We open up- LIVE- in- Pasadena, California.. - at- the Rose Bowl-- for this - special--event-

"One Night Only.."


The scene opens up- inside the sold out Rose Bowl- in Pasadena, California.. the night sky is out, and the lights are dimmed low-- as Lilian Garcia gets ready to announce our next featured matchup...

But, first-- we cut backstage-- again-- this time-- with Christian Falkenyork- alongside-- Flo Stanely.

Flo Stanley: .. Christian-- tonight-- you go-- one - on- one-- with Carlos Shotgun.. for the first time-- in years..... it is being considered- the biggest Rematch-- in XWF History.. ... but, with TV-MA- Mark Adkins- as the Special Guest Referee.. it's being considered-- one of the greatest-- single- matches in XWF History... especially-- considering the fact-- that- it is the first ever-- "I Quit" Match- at Xtreme Mania.... and- well... you are 4-0 currently--

Christian Falkenyork: "Let me get in to it.-- because, I know my fans are dying to know how I feel! I already- came out, and explained- my thoughts on the Hall of Fame, and the history- of the XWF.. what it's meant to me.... but, I never expressed-- what beating Carlos Shotgun- would do- for me!.. But, let me share- that real fast... you see- sure, this is the biggest rematch ever.... -- of course-- it's the greatest-- match in XWF History... and- without a doubt-- it is the most- anticipated- match-- in Xtreme Mania- history!! ... But, that doesn't change the fact-- that- it's just another match. It might be ONE NIGHT ONLY, and it- might be.. hyped-- as this historic comeback for the XWF. But, let it be known.. this match-- is much more than that.... it is- for everything.... for pride.... for respect.... for honor.... for bragging rights.... but, most importantly-- for me... my undefeated- streak- is on the line! I fully plan on going for 5-0... I fully plan on keeping my streak alive, .. and-- I'd love nothing more-- then to send- Carlos Shotgun off.. saying- those - 2- words-.. I've been dying to hear- him say... quite possibly- my whole career..... "I QUIT!".. And trust- me folks.... -- he will..."

Christian Falkenyork lets out a huge smile, and- then gets a serious look on his face-- as he walks off the scene, and we cut back to ringside-- for our next contest.....

XWF Hall of Famer - Stephen Blood vs. XWF Hall of Famer - Xavier Summers -

Lilian Garcia: Ladies, and Gentlemen.. this contest- is for ONE- FALL... introducing first..... he's a 2009- Hall of Fame inductee, and one half of the winningest Tag Team- in XWF History .... he is.... STEPHEN BLOOD!!

Stephen Blood receives great reaction from the crowd, and- he makes his way out to his theme music. The crowd- roads- with excitement-- as he comes out wearing a pair- of black pants-- with 3 stripes down the side. He poses- at the top of the ramp, and the fans- are over whelmed! They pop very loudly for Stephen Blood as he makes his way down the ramp, and- walks up the steps-- posing- out on the ring apron-- before stepping between the ropes, and snatching the microphone from Lilian Garcia's hands.

Stephen Blood: .."Now, .. I'm not sure what the deal is.... I was just backstage-- speaking with the Owner of this joint, and he regrettedly informed me.. that- Xavier Summers- may have left the building for the evening... well, I hope that's not the case-- because, afterall -- this.. is .. ONE NIGHT ONLY!!"

The fans mark out- hard-- for Stephen Blood-- as he continues on...

Stephen Blood: .."I mean, I don't get it-- X.... are you mad- that I called you out at New Beginnings? .. Or were you mad- Lucente didn't use the Pay Per-View name - you suggested.. Collision Course? .. What was it?.. .. I mean, you didn't even have to beat me-- to earn your Hall of Fame spot-- not- that you would've accomplished that feat. But, you should be glad-... you should feel very lucky-- I suggested it-- to Mr. Lucente- that you get in the Hall of Fame, .. otherwise-- you might have went home empty handed tonight. .. So, what is it? .. You're scared?... You're not prepared for this? .. Still upset- you got out smarted by your best friend, Jesse Jones??... That's right! We all seen you GET MAD DOGGED-- at the Elimination Chamber-- on Weekly Wreckage. Sure-- it was nearly 2 years ago... but, .. it's eating you inside right? Well, don't be ashamed. I'd be embarassed- too.. if I got my ass- kicked... in the center of the ring! .. I'd be worried- too.. if I knew- my last match ever-- was going to end-- in a big, fat.. LOSS. But, .. Xavier-- if you really are too scared, and you went home... well, then... tell me.... who is my replacement opponent!??!??

At ringside-- the old school commentators- of Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler are standing by-- and they have their opinion on these comments- by Stephen Blood.

Jim Ross: I mean, he has a point- King... this- match was signed-- months ago, and it seems- ever since... Xavier Summers is nowhere to be found...

Jerry "The King" Lawer: Well, in his defense- J.R. ... the XWF changed- it's main location... our website that we were broadcasting out of-- was shut down- out of nowhere, and-- .. I don't think Xavier Summers was able to reach the XWF audience. If you ask me-- Xavier was sort of ambushed-- by- this change, .. and- he wasn't able- to get any face- time.. because, of it....

Jim Ross: You don't really think- Lucente-- is planning on sending someone else out here to face Stephen Blood... do you??

SUDDENLY-- the lights go off, and- after a few seconds of silence-- the words on the titan-tron read: ~***Eyed Watch Us***~

Stephen Blood: .."What is this??.. Is this Crimson Tide? Huh??.. Are you going to try to come out here, and put your money where your mouth is, son?.. Am I going to have to Bloody your ass- all over- the center of this ring??.. Well, if that's the case-- .. .. just remember- who I am... I'm the New F~cking LEGEND!... ... and as always... .. REMEMBER the name.. ... ...

The lights go back on, and Xavier Summers is standing right behind Stephen Blood- in the middle of that XWF ring.

"REMEMBER... the .. "


The crowd echoes back- his glorious catchphrase-- but-- Xavier Summers catches him off guard, and when Stephen Blood turns around-- he- is caught- with a hard- right hand- across the skull, and another- hard- right hand-- delivered by Xavier Summers. Xavier- then- kicks Stephen in the gut, and Irish Whips- him- in to the ropes... Stephen comes bouncing back, and ducks a clothesline attempted by Xavier. Stephen comes flying back- with a Flying Shoulder- Block, and takes-- Xavier Summers down- to the canvas. Stephen waste- no time, and as Xavier's getting up-- Stephen pushes- him up - against the ropes, and drills him with an inside-forearm shot! - Before- sending him across the ring- towards- the ropes-- Xavier bounces back, and ducks- a Boot-- attempted- by Stephen Blood. Then - Xavier- hits the brakes, and turns- around-- .. face-to-face- with Stephen Blood-- they get up in each other's faces, and the XWF fans go absolutely WILD!!!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: They are loving this action- J.R.!!

Jim Ross: You got 2- XWF Legends- in the ring right now.. quite possibly-- the 2 most charismatic, and recognizable - names--- in Xtreme Wrestling Federation-- history.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, I don't think there's been any greater 2- competitiors.. than- Stephen Blood, and Xavier Summers.. ...

Those 2- are- still face-to-face-- in the center of the ring, and Stephen Blood puts his hand up-- to test- his measure- of strength.. Xavier-- matches his first hand, .. and- Stephen Blood raises his left- hand now, and - Xavier Summers doesn't hesitate-- he locks up- in a game- of mercy-- with one half- of the greatest Tag Teams- in XWF History!!

Stephen Blood begins working Xavier Summers now-- but-- Xavier's able- to flip- it- in his advantage, and he starts wearing Stephen Blood down-- suddenly- Stephen Blood-- gets his adrenaline flowing, and he turns it- on Xavier Summers now! He begins bending his fingers back, and wearing- Xavier down- to one knee... Xavier- gathers some energy from the crowd.. who are in full support of him, and on their feet right now... chanting his name-- "X-AVIER!!.. - X-AVIER!- X-AVIER!" .. .. Xavier Summers notices this, and begins - working himself- up- off the mat, and tries- to turn- the tide- on Stephen Blood. But, as he gets- close-- Stephen Blood- knees him in the gut, and- puts a vicious forearm-- to Xavier's back- as he's bent over, and Xavier collapses- to the mat. Stephen Blood - raises his hands in the air, and poses- for the crowd... he receives a lot- of cheers-- but, a lot of boo's surprisingly!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: .. Not sure- why these fans are boo'ing Stephen Blood-- he's just doing his job, and taking care of buisness!

Jim Ross: Well, these fans-- most of 'em anyway-- half a soft- spot-- for Xavier Summers- in their heart, and- he's a hero- to a lot of these people King... they- were- upset- to see- him fall victim- at that Elimination Chamber match-- and- they were even more upset-- to see- Stephen Blood come out-- at "New Beginnings"-- and interrupt-- Xavier's tag team match..... ..

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, it's lead- us to this moment, and later-- the Undisputed XWF Tag Team Titles-- are up for grabs-- ..

Jim Ross: Should- be interesting-- right-- now Stephen Blood- is lifting Xavier Summers up, and laying him- in the corner-- putting the fists- to him!!

Stephen Blood works Xavier over in the corner-- for awhile, and eventually tries placing him on the top- turnbuckle-- when- he gets- him- set up there-- Stephen mounts the turnbuckle, and tries to place-- Xavier Summers- in a suplex- position... but, Xavier just won't cooperate!.. He- instead- head- butts- the mammoth- of a - man, Stephen Blood-- knocking him down to the canvas-- flat on his back, and- stands straight up- on the turnbuckle-- ..

Jim Ross: What is Xavier Summers trying to pull here?....

Jerry "The King" Lawler: You mean.. what is Xavier trying to pull.. UP- there??

Out of nowhere-- Xavier Summers puts- his hands- up- in -X-Formation, and the crowd- marks- out for him!.. He- then- leaps- up- off- the top turnbuckle-- in Shooting Star Press- fashion, and some how manages-- to pull the move off! ..

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Holy crap!!

The crowd agrees, and they start chanting, "HOLY SHIT!!. HOLY SHIT!!.. HOLY SHIT!!"

Xavier Summers-- lays his arm- over- Stephen Blood's chest, and makes the cover....





..... foot on the rope!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Whoa, that was a close one!!

Jim Ross: You know-- we are nearly half- way thru- the night.. we saw- Crimson Tide- bust- Cade Silver open.. with a baseball- bat..... - we- saw- War Machine-- hit- that Slingshot Suplex-- and manage- to touch- all 4 posts-- before The Phan-- could.. in that Strap Match- earlier.... - we- also- saw- the XWF Hall of Fame ceremony..... .. and- after all that-- that - Shooting Star Press-- .. lead- to our first- - pinning combination- of the night....

Jerry "The King" Lawler: You're right J.R!!.. .. That was the first pin-fall-- attempted- by anyone-- all night, and who would've thought it come after- a Shooting Star Press- by Xavier Summers?

Jim Ross: He must've been practicing in his off-time... but, he forgot- to hook the leg, and Stephen Blood- manages- to- keep- this match alive...

Both wrestlers look exhausted- from that high-risk manuever, and- Xavier-- starts- lifting Stephen Blood- up- by his head-- he pushes- him- over- towards- the corner, and delivers- a vicious- chop....


He- then- Irish Whips- Stephen Blood- across- the ring-- back- first- in to the other ring post... Xavier- then takes-- off- towards- Stephen Blood, and goes- for a Belly-Smash-- .. but, Stephen- moves- out the way- just in time, and Xavier- catches- the top- of the turnbuckle- to the face- instead. He turns around- to face- Stephen, and is caught- with- that stiff- BOOT- across the chops!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Ugly-- . Boot- shot.. by- Stephen Blood-- he almost took X's head- off- with that one!

Stephen Blood bends over, and goes- to put Xavier- in between his legs-- to go for the Power Bomb!

Jim Ross: If he lands- this-- it could be all over- for Xavier-- just like that!!

Xavier- falls- to the mat-- that BOOT shot- seems- to have rattled- a few- brain cells loose. Stephen Blood- is suddenly- wrapped- up in a school boy- pinning combination, and Xavier Summers is going for that win.....



.... kick out!"

Stephen Blood kicks out- with all his might, and is real quick- to his feet. Xavier- tries- to get to a knee- but- Stephen Blood puts him in a headlock, and - then- lifts him up- off the ground, and slings- Xavier Summers over his shoulder.. he backs- up- in to the corner, and clears some room in front of him... Stephen Blood begins jogging forward- with Xavier on his shoulder, and falls- forward- with him.. POWER SLAMMING him- down- HARD- to the XWF mat!! .. Stephen Blood- makes- the quick- cover....




..... kick out!"

Stephen Blood smiles- as he- looks - up- out- at the Xtreme Wrestling Federation crowd!!- He grabs Xavier Summers by the back of the head, and lifts him up off the canvas. He helps him off the mat, and leans him up against the ropes-- he sends him flying across- the ring, and Xavier- ducks- a clothesline-- attempted- by Stephen Blood... he bounces back off the ropes, and-- Xavier ducks-- a BOOT- attempted- by Stephen Blood.... but, next- time-- Xavier Summers bounces- back-- he's met- with a critical- SIDEWALK SLAM!!! ... But, Stephen doesn't think that's enough.. he signals- to the crowd-- before- going towards- the ropes- bouncing off them, and goes- for a BIG LEG-- .. dropping- it- right across- Xavier Summers throat!!

Jim Ross: This could do it King....





... kick out!!"

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Nasty BIG LEG drop- by- Stephen Blood... after- that Sidewalk Slam-- I thought it was over...

Jim Ross: "Resilient"... that's one thing- Xavier Summers has always been.. is "resilient"... -- he's a fighter, and he's going to go- until that final bell!

Stephen Blood- starts lifting Xavier Summers off the mat, -- he- places- Xavier - in the corner, and throws- a vicious- knee- in to his rib cage. Followed- by- a sickenin' uppercut, and- then-- he whips-- Xavier Summers- across- the ring-- but, NO-- Xavier-- hits the brakes, and reverses it-- sending-- Stephen Blood- back- first in the corner.... -- Stephen Blood's back smashes- off the post, and he takes a few- steps forward- towards- Xavier Summers. - Using his momentum, Xavier Summers bends over, and- simply-- tosses- Stephen Blood- up- over- his back-- down- to the canvas!!

Xavier-- then looks out- at the sold- out-- Xtreme Mania: Decade crowd-- .. who are packed- in this Rose Bowl-- the site- for ONE NIGHT ONLY!.. - Xavier- puts his hands- up- high in the air-- in X-Formation, and he begins mounting that turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Is he signaling for the end? Is- Xavier Summers going to go- for another one of those Shooting Star Presses?

Jerry "The King" Lawler: He was able- to land- the first one-- but, he just couldn't keep Stephen Blood away- from the ropes...

Xavier Summers starts mounting the turnbuckle, and he's about to stand up-- when suddenly Stephen Blood- gets up off the mat, and races- towards- the corner- he trips- Xavier Summers up, and- he's caught- sitting- on top of the turnbuckle now. Stephen Blood starts mounting, and looks to be going for a Suplex-- but, Xavier Summers- blocks his attempt-- - instead- he punches- Stephen Blood, and Stephen jumps backwards- off the turnbuckle-- but, only momentarily-- because, he lands on his feet- this time, and he simply-- walks back up, and- drills- Xavier Summers- with an open- right hand. Stephen Blood begins mounting the turnbuckle again, and tries- to hook him in- for that Suplex..

Jim Ross: Xavier Summers is fighting for his life out there... he's desperately trying to get Stephen Blood off the turnbuckle, and try- that Shooting Star Press- again... but, it's not happening!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: .. Stephen Blood's trying to lock- that Suplex- on... but, .. wait-- what's this?

All of a sudden-- Stephen Blood- latches - his big arm- around the back- of Xavier Summers- head, and locks- his other arm- underneath... in Choking- formation..... he- then - starts- pulling Xavier-- off- the turnbuckle, and eventually both- men- are- down- on- the canvas.... - Stephen Blood- still has- that Chokehold-- locked in!!

Jim Ross: From this angle-- it looks like a Double Chickenwing, or- a Reverse Gullotine of some sort--

Jerry "The King" Lawler: He's got- that- strangehold- grip- on him - right now, and it's not looking good for Xavier Summers..

After a few seconds- of being-- locked- in that hold-- Xavier Summers looks like he's near- passing out... he reaches- back- on the canvas, and begins tapping out!!

Jim Ross: That's it!!.. Stephen Blood has done it! He has put- Xavier Summers away-- with- a beautiful- chokehold... he- caught Xavier Summers - on top of the turnbuckle-- being uncharacteristic- of the Xavier Summers we're use to seeing... but, at ONE NIGHT ONLY it looked like Xavier- was ready to pull out-- all the stops!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: You got to give it to X... he put up a fight, and he never gave up!.. Stephen Blood was just the more prepared-- more- well conditioned wrestler- on this occassion, and he-- was able- to walk away- with a victory... in this- our first one- on- one contest- of the night-- that didn't have- a gimmick-- attached to it!

Jim Ross: You're right about that King!.. First the Crimson Mask Match, then the Strap Match.. we got a Tag Team Title- Ladder- Match later tonight... we have an Xtreme Rules- Match-- for that Xtreme Ring-Bell -- next.... - we- got an "I Quit" Match- later- on... as- well- as a Hell in a Cell- IRONMAN match- for our Main Event!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, but- what a way- to end this one... - .. I don't think many people were expecting-- someone to tap- out... but, - Stephen Blood- was the more schooled veteran, and he found a way- to end this thing! He's.. 1-0 .. on his ONE NIGHT ONLY trip-- right now... the only- match he's got- left-- .. is for those Undisputed XWF Tag Team Titles..... -- and that'll be coming up-- immediately following- our next match- up..... lets send it to the ring-- with Lilian Garcia for the official call--

Lilian Garcia: " ... The WINNER- of this MATCH...... .. via- submission- ......-- STEPHEN .. BLOOD!!"

Not liking her tone-- Stephen Blood- grabs the microphone-- off Lilian Garcia-- once again..

Stephen Blood: "I've been- saying this... all along-- but, I just beat Xavier Summers-- in the center- of this XWF ring, and later- tonight.. I will be- holding- one of those Undisputed XWF Tag Team Straps-- above- by head... .... and contrary- to what Lilian Garcia- just said..... - I don't want you all to forget--.. that I'm .. the "NEW.. F~CKING-- LEGEND!!!"

A lot of Stephen Blood- marks - in the crowd, and they cheer- the XWF Hall of Famers- speech. But, some XWF fans-- seem to be turning on him, and giving him a lot of heat- for his victory-- over-- Xavier Summers. However, Stephen Blood doesn't care either way, and he raises his hands- in victory-- as he makes his way-- up the ramp-- towards the back, and gets prepared-- for the Tag Team Title - Ladder Match-- later tonight!

Jim Ross: You know.. for a moment- there-- it looked- like- Xavier Summers might not even- come out, and instead-- he put on a helluva performance, and-- just wasn't able- to escape- the clutches- of Stephen Blood's - vicious- Chokehold. Nonetheless- Xavier Summers, and 9 others-- including Stephen Blood-- will be involved- in a 10- man... Undisputed XWF- Tag Team Title- Ladder Match... it should be very compelling- to say the least!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, we have former Tag Team Champions- in that contest, and a lot of 'em... War Machine, and Jericho- have been- Tag Team Champions before... Carlos Shotgun, and Christian Falkenyork- have been Tag Team Champions before... - Stephen Blood, and The Phan of course-- they - were respected- Champions- of their own Tag Teams.... - not to mention- even Crimson Tide- had his fair- share- of luck- in the Tag Team division!... Yes, and it was Rage-- who- scored- the last- pinfall- it what would appear- to be... the last- official- Tag Team match- in XWF history!.. But, tonight.. the UNDISPUTED XWF- Tag Team Titles-- will be up for grabs, and it's anyone's guess.. who's going to walk- out- of ONE NIGHT ONLY-- with that honor!!

Jim Ross: It'll certainly be an honor-- .. for those- Tag Team Titles- have- had a lot- of great- moments- in the XWF! But, .. up next-- it'll be "The Original" Jericho-- defending his Xtreme Ring-Bell.. against-- Rage!... Don't forget-- it was "The Original" who beat- Christian Falkenyork- at "New Beginnings"-- for what-was-then-- the Golden Nintendo Wii... since- then-- Jericho has melted it down-- to an Xtreme Ring-Bell.. that he will be defending for the 1st time- ever.. against XWF veteran, Rage... .. and of course- you know-- the gold- made- from that Xtreme Ring-Bell.. is every- previous single's title- melted down.... from the Dual Championship, to the Hardcore Championship, to the North American Title, to the T.V. Title -- to the Intercontiental Championship.... all- those- belts- have been melted down, and our now represented-- with a single-- Xtreme Ring-Bell .....

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Yeah, if you remember-- it was the Summer of 2008-- that saw-- "The Punisher" Crookz-- out last-- 10 men-- in an Xtreme Gauntlet-- to become- the first Xtreme Trophy Holder... but,- then- after Christian Falkenyork- won it from him- on an episode of Weekly Wreckage-- he melted it down- to a Golden Nintendo Wii... but, so- far-- nobody has defended that- prize-- succesfully. Not a single soul. So, will "The Original" be able- to live up to his name, and put away- Rage tonight? Or will the Big Red Monster.. that Destructable Force.... the- man- .. the beast-- known as Rage... will he be able- to capture that Xtreme Ring-Bell?? .. That is up next!!

XWF 1998-2010