.

"TV-MA" Mark Adkins: Ladies, and gentlemen.. this isn't about me. This is about Falkenyork vs. Shotgun! Nobody cares about me. Nobody paid to come get a glimpse of my rotting carcus. No! The XWF fans came, and traded their beans in for a chance to see two Elite legends go at it, and that's why I'm here. I'm just a fan like the rest of you out there, and I want to see this action UP CLOSE, and personal. Well, ladies, and gents.. it doesn't get much closer, or personal then this. So, without further adue. I want to call out to Falkenyork, and Shotgun! If you guys could hear me. Get to the ring RIGHT NOW!! Stop fighting in this arena. This match isn't just for you 2 to sort out bad blood.. this is between all of us, and we want to witness it first hand. So, get out here! Both of you.. bring that fight back to this ring, and lets give this Rose Bowl Stadium, and these people in Pasadena, California a real ONE NIGHT ONLY extravaganza!!!

The XWF fans pop like nuts!

"TV-MA" Mark Adkins: C'mon on. I don't have all day. Plus, my back is sore, and there's a Laker's game on tonight ....

Some fans pop for the cheap heat, and others just laugh at Mark's tactics. After a few seconds, you could see a spotlight shining down on a lower section of the crowd, and Shotgun, and Falkenyork are battling their way through the fans. They are making their way down past the first section, and nearing the baracade now.

"TV-MA" Mark Adkins: C'mon! We all want to see this. Get it in the ring. Get this back in the ring damn you's!

After a few exchanges in the front row near all the XWF diehard fans. Falkenyork punches Shotgun with a stiff right hand, and knocks him backwards over the barracade. He flips over the wall, and lands on his back on the outside mat. Falkenyork gives fans high-5's, and finally hops over the barracade himself. He looks down at Shotgun, and smiles. He grabs him by the hair, and is about to toss him in the ring. But, Shotgun hits him with a back elbow. Falkenyork punches back, and stalls Shotgun for a second. But, Shotgun rakes Falkenyork's eyes, steps on his foot, and rolls him in the ring. Carlos A. Shotgun turns, and soaks up the XWF fans!!!

Jim Ross: These people love Carlos Shotgun.

"The King": I'm not sure why, Falkenyork is just as good.

Carlos rolls in to the ring, and starts slapping the back of Falkenyork's head. Carlos then starts clapping his hands, working the XWF fans up, and it starts working. The fans clap along with him, in unison, and he waits for Falkenyork to start moving around. When he's about to get to his feet, Shotgun has his arms stretched out wide, and just waits for him. But, before Falkenyork could stand to his feet. Shotgun grabs him from behind, and puts him in a quality Sleeperhold submission.

"The King": I think the plan is clear for Shotgun. Wear York down, and see if you could eventually get him to say, "I Quit". Because, I mean if you look around at the past decade- you will see that York doesn't do that quit often. In fact, neither man is use to tapping out, or saying, "I Quit". But, what do you think their strategy is going in?

Jim Ross: Well, you see "TV-MA" Mark Adkins their with his microphone, and he's ready to ask them at any point if they're ready to quit. Meanwhile, I'm not too sure. I think it's going to come down to a submission hold of some sort. But, these guys could just beat the living snot out of each other!

In the ring, York starts working Shotgun up off the ground, and out of nowhere, he just drops Shotgun's jaw down on top of his head, connecting with a brutal Jaw Breaker.

Jim Ross: Ouch!

"The King": So, you're saying a Slobber Knocker, J.R.?

Jim Ross: As I was saying... yes, it's gonna be a Slobber Knocker. But, other than that.. there's no telling which way this match will go. They already started out in the damn crowd, and these guys are 2 of the most unpredictable superstars in XWF history.

"The King": What about that other guy, he's pretty unpredictable.

Jim Ross: This is very true. But, I don't think it'll be a factor tonight. You got 3 Elite in that ring right now, and 2 of them are going to work on each other. The other 1 is going to make sure things go down properly...

In the ring York backs Shotgun up in to the corner, and delivers a vicious chop, "WOOOO!"

"The King": I sure hope it goes down properly.. then again, you could never be too sure what that means around these parts.

York then starts jabbing Shotgun in the corner, and puts a swift knee, in to the abdominal area. He begins working Shotgun over in that corner, and irish whips him across, back-first in to the opposite turnbuckle!

Jim Ross: Yes, the XWF itself is very unpredictable. That I know.

Falkenyork sprints in to go for a Belly Splash. But, Shotgun moves out the way, and Falkenyork catches his head off the top post. Shotgun tries to roll him up for a school boy pin, then steps through it, and has got Falkenyork locked in middle of the ring, with the Sharpshooter!

Jim Ross: He got it on, out of nowhere!

"TV-MA" Mark Adkins drops to his knees, and holds the microphone in front of Falkenyork's face.

"TV-MA" Mark Adkins: Do you quit?

Falkenyork doesn't say anything, and instead he makes a mad dash for the ropes, and gets there! Mark Adkins tells Shotgun he has to release the hold. Apparently, rope breaks are still legal in the ring. And Shotgun doesn't take kindly to that. He starts stomping on Falkenyork's back, while he yells at Adkins, saying, "What's that all about?" Mark kicks the bottom rope, and points to it, and says, "That's legal brother!" Still Carlos Shotgun doesn't like it, and he picks Christian up by the head, and delivers a sharp elbow to the sternum. Followed by a stiff uppercut, and then out of nowhere, Shotgun pulls out, and connects with a Codebreaker of his own!!

Jim Ross: Beautiful Codebreaker by Carlos A. Shotgun.

"The King": You think he's trying to send a message to somebody.

Jim Ross: Could be. Who knows? He just sent a message to Christian Falkenyork. And that's you never know when he's gon' to capitalize.

Carlos Shotgun doesn't waste time, and quickly goes to work on Falkenyork. He stays in control of most of the match, with inside- wear down maneuvers, and a few Atomic drops. He sets him up for a tough clothesline shot! He then follows that up with a Quick Leg drop, and then begins choking Falkenyork out with his bare of hands, and "TV-MA" Mark Adkins tries to get down on the ground, and closest to the action as possible.

Jim Ross: Just as I expected. These two are going to really take it to each other, and it's going be ugly.

"The King": You think?

Jim Ross: Oh, I know. These two could downplay it like it wasn't personal. But, you know over the course of the match, they can't but help let their emotions get the best of them sometime.

Shotgun begins wearing York down some more, and eventually he places York face first over the 2nd rope. He starts pulling up on the 2nd rope, and stepping on York's back, applying a ton of pressure. Shotgun then bends over, and starts digging at York's face. Just trying to embarass the young man, and draw some heat from the XWF crowd.

"The King": What's it going to take to win J.R?

Jim Ross: That's a good question, and that's why we watch these matches.

Carlos Shotgun chokes Chris Falkenyork on the ropes, and taunts him, pulling back on his mouth, clawing at his face, and when Adkins asks him, "what you have to say?" Still York says, "no!" Carlos doesn't like that, and he tosses York to the canvas. Carlos Shotgun sits up on the 2nd turnbuckle, and raises his fans for the crowd. Before dropping a straight elbow on Falkenyork's forehead. He then starts pounding him with open fists on the ground, and even digs his elbow in to his skull.

"The King": Shotgun know how to play dirty, and I like it--

After a few minutes of staying in control of the match, Falkenyork reverses an Irishwhip, ducks a Clothesline attempted by Shotgun, and comes back with Flying Forearm of his own! That shot takes Shotgun down to the canvas, and both men try to recover. Shotgun starts to show signs of life first, and he gets up to his feet. York struggles to get up. But, once he does. He ducks a punch attempted by Shotgun, and sets him up for a quick, Russian Leg Sweep, seemingly out of nowhere!

Jim Ross: What a move by Falkenyork! These two could go back, and fourth all day. But, they're unable to make a pin-fall, and you could see their tendancies to actually go for the cover after a big move. They're not use to this "I Quit" type of stipulation..

"The King": No they're not. But, if anybody could live up to the hype, and pull it off-- it's these 2 legends right here!

Both men are laid out for a second. But, it's York who starts getting up first, and Shotgun attempts to get up. But, as soon as he does, Falkenyork spins him around, and leaps up- connecting with a well-executed DROPKICK!! That shot knocks Shotgun back, and he stumbles, falling face first on to the ropes. He is laying with his head on the bottom rope, and Falkenyork quickly hops out of the ring. York now has the advantage and sets Shotgun face over the 2nd rope, he chokes him for a minute. But, then walks over and pushes the time-keeper off his seat. He points out at all the XWF fans before he goes, and drills Shotgun with a steel chair shot across the forehead! The XWF fans mark out for that shot.

Jim Ross: Hard hit across the face with that Steel Chair!

Falkenyork gets in the ring, and raises the steel chair high in to the air for the entire Rose Bowl crowd to see it. Christian then begins beating him up with the chair for a bit. Which draws a lot of ooh's, and aww's from the crowd. He really is just taking it to Shotgun. Beating him over the head, the back, and even slamming his legs a few times. Just stiff chair shots! And they echo throughout the stadium. Falkenyork gets down, and puts Shotgun in a Full-Nelson submission hold. He looks up at Adkins, and tells him to ask him. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins gets down on both knees, and is right up in Shotgun's face. He raises the microphone up right after he asks him, "Alright, this is it Carlos. Do you want to quit?" At first he doesn't answer him, as Falkenyork applies more pressure, and really leans in to Shotgun's back. Adkins asks him again, "Alright Shotgun, do you want to say it? Are you ready to say, I Quit?" Carlos Shotgun says, "NO." And the fans pop inside the arena! Christian Falkenyork looks pissed, and starts shaking him around violently, and tries to get him to say it. Instead, Shotgun loosens the grip, and gets an arm free. He works himself off the mat, and finally gives Falkenyork a Hip-toss to the canvas! Shotgun backs up a few steps, and goes to Punt him right across the face. But, Falkenyork moves his head in time, and grabs his leg, pulling it from underneath him. Falkenyork gets up off the canvas now, and he starts twisting Shotgun over for that Version 7.0. But, he can't get him, and Shotgun kicks his way out of it. Shotgun crawls to the ropes, and embraces the bottom rope, hugging on to it, and making sure Falkenyork can't put his finisher on. Falkenyork tries to pry him off the ropes. But, Shotgun kicks back. Then Shotgun throws some sort of Red Powder in Falkenyork's eyes.

Jim Ross: My gawd. What was that?

"The King": I was waiting to see if these guys pull out all the stops. But, I wasn't expecting it to happen so early. Shotgun tries to catch him off guard with that powder, and it's not looking good for Falkenyork.

Christian Falkenyork looks temporarily blind, and Shotgun gets up to his feet, and quickly drills him with a Swinging DDT!! That shot rocks the ring, and Carlos Shotgun doesn't stop there. He goes up top, and signals to the XWF crowd who is half cheering him, and half boo'ing him. As he leaps off the top turnbuckle, and drops a Knee across Falkenyork's forehead. That knee shot seems to have really did some damage. As Falkenyork is rolling around the ring grabbing his head, and looking to be in a lot of pain. Shotgun doesn't stop there. He gets up, and rubs his own knee. Before putting the boots to Falkenyork. He goes to the corner, and gets up on the 2nd turnbuckle, dropping another straight Elbow shot to the skull of Falkenyork! The fans pop out!! And some Falkenyork diehards, are draining those fans out with a ton of BOO's.

Jim Ross: There's a lot of heat for Shotgun tonight. But, both men seem to be fan favorites around here. A lot of them are split on who to root for, and so they're cheering for both wrestlers!

Shotgun stays in control for a little while longer. He wears him out with a Sleeperhold, and then gets up off the mat analyzing the situation. Carlos Shotgun goes to pick Falkenyork up, for a Backbreaker, but Falkenyork does a standing backflip, and reverses the move. He ducks a clothesline attempt by Shotgun, and tries to pull his feet from underneath him. Falkenyork does that, and has Shotgun set up. He's about to go for the Version 7.0, but Shotgun reverses it, and puts him in the Sharpshooter instead. The fans mark out for a moment! Until Falkenyork reverses it, and kicks him out of the ring. Shotgun seems to have landed pretty hard on the outside mat. He's rolling around grasping his elbow. York jumps out of the ring with him, and York beats him up for a little bit. Drilling him with fist, and putting the boots to him. He throws him back-first in to the barracade, and then drills him with a straight chop, "WOOOOO!" And another chop for the fans in the first row, "WOOOOOO!" Christian Falkenyork smiles out at the crowd, and points at Carlos Shotgun before pulling his arm back, and drilling him with a 3rd chop, "WOOOOOOO!" The crowd loves it, and when Falkenyork goes to whip Shotgun in to the steel steps, it is Shotgun who reverses him in to the steel steps!!!

Jim Ross: Oh man! Falkenyork just splattered in to those Steel Steps. What a horrible sound that was. Lets take you back, so you could hear that...

"The King": It was sickening J.R. But, he was attempting to do the same to Carlos Shotgun, and York got what he deserved.

Carlos Shotgun kneels on the ground a moment, and tries to regain his composure. He then walks over to Falkenyork who is laying on the outside mat, near both pieces of the steel steps. Shotgun looks at the large steel piece of steps that's laying there, and he picks it up above his head. The crowd starts cheering him, even though some are still boo'ing- as he drops the steel steps on Christian Falkenyork on the outside!

Jim Ross: My oh my! Carlos Shotgun came to play. He definitely didn't leave anything at home..

"The King": Oh no, he came to win J.R. It's obvious that he wants to win this Re-match, and make Christian Falkenyork says those 2 words....

Adkins gets down, and asks Falkenyork if he wants to Quit, and Falkenyork says, "No!" Carlos Shotgun puts a few more boots to him, and drops the steel steps on him again! Before rolling him in the ring, and the crowd rises to their feet in excitement. They are loving the pace of this excellent match. Carlos Shotgun stays in control again for awhile, and manages to even slip the STF on Christian Falkenyork. But, still York refuses to give up. He tries clawling for the ropes. But, even when he gets there, Shotgun refuses to let go. He finally does, and he argues with Adkins a little bit. Before going back to work on Falkenyork. He lifts him up off the ground, and places him in the corner. He whips him to the other corner, and Falkenyork smashes it back-first! Shotgun rushes in, and drills him with a back-elbow shot to the sterum! Christian Falkenyork falls to his knees, and is grasping his chest. Shotgun holds his head there, and starts laying punches in to his skull. Falkenyork is force to take the brunt of the punches, and is leaning on Shotgun who is holding him up. Shotgun snatches the microphone out of Adkins hands, and he asks him, "Hey York. What do you say, huh?? Huh? You want to say it now? Huh!? Or you want me to beat you up further?? Huh!?" Thats when- "TV-MA" Mark Adkins snatches the microphone back off of him, and says, "I'm the only one who gets to ask the question around here..."

Jim Ross: Shotgun better be focused on putting Falkenyork away!

"The King": He's only doing his job J.R. He said he came to make Falkenyork say, "I Quit", and that has nothing to do with Mark Adkins.

Jim Ross: Oh for pete sake.

Falkenyork doesn't say anything however, and Shotgun lays another open-right hand in to his face. Before letting him fall to the mat. Carlos Shotgun then gets up from behind Falkenyork, and stalks his prey before slapping on a devestating, Crippler Crossface!!! The XWF fans mark out for that submission hold, and Shotgun tries to put Falkenyork away for good. But, when Adkins ask York if he's ready to quit, Falkenyork says, "No." Shotgun really wears him down with that Crippler Crossface, and then finally lets it go. He then turns Falkenyork on his stomach, and then grabs his legs... the crowd goes wild, as he sets him up for the Sharpshooter again. But, Falkenyork is trying to fight his way out of it. He eventually can't fight it off anymore, and Carlos Shotgun turns it over. He's got the pressure applied, and he leans back on him!

Jim Ross: Carlos Shotgun is trying to end this now!

Mark Adkins gets down, and asks him, but York still says, "No!" Out of nowhere Falkenyork is able to reverse the Sharpshooter in to a Figure-four Leg lock, and Shotgun hates it.. but, the fans are absolutely loving this moment!!

Jim Ross: You remember, it was Shotgun locked in the Figure-Four Leg Lock at "New Beginnings", and Jesse Jones was able to pick up the sneaky 3-count, to become the new XWF World Champion.

"The King": Yeah, but no distractions this time J.R. A referee who is actually on top of his game. Unlike those other bozos.

Christian Falkenyork continues to apply pressure, and work on those legs of Carlos Shotgun, trying to get him to say, "I Quit". But, it's not happening, and when Adkins asks Carlos he says, "Hell no!" Then Carlos tries scratching his way out of it, but Falkenyork lays a hard right hand in to his face, and Carlos falls back on his shoulders. He lays there a moment, and then uses all his energy to turn the move back over, and reverse it on Falkenyork. The pressure's on York now, and he breaks his legs loose, and crawls away from the action for a moment. Falkenyork stands in the corner, and waits for Shotgun to get up. They both lock up in the center of the ring, and Falkenyork manages to work himself behind Shotgun, and then Shotgun escapes his clutches, and manages to get behind Falkenyork now, and quickly lays him out with a Belly-to-Back Suplex! But, he doesn't release the hold, and Shotgun stands them both back up to their feet. He's about to go for another Belly-to-Back Suplex, when Falkenyork breaks the hold, and works himself behind Shotgun, pulling his feet from underneath him, and turning him over, to set him up for the Version 7.0!

Jim Ross: He's got it locked in! Falkenyork's got his finisher locked in!!

"The King": The Version 7.0 .. ahh!

Falkenyork has Shotgun face down in the mat, and Shotgun manages to twist himself around, and work himself out of the move. Falkenyork still trying to hold it together, and get him back over. But, when York gets him near the Version 7.0, Shotgun pushes him forward with his feet, and York nearly missing Adkins, lands face-first in to the 2nd turnbuckle. He's just laying there, and both men look exhausted. Shotgun starts crawling towards the ropes, and lifts himself up. He waits for York to stand straight up, and goes to swing. But, Falkenyork ducks it again, and uses Falkenyork's momentum to set him up for a Back Breaker! He drills him with that in the center of the ring. Falkenyork then gets up behind Shotgun, and pulls Shotgun's arms up over his head, while he lays some deep knee shots in to his back. Falkenyork then rolls out of the ring, and starts looking underneath the ring.

"The King": What's he doing now? I hope it's not another Flaming Table.

Falkenyork pulls out a tool box, and slides back in the ring. Shotgun is starting to get to his knees, and Falkenyork drills him over the back of the head with the tool box. Then he kind of flings it open, and starts dumping out hundred of thumb tacks all over the ring......

Jim Ross: Oh god. What is he doing here??

"The King": It's like I said. There's really no normal finisher that these 2 will just tap out to, or be willing to say, "I Quit" to. And they are going for all the tricks early. They are doing what they can, and what they have to do in order to win this big, important re-match.

There's hundred of thumb tacks spread out on the canvas, and Falkenyork gets up behind Shotgun, and latches on, dumping him head over heels, with a Rolling German Suplex on the thumb tacks!! But, Falkenyork doesn't let go. He keeps the hold locked on, and stands up with both men, and hits him with a 2nd Rolling German Suplex on the thumb tacks!! The XWF fans are marking out, as Falkenyork refuses to let go of the hold, and still has his arms wrapped around Shotgun's waist. He stands up with him again, and drills him with 3rd Rolling German Suplex, and then a 4th Rolling German Suplex on the thumb tacks!! The XWF fans can't believe what's happening in the ring right now. They're all on their feet, all 180,000+, and they are loving this action right now. As Falkenyork picks him up, and connects with a 5th Rolling German Suplex on the thumb tacks!! York pauses for a second, and tells to Adkins to ask him. So, "TV-MA" Mark Adkins gets down, and says,

"What do you say Shotgun, do you quit?"

Shotgun says, "No!" But, Falkenyork doesn't stop there, and goes for a 6th Rolling German Suplex!! Without releasing the hold he starts standing back up with him, and Mark Adkins ask him again,

"What's those 2 words?"

And Carlos says, "Hell No." So, Falkenyork doesn't stop there, and hits him with a 7th Rolling German Suplex on those thumb tacks!!! Both men have thumb tacks sticking in their backs, and arms now. But, Adkins goes to ask him again..

"You want to give me those 2 words?"

Carlos Shotgun sounds more exhausted, and beat up. But, he says, "no way." The XWF crowd goes bizerk! They can't believe Shotgun won't give up, and Falkenyork is still holding on. He lifts him up, and goes for an 8th Rolling German Suplex on top of those thumb tacks!!!!! The fans know they both must be in some pain, and still Christian Falkenyork is finding some energy, to roll around on the ground, and continue to have that move locked in, he lifts him off the ground again, and waits for "TV-MA" Mark Adkins to ask him again,

"What do you say now Carlos. Christian Falkenyork wants those 2 words. What you got for me?"

York looks tired. But, he's prepared to go for an unbelievable 9th Rolling German Suplex if he's not ready to give up. And, Carlos Shotgun answers back,

"Fuck you!" To which Falkenyork attempts to go for a 9th one-- but, he doesn't have the energy, or the strength to get him off the ground. As Shotgun fights back, and eventually he manages to reverse that hold, in to a Cobra Clutch grip of his own!!

Jim Ross: He's got him! Shotgun survives the 8 barrage of Rolling German Suplexes, on them damn thumb tacks for god sakes, and now he's got York in that ol' Sergeant Slaughter finisher.

Shotgun wrenches back on Falkenyork with all his might, and tries to get redemption for those 8 Rolling German Suplexes on top of thumb tacks. But, he's also exhausted, and after a few seconds of slinging him around. Shotgun suddenly plants him with a FRONT Russian Leg Sweep, in to the thumb tacks!!

"The King": That was brutal.

"Holyshit! Holyshit! Holyshit!" ... "X.. W.. F!!... X.. W.. F!!.. X..W..F!!.. X..W F!!... X..W F!!"

Jim Ross: These fans are loving this action. The XWF is officially back. You've had new Tag Team Champions crowned tonight. We heard of the announcement about King of Xtreme coming up this summer, and now the greatest re-match we've ever saw. Between 2 of the Elite!

"The King": They're really beating each other up J.R.

Both men lay there, not moving for awhile. As Adkins gets down on the ground, and is just slithering around like 'The Viper', and trying to get the fans to laugh at his antics. He watches on closely though, as both men slowly starting coming to, and making their way for the ropes. Falkenyork starts getting up first, and Shotgun rushes in out of nowhere, clotheslining him over the top ropes, and both men spill to the outside mat!

Jim Ross: This match is back on the outside, and Adkins has got to go out there with them. There's no rules really in this one, and you could clearly see that.

They fight outside of the ring for a little bit, and Shotgun gets tossed over the baracade. Shotgun tries to push thru the crowd, and makes it the open space behind the fans on the floor. Falkenyork breaks through the crowd, and grabs Shotgun's arm. He irish whips him in to a security guard. Shotgun's knocks him over, and both men fall to the ground, knocking over a crowd of people near by. Falkenyork starts walking over to him. Suddenly, Shotgun sits up, and appears to tase Falkenyork! You see Christian Falkenyork stumble backwards a few feet, he works himself back through the crowd, and eventually falls right back over the barracade. He's just laying on the outside mat, shaking a bit. Shotgun gets up, and gives chase. He gets over the mini-wall, and he picks York up, tossing him in the ring. Shotgun then gets in the ring, and starts to tase Falkenyork. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins at first looks on with a smile. But, then after awhile even he starts to cringe. Adkins kind of starts pulling at Shotgun, and Shotgun points towards York. Finally Shotgun stops tasing him, and Adkins asks Falkenyork if he wants to say those 2 words??

Jim Ross: I can't believe he just did that. Tasing the new Hall of Famer. Doing whatever it takes to win this contest!

Falkenyork doesn't really respond at first, and then says, "No, I don't!" Shotgun starts to tase him again for a few seconds. Before placing him in the Sharpshooter, and it doesn't look good for York. As Carlos Shotgun applies the pressure in the middle of the ring, and it looks all but over for Christian Falkenyork.

"The King": Much like "New Beginnings", I just don't see how Falkenyork could get out of this predictament. Last time he was bleeding excessively from the forehead, this time, he's just been tased by fellow Elite member, Carlos Shotgun.

Carlos A. Shotgun keeps the pressure on, with that pefectly executed Sharp Shooter. But, when "TV-MA" Mark Adkins gets down on the mat, and asks Christian Falkenyork what he wants to do? York isn't able to respond, and he looks completely passed out. But, Carlos doesn't like that, and he wrenches back on the move harder. He screams out to Adkins, for him to ask him, and Adkins stands up, with mic in hand, and looks Shotgun directly in the eyes.

"I don't know man, I think you tased him to death!"

Carlos doesn't like that answers, and he yells out that he needs to call the match then. It's over. He can't continue! But, Adkins reminds him he hasn't said, "I Quit" yet. So, Carlos gets upset, and he starts tasing him again.

Jim Ross: He's tasing 'em for GOD'S SAKE, he's tasing 'em!

Carlos Shotgun places him in the Sharpshooter again. But, still York says nothing. Carlos releases the hold, and gets in Mark's face. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins just says,

"I think you sent enough volts through him to light up this damn stadium!"

Carlos looks very angry, and rolls out of the ring. He starts removing the top part of the Spanish Announce Table.

Jim Ross: Oh no. What's he doing? Don't tell me he's going to put Falkenyork's lifeless body through that table?

"The King": He's dead-weight J.R. If he does this right now, I'm not sure what's going to happen. He's not moving in that ring....

Carlos Shotgun looks serious, and determined right now. As he pulls the monitors off the table, and he starts rolling back in the ring. The XWF fans are stirring right now, and waiting to see what Carlos does with him. Suddenly, as Shotgun goes to lift him up, Falkenyork reverses it in to a quick school-boy pinning combination, and then rolls through, for the Version 7.0!!!

Jim Ross: He was playing possum! York was playing possum!

"The King": That's not fair J.R.

Jim Ross: Of course it is, anything's possible.

Falkenyork has Shotgun face down on the canvas, and the XWF fans are simply marking out for this HISTORIC MOMENT. Both men are fighting so hard, and putting so much in to this contest. There's no telling how it's going to end, or who's going to end it. That's when Shotgun crawls for the ropes, and gets there! Adkins pleads with York to release the hold. But, instead he pulls Shotgun off, and leans back on him some more. Out of nowhere, however, Shotgun reverses it, and breaks the hold. He crawls, and clings for the ropes. Falkenyork walks over, and puts a knee to his kidney! He then starts pushing his knees in to Shotgun's back, and rolls him under the bottom rope, to the outside mat! Falkenyork slides out of the ring, and puts a swift boot to Shotgun's face. He then lifts Carlos up, and whips him face first in to the steel post. Shotgun's cracks his head off the post on the outside, and falls lifeless to the mat. Falkenyork takes his time walking over, and lifting Shotgun back up. He irish whips him towards the barracade, and Shotgun's momentum takes him over the little protection wall, and in to the front row of the crowd. The XWF fans over in that section get especially excited as the action gets closer to them, and Adkins follows behind with his referee shirt on, and microphone in hand.

Jim Ross: This fight spilling back in to the ground. These guys aren't ashamed to take this one anywhere.

Falkenyork climbs up after him, and starts beating on Shotgun in front of the fans. The fight continues towards the open section, and they start pummeling on each other in front of all the fans in the sold out Rose Bowl arena. They beat on each other, and Carlos eventually dodges Falkenyork's attack, and York goes face first in to a wall. Shotgun sees his opportunity, and pushes a fan off his seat. He picks up the steel chair, folds it up, and cracks it over Falkenyork's head! Falkenyork falls to his knees, and Carlos drills him with another chair shot across the head! He falls face-first on the concrete, and Carlos slams him with another chair shot to the back of the skull. His face bounces off the concrete, and Shotgun doesn't stop. He starts whailing on him with steel chair shots to the back of the head, and his spine! Just pounding on him with that weapon, and the XWF fans mark out for some Xtreme wrestling.

"The King": You think this one gets back in the ring?

Jim Ross: I sure hope so. It's hard to see these guys beating on each other out there. But, they're going above, and beyond their limitations in order to try to get it done! You have got to applaud them for their heroics.

Carlos Shotgun takes the steel chair to Christian Falkenyork a few times, and "TV-MA" Mark Adkins gets down there in between them, asking York,

"Are you ready to say those 2 words Falkenyork?"

York says, "No", and Shotgun goes to lift the steel chair up above his head, for another chair shot. But, York kicks him in the leg, and Shotgun falls to the ground. Both men are laying on the concrete now, and Falkenyork starts crawling backwards out of there. But, before he could reach an exit door. Shotgun pulls him back, and lays him out with a Reverse DDT on the concrete! The XWF fans pop for Carlos Shotgun. But, some of them are still giving him some heat tonight. He's doing all the right things, and some people don't like him for it. A lot of Falkenyork fans in the crowd tonight as well. Shotgun spots a huge generator, and picks Falkenyork up, and sets him on top of another large object. He pulls himself up, and gets on top of the large object as well. Shotgun signals to the crowd before lifting Falkenyork up, and sending him down on top of the electric generator with a crucial Snap-Suplex!!

Jim Ross: Sparks flying everywhere. They might get electricuted for pete sake. Being up there, and risking their lives for nothing.

"The King": We already seen Shotgun tase Falkenyork tonight. I'm not sure why you're surprised by this display...

Both men don't move for awhile, and Adkins who is standing on the side, speaks in to the mic, before raising it up for either man to give him an answer,

"What do you says guys? Either one of you ready to say those 2 words?"

Neither one replies. They both kind of mumble no, and Shotgun is the first to get up. He rolls off the generator, and falls about 5 feet to the concrete below. He screams out in pain, as his wrist bangs off the ground. He rolls around the ground in pain, as Falkenyork sits up out of nowhere, looking very lackadasial.

Jim Ross: I don't know what we expected tonight.

Falkenyork lays back for a second, and then starts getting off the generator. Shotgun still appears to be hurt from rolling off that generator, and landing on the concrete out here. But, Falkenyork also looks injured from taking that hard spot on top of that electric box. He finally starts coming to his senses, and hops off the large generator. He sees Shotgun laying on the floor, starting to come to, and Falkenyork makes his way towards the exit door. Shotgun sees where he's going, and slowly gets to his feet. He shakes out the cob webs, and slowly starts to give chase. The camera follows 'em to the backstage area. When the door opens you see Falkenyork heading for what appears to be the parking lot. He slams the door shut behind him! "TV-MA" Mark Adkins is watching on, and Carlos A. Shotgun is a few steps behind. By the time those 2 get to the parking lot, Falkenyork is nowhere to be seen. Just a thousand cars jam packed in a back lot somewhere.

Carlos Shotgun is sort of hobbling around on his bad leg, and grasping his wrist. He appears to be in a lot of pain. Thumbtacks are still sticking out of him. He screams out for Falkenyork! "Where are you!?" But, no responce. He looks around at all the jam packed cars. Shotgun doesn't understand it, and Falkenyork is nowhere to be seen.

"The King": Where do you think he went J.R.?

Jim Ross: Beats me.

"The King": You think he left here like Xavier Summers??

Jim Ross: I don't really think so King.

"The King": Oh, c'mon. X high tailed it out of here, and maybe Falkenyork is tired of putting his body on the line.

Carlos Shotgun is searching for him in that back parking lot, and even starts getting frustrated with Mark Adkins. As he looks around the full-parking lot, all of a sudden every alarm on every car starts going off!!

Car alarms going off everywhere. Only upsetting, and confusing Carlos Shotgun further. He grabs "TV-MA" Mark Adkins by the collar, and demands answers. "Where is he huh?? Where is the son of a bitch?" It appears Mark doesn't know what to say. He shrugs it off for a second, and replies,

"Hell if I know."

Shotgun doesn't like that answer, and gets right in his face. Which prompts Adkins to say,

"Maybe he's under that van."

Shotgun gives him a cold stare for a moment, and says, "Under this van?" Shotgun smirks at him, as he gets down on his hand, and knees to examine what's underneath that van. When out of nowhere, Falkenyork runs up, and PUNTS him in the face! He kicks him right across the chops, and Shotgun falls face-first to the concrete. He doesn't look to be moving, and Falkenyork walks out of the camera's view again. He comes walking back in with a steel chain, and he starts whipping Carlos Shotgun with it. Shotgun tenses up, and yells out in pain. As York then begins wrapping Shotgun's legs with the chain. Shotgun tries to fight him off. But, Falkenyork puts some more boots to him, and finally gets the chain wrapped around his feat, and completes it with a Master Lock. He just looks down at Shotgun, and smiles - as he places the key in his left boot, and grabs the mic from Mark Adkins.

"Now, Mark you do your job. You ask this son of a bitch if he's ready to say those 2 words, and if he's not. You see what the end of this chain is connected to?"

The camera zooms out, and shows a black F-150 Ford pickup truck. He looks at Mark Adkins, and down back at Shotgun.

"Now, you tell him Mark. You tell him if he doesn't say those 2 words. If he doesn't say 'em. I'm going to drag his ass out of this parking lot, attached to this truck, and then.. I'm going to hit the main roads, and I'm going to pick up speed, and then- I'm going to fine the nearest California free way, and I'm taking this son of a bitch for a joy ride!! If he doesn't say what I want to hear him say right now. I will do it damnit!! I will do it!!"

Even Adkins looks kind of shocked as he grabs the mic back off of York, and gets down on his knees, putting the microphone up to Shotgun, and asking him the question.

"You heard him Shotgun. What do you got to say to him?"

"There's no way!"

"Damnit Carlos. You say it, or I'll do it! I'll drag your ass through this whole town. I'll stop by every XWF fans house in California. And once I'm done taking you around the entire state, for some sightseeing... I'm going to drive you back up north to Pennsylvania. Now you say those 2 words. You say what I want to hear you say!"

"You're out of your mind!"

"You're damn right I am! Say it Carlos. Tell him Mark. Tell him to say it, or I swear to god. I'm going to drag his ass through this entire red, white, and blue country...."

Mark Adkins appears unsure what to do. But, he asks him again, and Carlos replies,

"Lets finish this in the ring. You want those 2 words. I'll give you 'em. But, we got to do it in the ring."

But, Falkenyork doesn't believe him really.

"You're lying! You son of a bitch. You're lying! I know it. You're not going to say those 2 words. You're going to say, "Hell no", or "Fuck You", or something like that, aren't you? Aren't you Shotgun? You lying son of a bitch, piece of trash! I don't believe you. I'd sooner rather drive your ass out of this arena, and drag your through the streets. RUN YOUR NAME THROUGH THE DAMN MUD!!!"

Some fans are cheering this scenario. But, a lot of them are boo'ing. They'd also like to see the action get back to the XWF ring. Including Carlos Shotgun who bargains with Christian Falkenyork some more.

"I will! I promise. I will. I'll say those 2 words everyone's been waiting to hear me say..."

"What do you think Adkins? Huh?? What do you think? Should I take it back to the ring? Huh?"

"Yeah, maybe you should...."

"What's that? Huh!? You think maybe I should? Huh? WHAT!? Is that it? Huh? .. Okay. Okay you sons of cock juggling cunts! I will. I'll take your ass back to the ring. But, I'm not going to unlock you from the chain. I'm taking you out there the hardway. I'm dragging your ass back to that ring."

Falkenyork quickly rushes over, and hops in the driver side of his black, F-150 pickup truck. He slams the door shut, and yells towards "TV-MA" Mark Adkins.

"Hey! Adkins. Get in the back..."

Mark Adkins shrugs his shoulders, and ends up hopping in the back of the pickup truck. Falkenyork starts driving towards this large cooridor, and the camera follow them through the hallways. Shotgun's body just being dragged through the backstage area with the steel chain wrapped around his legs, and nowhere to go. Falkenyork drives the truck beside the ramp, and rolls it out in to the Rose Bowl arena. Everyone in the stadium pops like crazy people! They are all about this Xtreme Mania moment right now, and Falkenyork drives the truck all the way to ringside. He hops out of the driver side, and slams the door shut.

Jim Ross: I can't believe what this has turned in to.

"The King" Me either J.R. I don't think I like this.

Falkenyorks walks around to the back of the truck, and starts lifting Shotgun up. He unhooks the chain from the back of the truck, but the chain is still wrapped around Shotgun's legs. Falkenyork is forced to pick him up in a Fireman's Carry, and walk him to the ring. He rolls him inside, and crawls in after him. Christian Falkenyork stands straight up in the middle of the XWF squared-circle, and looks out at all the XWF fans. As "TV-MA" Mark Adkins jumps out of the truck with his microphone in hand, and enters the ring. He points the mic out towards York who starts speaking again.

"Now, before you say it Carlos. Before you give me what I want, and you let these people hear the truth. This isn't over yet. I brought you to the ring. I cooroperated with you, and now I'm going to do this my way! With the Version 7.0. So lay there, assume the position, however you want to do it. But, this ends now. My way!"

York hands Adkins the microphone, and approaches Shotgun. He grabs the legs with the chain wrapped around it, and he turns him over on his stomach. He just does a makeshift boston crab. With Shotgun's legs arched over his back, and Falkenyork leaning back, causing pressure, and trying to get Shotgun to say, "I Quit" in that submission hold. After a few seconds. Falkenyork says, "go ahead ask him". Mark Adkins gets on the canvas, and is literally just laying their in front of Shotgun's aching face. He puts the mic out in front of him, and says,

"Alright now Shotgun... what's those 2 words you were going to give us?"

Shotgun struggles with the pain for a moment, and tries to collect himself, in that makeshift Version 7.0. But, finally he takes a deep breath, and says,

"I do."

The XWF fans seem very confused, and out of nowhere you hear some ruckus, as Sasha Shotgun hops over the guardrill, and has a vase full of flowers in her hands!

Jim Ross: Oh no. What is this? It's Sasha, and she got something in her hands..

Sasha starts getting in the ring, and Falkenyork just notices her. He doesn't want to release the hold. But, Adkins is still distracted, laying on the canvas, and facing Shotgun. So, Sasha has a moment to get in the ring with that baby blue vase in her hands. She looks like she's ready to attack, and smash it over York's head. But, instead he releases the Version 7.0 submission hold, and quickly approaches Sasha. He grabs the vase, and rips it out of her hands. He sets it on the otherside of the ring, on the canvas, and re-directs his attention to Sasha. He backs her down in the corner, and starts warning her that she made a big mistake. Finally Adkins realizes what's going on, and he hops to his feet. He tries to come over in between them, and get Sasha out of the ring. When suddenly, from behind Shotgun grabs Falkenyork from behind, and rolls him up for a pinning combination, that he quickly turns in to an Ankle Lock submission!! The Carlos Shotgun fans let loose, and pop like wild!

Jim Ross: He has the Ankle Lock submission applied, and he might get Falkenyork to tap her.

Meanwhile, Sasha finally steps back through the ropes, to the outside apron, and eventually jumps down to the outside mat, as Mark Adkins instructs her to. But, it's Carlos A. Shotgun who rips Christian Falkenyork's boot off of him, and reaches in for the key to that master lock. He scrambles to try to unlock it, and right when he's getting it unlocked, and starting to get the chains untied- Falkenyork comes over, and plants a solid boot across his face! He stalls Shotgun long enough to turn him over, and place him in that Version 7.0!!! The XWF fans mark out again. But, a lot of those cheers are drowned out by boo's from the Shotgun supporters. This crowd seems completely split. They love both men, and they're not sure if they like what's happening. Mark Adkins directs his attention back to the finisher being applied to Carlos A. Shotgun. He gets down on the mat again, and puts the microphone in front of his face. Suddenly, Sasha starts getting in the ring again, and this time Adkins pops up, and rushes over to her. She's going for that baby blue, glass vase to maybe smash it over Falkenyork's head, and help her husband. But, Adkins isn't allowing it. He grabs the vase, and pulls it off of her, tossing it the outside of the ring, as it shatters to pieces against that barracade! He then grabs her wrists as she tries to throw punches back at Mark's chest. He tries calming her down. But, she keeps tries to swing at him, and manages to claw his face. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins has enough, and scoops her up off the ground, dumping her over the top rope, and watching her plummet to the outside mat. Where she actually hits her head off the steel steps that were pulled apart earlier.

Jim Ross: Oh my! I don't think he meant to do that. But, Sasha's head clearly bounced off the side of that set of steel steps that were spilled out on the outside mat earlier.

"The King": Of course he meant to do it. She was trying to hit him. He was just defending himself...

Shotgun is smack dab in the middle of the XWF ring with nowhere to go. He looks in obvious pain, and he's trying to crawl for those ropes. But, he's not even close. He's not getting anywhere, and he's tied up in Falkenyork's deadly Version 7.0!! After a few seconds Mark Adkins gets back on the mat, and gets right in Shotgun's face. He looks kind of upset himself at this point, and tries to get an answer from Carlos Shotgun,

"How about it Shotgun? .. Are you ready to give those 2 words?"

Carlos doesn't answer, and Chris just applies more pressure. He leans back hard, and he's got him locked up good in the middle of that XWF ring, trapped in the clutches of the Version 7.0! "TV-MA" Mark Adkins asks him again,

"C'mon Shotgun. What do you say? Sasha's not going to save you. It's all but over. What do you say?"

After a few seconds of trying to get out of that brutal finisher. Shotgun's unable to escape it, and he's forced to finally say,

"I Quit"

A majority of the XWF fans break out in excitement, and start cheering the conclusions of this match up. They are very comfortable with the decision. Some may not be happy how it all transpired. But, it has finally went down. After 40+ minutes of intense XWF action, and many stunts later, Carlos A. Shotgun gives in to the Version 7.0, and says, "I Quit".

Jim Ross: That was weird King.

"The King": What's you mean?

Jim Ross: I don't know. It just, it didn't sound like Shotgun really. I heard him earlier, he sounded more exhausted. More out of it. That voice sounded more sure of himself. I really can't believe. I never thought I'd see the day, or ever hear Carlos Shotgun saying those 2 words, "I Quit". But, he just did, and Christian Falkenyork has gotten the best of him again. This time at Xtreme Mania: Decade for this special ONE NIGHT ONLY event!

"The King": I'm stunned J.R., and this was the last time I get to call a match with you again.

Jim Ross: It's been a great run, and Christian Falkenyork is celebrating in the ring right now!

Falkenyork has his hands raised high in the ring, and he even poses on the turnbuckles for the fans. "TV-MA" Mark Adkins sticks around, and stares down at Carlos A. Shotgun on that mat. York finally makes his way to the back, and then the screen, and the arena turn black, except for those 4 letters on the titan-tron reading: "TV-MA". As his theme music begins playing, and the Carlos Shotgun fans are left to be stunned yet again.

The commentators, Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler start leaving ringside, and this "I Quit" match is officially over. They make their way to the back, and it looks like Carlos Shotgun has just realized what happend. He notices Sasha laying on the side of the ring, being attended to by E.M.T's, and he hops out of the ring to check on her. Still unaware of what just took place. The scene fades out for a moment, and we see a re-cap video of the night.

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