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Gargoyles/ JQ
Part Four

Hadji eyed the long, white-haired pixie before him.**Well, I’m all ears my friend.What is it you wish to discuss?**

Puck grinned lope-sidedly.**You are heading into a situation that is far beyond your expertise.Even with the Gargoyles help.It is hopeless.**

**Ah, but even the poor man may have hope.**

Puck smiled in amusement as he floated closer.**You are not as the rest of the family, brother.Mother did well by you.**

Hadji’s thoughts came to bear at that comment and the strange feeling he’d had earlier suddenly made sense.**Brother?**

Puck smiled, **Yes.My Mother is yours as well.**

Hadji had a feeling he was expecting him to be surprised but instead of surprised he felt calm, the information seeming right.**She is a unique lady, our Mother.But pray tell me, what is there that might be done for her.**

Puck’s eyes became suddenly serious.**I don’t know but I’ll contact you when I do.You’re about to land.**

Just like that, the white-haired pixie disappeared, leaving him alone in the astral plain.

Slowly Hadji pulled back and opened his eyes to see the inside of the plane.In the seat next to him Elisa had moved her chair back up and had buckled her seatbelts.Following her example he pulled the belt over his lap and snapped it together.Elisa gave him a warm smile, which he returned before waiting for the wheels to touch down.


Hadji moved past the servants at the door and made his way to his Mother’s room.

At the door he saw Pasha waiting and he slowed down slightly.“Pasha…”

His withered face held a deep sorrow.“Hadji.Your Mother wished to speak with you before she saw the others…”

Swallowing around a large lump in his throat he turned to look at Dr. Quest and the others… Alisa had gone to visit the Gargoyles… Dr. Quest gave him a slight nod.“Go ahead, Hadji, we’ll wait.Right now it’s important for you and your Mother to be together.”Hadji looked to Jonny and Race and saw the same assurance in their faces.

Feeling slightly choked with emotion he bowed to them.“Thank you my friends.Pasha will…”

His old friend laid a hand on his shoulder.“They will be taken care of, now go to your Mother.”

Without further hesitation Hadji opened his Mother’s door silently and entered the room.


As the door slide closed behind him, he made his way towards the bed in the dim-lit room.His Mother had never appeared as fragile as she did right then.

Hadji stopped at the side of her bed, almost afraid to breath in fear of disturbing her.But he had little to worry about because slowly dark eyes turned in his direction and a soft smile played at her lips.“My son… It’s good to see you again.There is much I need to tell you… things I have not told you about myself, or your heritage.There is so much…”She coughed harshly and Hadji sat down gently next her, holding her hand.

“I know that you are my Mother and that is all I need know…”

She smiled gently.“I am.But I am the Mother of many others as well…”

“Like Puck?”

He see her eyes widen slightly at that comment and he rubbed her hand offering comfort.“I have already had the privilege of meeting my brother.But there is much that I don’t understand.What exactly are we Mother?And why did you never feel as if you could tell me?”

His Mother smiled slightly.“You are destined to be the Sultan of Bangalore Hadji.Your place is not with the others in our dysfunctional family… You are so different… so unlike all the others…”She raised one of her hands and gently caressed his cheek.“You’re my sweet son, the one all of the others would wish to destroy should they know of your existence.”

Hadji frowned slightly.“But Puck knows Mother…”

She grinned softly, “You will find that Puck is an interesting character, my son.He is one of the few who would keep a secret just because it is his alone to keep.He is the trickster but he has always had a good heart and I also believe that he likes you… as I do.But as to what we are Hadji… we, you and I are Avalon’s children… we possess abilities Humans referred to as magic… You have the ability and the control to use it if you wished to but before there was no need for you to even know of these gifts…”

“You said before… that has changed…”

She coughed slightly.“Yes my son.It has… for now I must trust my life to you, Puck and the Gargoyles…I am sick and the reason why is uncertain and I dare not go to Lord Oberon for if a do… your life will be at risk…”

Hadji started, “But if it’ll safe your life… even at risk to my own… you should speak to him… ask him…”

She raised a finger to his lips, effectively silencing him.“Even if I wished to I can not, I am too weak and Avalon too far.But wait for Puck my son, he will help you, in this I am certain.And remember that your Mother has many names and many faces but I shall always be your Mother.Puck knows me as Lady Tatiyana and as Mother.And you know me…”

“… I know you as I have always known you… I know you as Mother… and that is everything…. Now please rest Mother, I will do what I can to bring back your health.I love you.”He pressed a light kiss to her cheek.

“And I you my son.”