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IQ Test
    Lance drummed his fingers on his desk top as the teacher's voice droned on.  Looking around him he realized most of the class  was asleep.  Letting out a heart felt sigh he gazed out the space por window.
    "Class, you may now retrieve your IQ tests."
    Lance's eyes snapped open, and he blinked sleepily, coming to the conclusion he'd also fallen asleep.
    The teacher placed a small compu-pad in front of him and he glanced at it absently.  Not sure if he wanted to know his results.  Without really looking at the score he shoved it into his bag and left the classroom and headed to his room.
    Opening the door he stepped inside, flicking on the light, then stopped as he saw Keith and a girl kissing on the bed.  Both looked up coldly at him and he felt his face heat.  Dropping his bag on the floor he grinned lope-sidedly at the two and backed up slowly towards the door.  "Uh, s-sorry."  Once at the door he opened it and quickly stumbled into the hall the door clicking shut behind him.
    Keith watched as Shallu moved to the bed and picked up a compu-pad that had fallen on the floor and jumped up at her sudden gasp.
    "What?  What is it?"
    Shallu's dark eyes were wide, "Lance's IQ Test."
    Keith felt his heart stop.  "How bad is it?"
    She shook her head, "Not bad, good."
    He took it as she passed it to him and felt his mouth drop as he looked at it.  "Jesus, who would've known?"
    Lance continued to run on the track, he'd been running for a half an hour striaght ever since he'd left his room.  He felt his ears burn again, he definitely didn't want to go back too early.
    He stopped, and moved back in the driection of the change rooms and more importantly the shower.
    Grabbing a large towel from the shelves and his shampoo from his locker he moved to the shower, stripped and stepped under the shower head.
    Turning the water on he let it flow over him before using the shampoo to scrub his longish dark brown hair.  The scent of strawberries filled his nose, reminding him briefly of his mother and a single tear mingle with the water as he washed the soap out.
    Carefully he stepped onto the slick floor, wrapping the large towel around his wet body as he padded across the floor to his locker.  He got dressed slowly and then made his way to the flight simulator.  It was only 6 pm and lights out was at ten.  It'd give him enough time to run through the scenarios he'd been meaning to get to.
    "'E vhat?"  Sven blinked owlly at Keith.
    "Lance out scored us and most of the class on the IQ test."  Keith repeated, still in some shock.
    "But 'ow ees dis possible?"  Sven asked as he sat heavily on his bed.
    "It's not hard to believe.  Think about it... have you ever seen him crack a book to study?  Yet he always manages to score the same marks we do... never anything less than a B."
    "Does 'e know?"
    Keith shook his head slightly.  "I don't think so."
    "Vill ve tell eem?"
    "No.  It's on his bed, he'll look  if he wants to."
    Sven nodded, "Dis ees true."
    Lance got to his room after his roomates had fallen asleep and tossed his bag carelessly on the floor, missing a certain compu-pad as it slid under his bed.