We open up- LIVE- in- Pasadena, California.. - at- the Rose Bowl-- for this - special--event-

"One Night Only.."


We just saw the flashback- to- "New Beginnings" - it was the conclusion to the Summer of 2008, and the was the start of a brand new feud-- between Stephen Blood, and Xavier Summers. We cut to ringside with guest commentators - Matt Sharper, and Bret "The Hitman" Hart --two- former XWF Superstars.

Matt Sharper: Terrific show we've had here Bret, ..

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Indeed.. I'm looking forward to seeing 2 Hall of Famers duke it out next... when Stephen Blood takes on Xavier Summers to end it- once, and for all!...

Matt Sharper: Absolutely, that is next... but, before we get to that spectacular conest. We have another video package by Incubus. We ask- that you remember the great moments that all the XWF Superstars throughout the years- have provided for us .. from - Christian Falkenyork, and the Version 7.0! ... To Jesse Jones, and all "the MAD DOG" moments... - to- Carlos Shotgun's great World Title run ... -- and even- the Guerillas success- in the tag team division. We ask- that you remember all our great XWF moments-- .. - and then-- we will be conducting the XWF- Hall of Fame ceremony!

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: There are a lot of familiar faces in the Rose Bowl tonight- this is going to be .. a lot- of fun!

(If you have a problem seeing the video- click here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nqRkAsZumc )

After that video package-- we cut backstage- where - The Phan's backstage- with Bob Levy. Bob -

Bob Levy: Hi, I'm Bob Levy. You might remember me- from such shows.. as XWF Showdown, and Weekly Wreckage... you also might remember- right now- from this moment- forward... .. and as long as we both shall live.... speaking- of- "shall".... shall we get to my next guest-- The Phan--

The Phan cuts- Bob Levy off, and prys the mic out of his hand.

The Phan: I just want to say.. --it's been a hell of a ride- War Machine put up a hell of a fight.. but, it's not over-- I told ya.. Midnight Star is here-- and The Guerillas will make it ONE HELL OF A NIGHT!

With that-- The Phan disappears, and gets ready for the XWF Hall of Fame ceremony, and the scene fades out on Bob Levy- making a mockery of himself.

Bob Levy: I'm Bob Levy, and.. - now- back- to ringside.... with- you Matt- .. and you Bret--

The scene cuts back to ringside- with an awkward moment- shared by the 2- guest- commentators. They begin discussing the possibilites of ONE NIGHT ONLY.

Matt Sharper: You know-- it's been a great ride- the Phan is absolutely right, and it doesn't end here... it's going to continue- right on-- to the XWF Hall of Fame ceremony--

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: This - is indeed- one of the biggest moments- in XWF History!!

Matt Sharper: Yeah, but- unfortunately-- it's the end of our night.. we won't be continuing-- the XWF is replacing us- with those "other" commentators... ..

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Well, it's been fun, and I want to thank the Xtreme Wrestling Federation for honoring me, and giving us the chance to come out here, and commentate this historic ONE NIGHT ONLY event, ..

We send it to the top of the ramp- where- XWF Owner- Mr. Lucente- is announcing the XWF Hall of Fame class.


XWF Hall of Fame- ceremony...

the new inductees....

... including the 2008 class.. and the new 2009- class....

but, first ...

They are the original 7- XWF Hall of Famers --

they are--

John Studd, Number 8, Carlos Shotgun, Sam Hill, Mars, War Machine, and Jesse Jones!

They all come out- to a great- standing ovation- from the sold out- ROSE BOWL- crowd!

They pose for the fans for a moment-- before-- the big induction ceremony..

Sam Hill- posing at "Xtreme Mania: Decade"

Carlos A. Shotgun- feels blessed to be there- for ONE NIGHT ONLY-

War Machine- happier- than ever-

Mars gives a speech- announcing the 2008- class- first--

But, John Studd- interrupts him-- by ripping off his own shirt, and putting Mars in a headlock.

Mars plays it off as a joke, and brushes John Studd aside. He cracks a huge smile, and continues announcing the XWF - Hall of Fame - Class of 2008--

1. He was known as the "Messiah of Xtreme" -- he was a multiple XWF World Champion, a former XWF Tag Team Champion, among other things, and he was once the face of the company-- during the first era-- back in 2000-2001. He might always be attached to such- creations- as "The Unlikely Alliance" - with Chris Jericho, and- the "Old School Invasion"- which saw the returns of such greats- as "Suicide King" Steve Hardy, Mars, and War Machine -- when they came back around 2002-2003, and changed the face of the XWF forever! He made- his last- official- return to the XWF-- for the Summer of 2008-- retiring-- after his defeat- against Jesse Jones- at "New Beginnings" .. ..He is ... Triple H!

Triple H says, "It's an Honor. To be able to compete against guys like this- over the years. To be able to put it all on the line, and showcase my abilities. I - left nothing behind, and I've done it all. Believe- that I fulfilled my destiny, and- that is why- I have no problem accepting this XWF Hall of Fame induction!... Thank you all- so much for the memories, and hardwork. It's much appreciated.."

Triple H-

2. He was the 1st person to sign an XWF contract, and he signed it- in his own blood. He went on to become a 4-time North American Champion-- the most- ever- for that prestigious belt. He was a former Tag Team Champion, a former Xtreme Champion, a former T.V. Champion, and he will be competiting in the XWF Tag Team- Title - Ladder Match.. later tonight... he is... Crimson Tide!

Crimson Tide says, "He's been around for ages, and he remembers bringing the 1st official- stable.. to the XWF! They were named- the Knights Of the Round Table... better known- as- "The KORT". He- was proud of that group- more than anything. Because, it brought him, and his brother closer. He felt like Wrestling was finally becoming real to him- at that point. He was just understanding life, and he wanted to challenge himself. He signed with the XWF, and the rest is history! And tonight-- he wants to make history-- retiring as an XWF Tag Team Champion, and he-- dedicates the match- to "Super Steve". Before-- thanking the XWF fans, and the Superstars for all their support over the past decade. And thank you- for this HALL OF FAME spot! I'll never forget you..."

Crimson Tide-

3. President- Fran Lazartic -- He was one of the first Presidents- the XWF actually- trusted- with the company. Mr. Lucente- was contacted- by Daniel Cowhey-- letting him know- that he would be handing the company over- to- his- once- former- rival, and member- of the BOW alliance-- Fran Lazartic. However, Mr. Lucente-- didn't have any problems- with him running the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. He knew he was a great wrestling mind, and- a loyal- member of the XWF family. He was able to bring more competition in the XWF, and-- also- brought about a new era- of XWF Champions-- including Shiru Vanchiez, "The Punisher" Crookz, Chesney Clausen, The Last Rebels, and Joey Kincaid! In 2006- the XWF closed with him as President-- but, only- after following a great run-- - that kept the XWF alive- along as possible. He'll always be remembered- simply- as FRAN!

Fran: "I don't talk outside of character very often but... You all know me as York in this company but many know me on the outside. Many great memories here, good times all around. I can't say that all of my decisions as a head writer were good ones but there were some good winners here and there. I want to thank Dan for giving me the opportunity to run the show for the short period of time that the ball was handed to me. Also to Mike for the fact that to this day he still respects any creative input that I may have on this crazy company that has seen just about everything. I hope that I can contribute to its future in some capacity. Thank you all very much."

4. President- Daniel Cowhey (Dr. Evil) - He took over the Presidency-- after Chris Benoit- could no longer- hold the role, and he- lived up to expectations. Including- designing the first XWF Shopzone, and- airing the first Pay Per-View.. LIVE!- on the radio. He was a pioneer, and a great driving force- behind the XWF's success. He has since- found- his niche- in the wrestling buisness- outside of this coorporation. But, he was able to carry over-- from one President- to the other, and make it a great- era-- in XWF Wrestling! Crowning such Champions- as 9LP, War Machine, and Carlos Shotgun- during his time- here. Some believe- it was- the most memborable- era- in XWF's- 10 year- history! But, regardless- Daniel Cowhey- was a gentleman, and a hardworker, and he changed the face of this industry forever. So, he will always be- remembered in our XWF Hall of Fame!

Dan gives a speech - "It's been quite the journey. From E-Fedding, to the real Wrestling buisness- I have done it all, and I really appreciate the XWF for letting me explore my creativity. I owe a lot to Lucente, and the rest of the XWF E-Fed.... I owe a lot to the guys who busted their humps for me, and- I will always remember some of my greatest moments- HERE- in the XWF!!.. It was certainly a big part of my youth, and I will always hold a special place- in my heart- for the XWF E-Fed!,.. Thank You!"

President- Daniel Cowhey (Dr. Evil) - speaking-

5. 9LP - He is a former T.V. Champion, he is a former Intercontiental Champion, he is a former Tag Team Champion, and he is one of the greatest- XWF World Champions- in it's entire existence! Over- a DECADE has passed- since the XWF first open their doors, and no- champion-- will be as recognizable, and respected- as 9 Layers of Poison. He started off- not looking so good, and some would compare his- potential- to that- of a man- named Goldwire. However, 9LP-- surpassed- all expectations, and really made a name-- for himself! I am completely honored, and- priviledged-- to announce- this next inductee- in the XWF Hall of Fame. .. 9 .. L .. P!!

9LP - (Couldn't be here . . . .)

6. As VOTED ON-- by the XWF Superstars themselves-- the final member inducted from the class of 2008-- "SHAWN TAYLOR"! - .. He never won the XWF World Title. But, he stole everybody's hearts. He always gave his all, and he never complained. He tried his best- to crack- the Main Event line-up... but, he wasn't able to reach that mark- in his career. He competed for the XWF World Championship before-- but, he might be most remembered for his North American Title feud-- his Xtreme Title feuds, and his Television Title feuds. He was one of the most genuine human beings- in XWF's - "Decade of Greatness", and- he left-- a name- behind-- that'll always be glorified- in the XWF Hall of Fame, -- he is... SHAWN TAYLOR!

Shawn Taylor - arriving

Shawn Taylor says, "I'm not going to waste your time-- because, you never wasted mine! I was an XWF Legend, and let it be known right now... that- down the line.... if there's a reunion show- I could make it to.... weather it's 2012... 2020... hell- 2030.. I might consider- lacing 'em back up, and coming out here- to whoop on some XWF talent! For now-- my journey takes me around the world-- in many indy circuits, and we will see-- just how far that'll take me. Thank you all who voted, and XWF 4 LIFE!!!"

That was the class of 2008- brought to you by one of the original XWF Hall of Famers- Mars. Now, ..

Sam Hill - announces the class of 2009-- he says, "because the XWF had a few closings throughout the past 10 years, and- - there were so many great names- that have stepped through those doors-- Mr. Lucente decided to induct-- 13 new superstars- in to the XWF Hall of Fame! Men who are very deserving of it, and since-- there's still more of the night to go... by the conclusion of- ONE NIGHT ONLY- they may announce a few other inductees--"

With that said, the XWF Hall of Fame- Class of 2009-

1 & 2. get announced together- one is- Midnight Star - the other is- The Phan-- they are both members of -The Guerillas. They are multiple, former- XWF Tag Team Champions, and they were the 1st ones to establish themselves in the Tag Team Division. They will forever be remembered for their great feuds-- with the Blood Brothers, and their honesty, and loyalty- to the XWF E-Fed!

The Phan gives a speech, "Thanking all the fans, and promising that even though he lost- to a better opponent- tonight- in War Machine. That the XWF hasn't seen the last of him... or The Guerillas-- because, even though Midnight Star didn't come out- to accept this induction in the XWF Hall of Fame with me-- he- will be here- later on tonight- in the XWF Tag Team Title- LADDER MATCH!"

The Phan- enjoying the occasion

3. Christian Falkenyork - Some know him- simply as York. But, he is a former XWF World Champion, a former XWF Tag Team Champion, he was the former holder- of the Golden Nintendo Wii, and-- he is the only XWF Superstar to be undefeated at Xtreme Mania-- with a record of 4-0.

York, SPEECH, "For someone like myself who has always had alot to say over the past eleven years... I think tonight I am going to keep it short. XWF has been part of me more than any other company I have been in. If it wasn't for the competition here I wouldn't have had the run that I had here. Whether its Jesse Jones, Stephen Blood, Mark Adkins... Rage, Crookz, Cade Silver, Chesney Clausen...Any of those guys. I mean I've beaten all of them, not trying to be cocky or anything. Of course my good friend Carlos Shotgun, fellow Elite...This right here would not be possible. I would like to thank Mike and Dan... You two are a pain in my ass but I am sure the feeling is mutual. Thank you guys also. Thank you."

Christian Falkenyork- looking out in to the crowd

4. Chris Benoit - COULD NOT BE HERE-- He was a former XWF World Champion, former XWF Intercontiental Champion, a former XWF Tag Team Champion, a former XWF North American Champion, ... he was an XWF President-- .. the first one-- to be handed- over- the company, and assume- full- control- of the XWF... - since it's original Owners- the Lucentes, and their first- on-air president, Vincent K. McMahon. .He was a vital part of the XWF's success, and he will always be remembered in our hall of fame. Both- in real life, and- in this buisness! Thank you-- CHRIS BENOIT!..

Moment of silence--

5. Brock Newbludd- He is a former- XWF- Undisputed- Tag Team Champion, and he has won those tag titles- with his partner- Stephen Blood- more than any other Tag Team in XWF History! They were the longest reigning XWF Tag Team Champions- during it's 10 year history, and- they will always be considered-- quite possibly- the greatest TAG TEAM EVER-- - the Blood Brothers--

6. Stephen Blood - He is a former- XWF- Undisputed- Tag Team Champion, and he has won those tag titles- with his partner- Brock Newbludd- more than any other Tag Team in XWF History! They were the longest reigning XWF Tag Team Champions- during it's 10 year history, and- they will always be considered-- quite possibly- the greatest TAG TEAM EVER-- - the Blood Brothers. However, Stephen Blood - after an accident, and injury- that Brock Newbludd suffered- was able- to - return to the XWF squared-circle- as a single's competitor- where he had much success, and was able to make a name for himself-- simply- as Stephen Blood. But, he'll forever be remembered- as one-half- of the greatest Tag Team in E-Fed history!

5 & 6. Brock Newbludd- who is there tonight, and Stephen Blood- who will be competiting in 2 more matches tonight- is also there- to accept the induction in to the XWF Hall of Fame- with his- former Tag Team partner-- and former, multiple XWF Tag Team Champions-- quite possibly-- without a shadow of a doubt- the greatest Tag Team- in XWF History-- the Blood Brothers.

Blood Brothers, speech!!

Brock Newbludd, "What more can I say... but, let- Stephen- informa ya...

Stephen Blood, "We are the NEW Fucking HALL OF FAMERS -- and as always... REMEMBER THE NAME.... remember...


7. "Suicide King" - He's a former XWF Intercontiental Champion, and a former Hardcore Champion! He was an innovator, and originator, and a man- with no shame. He left it all in the ring, and he represented the XWF- perfectly! He- was one of the first champions, and- even though- he was on the opposite- side-- during "Invasion: Worlds Collide" -- he was always on the XWF's side. He believed in us, and we believed in him-- and he will forever be remembered in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation's-- HALL OF FAME.

Suicide King- short speech! He says, "THANK YOU, and . tells- Jon Hampton- that tonight.. he's going to understand what it means-- .. when he realizes-- he "JUST GOT MAD DOGGED!" "

"Suicide King" Steve Hardy- posing for the cameras.

8. Hardkore Northrup - He was one of the 1st men- to sign an XWF contract, and make a name for himself. He was a former- Xtreme Champion, and a former TV Champion-- He didn't contribute much to the XWF over it's 10 years-- but, he was a reason the XWF was able to get off the ground in the 1st place-- back in 2000.

Hardkore Northrup- small SPEECH about being the hall of fame unknown. but, a name- that stuck with the XWF forever!

Hardcore Northrup- accepting-

9. Kamakazee Ken- He was a former XWF Intercontiental Champion, and a former XWF World Champion. He was one of the first original characters- to join the XWF, and actually capture Xtreme Wrestling Federation gold. He will be remembered for his loyalty, and- his early success- back, in 2000.

Kamakazee Ken- says,"First of all.. it's an honor to be one of the first original XWF World Champions- in an era- when E-Feds were just getting off the ground, and I remember my first matches here! They were all classic, and they were all legendary.. and I'm proud of what I've accomplished in my short reign- with the Xtreme Wrestling Federation-- .. I will always cherish this XWF - Hall of Fame- induction. Thankyou All!"

10. Joey Kincaid- He was a former XWF World Champion, and he was a part- of one of the final era's in XWF history. He's been a multiple champion, and he was the face of this company- for nearly a year. He will for always be remembered- in the XWF Hall of Fame.

Joey Kincaid-- He couldn't make it out tonight-- A lot of fans BOO him!

11. Xavier Summers- He was added to the roster-- and immediately had a feud- with Chris Jericho-- which really made Xavier Summers in to an early star. He hung around for years, and won multiple single's titles, and even tried his hand- in the XWF Tag Team Division! He will forever be remembered as one of the biggest- names, and biggest- draws.. in XWF's existence! To some, he was simply know as, "X"... but, to others- the XWF-- couldn't be- shared- without him, and he'll forever be remembered in this XWF Hall of Fame--- as one of the most hardworking, spontaneous, and- legendary- superstars-- -- that the XWF has ever witnessed!

Xavier Summers refuses to give acceptance speech- as he stands back--

Xavier Summers- feeling left out-- but, makes the Hall of Fame.

12. TV-MA Mark Adkins- He hasn't won many XWF Titles, and he really had a short reign with the company. But, he left an everlasting- impression- on the XWF crowd. He- wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind, and go- above, and beyond- the call of duty. He was- a wild man, and- he wasn't afraid- to show it. He would voice his opinion- at any cost, and he was a very, tough competitor-- that loved- the wrestling buisness. He will be remembered most- for shocking, and aweing - the XWF faithful. - He will always- be known- in the XWF hallways, and now- the XWF Hall of Fame-- as TV-MA Mark Adkins!

TV-MA Mark Adkins steps up, and says, "I'll gladly take this Hall of Fame spot!... I've always loved the XWF. I've always loved my Elite- bretheran, and I'll always remember you guys. From the bottom of my heart!... SCREW YOU ALL.. .. I'm just kiddin' with ya. Enjoy the rest of the evening, and- remember-- there's a SPECIAL GUEST ENFORCER- tonight. - for the Main Event,.. and it's not me... ... because, I'll be the SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE-- for the "I Quit" Match-- between.. two of the greatest XWF World Champions- ever.... Falkenyork vs. Shotgun.. ...you won't want to miss it!"

TV-MA Mark Adkins- acting as both a marketing ploy, and- an XWF Legend.

13. Jack Tanner- One of the first signees- to get a major push- in the XWF. He started off feuding with "The Platinum God" Jeff Jericho, and really brought respect to the Intercontiental Title- divison! He was a former- North American Champion, a former Tag Team Champion, a former XWF World Champion, and he will be remembered most-- for his segments-- in which he referred to himself- as JACK's- emotion.. -- where he would describe some of the best scenes- in XWF's history! His promos were original, and flawless, and it brought a new level of creativity to the XWF. Now, he will live forever- in the XWF Hall of Fame.

Jack Tanner gives- quick speech - and says, "He'll be out later on to congradulate the XWF World Champion- no matter who he is... and- that Jack's humbleness- has overtaken him.. -as he was accepted to be inducted - in .. this... prestigious.. XWF- Hall of Fame!... Not- a decade- too short--"

Jack Tanner- posing for crowd-

We cut backstage- after the celebrations die now a little bit, and the NEW COMMENTATORS at ringside take over for a minute--

Jim Ross: What is with these people? They don't understand a good show- when they see one?

"The King": I guess not.. J.R. ... Jesus- what's gotten in to you?

Jim Ross: It's just-- this is what the damn fans wanted-- this is what the wrestlers wanted. One Night Only, and they're getting it.. how can you complain?.. I mean, after FALL OUT--...

"The King": Go 'head- say it J.R... I won't stop you--

Jim Ross: You got all this build up to Kincaid vs. Crookz, and I'm not sure if the damn match even went down. But, the damn company- sure did. After all that hardwork. After all those years of dedication.. sunk down the damn drain, and it's people like.. Joey Kincaid-- who had no guts- to show up tonight... who bad mouths this company-- to hell with 'em King..

"The King": I agree J.R. I liked- Joey Kincaid- as Champion-- don't get me wrong. But, we had better. He was animated, and loud-- - and was able to generate an audience. I'll give him that, and FRAN did a great job of keeping the XWF afloat. But, 2006 was the death of this company--

Jim Ross: And it all started at Fall Out, and now-- you've got other wrestlers.. threatenin' to leave the program.. lets take you backstage... with Stephen Blood, and Mr. Lucente...

We cut backstage with Stephen Blood, and the XWF Owner- Mr. Lucente.

Stephen Blood says, "I know what you're going to say.. but, you made the right choice- we both deserve our hall of fame spots. We've earned them, and tonight's match--"

Mr. Lucente steps in-- and says, "About tonight's match-up. It appears that.... Xavier Summer's isn't in the building.. ..I can't find him -- anywhere... I believe--"

Stephen Blood says, "What the hell you talking about? We've got a match up next- for Christ Sake, and it's 2- Hall of Famers- against each other. BLOCKBUSTER- status!"

Mr. Lucente replies, "I understand-- but, I believe.. unfortunately- that Xavier Summers has left-- the building.... because, he was upset about something... .. I'm not sure what, and.. it looks like we might have to find you a replace opponent- for tonight's event..."

Stephen Blood- shoves past Mr. Lucente- not even caring to hear what else the XWF Owner has to say. The former- XWF Tag Team Champion- makes his way- towards the ringside-

XWF 1998-2010