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Owlsight/Gundam Wing


          “He’s not one of my troops.”  Herald-Captain Kerowyn stated blandly as she looked at the dark clothed figure of a young, braided boy on Silverfox’s bed.

          Next to her, Starfall snorted.  “Well he isn’t a changechild and he doesn’t appear to be a Barbarian either.”

          Kero’s eyebrow rose, “He isn’t a Hawkbrother?”

          Firesong shook his head as he knelt by the unconscious boy.  “I don’t recognize him and I have a very good memory when it comes to names and faces, if not much else.”

          The boy groaned, drawing everyone’s attention.  Slowly he sat up looked each of them in the eye, his face neutral.  Then he shook his head, a grim smile on his lips, his eyes rolling skyward in the universal sigh of ‘Why me?’.

          Kero cleared her throat and the boy focused on her.  “Who are you?”

          The boy’s eyes widened, his grin going crooked as he mumbled something in a strange language.

          The boy frowned slightly before sighing.  He looked at Silverfox who was next to his mate Firesong, opening and closing his hand in a mimic of a mouth and moving his other hand in a circle.

          “I think he wants us to keep talking?”

          The boy nodded emphatically and pointed to the window.

          Silverfox spoke the Tayledras word and the boy grinned as they continued.

          Starfall frowned, “Does this child think he can learn our language so easily?”

          Firesong watched the pair.  “Apparently.”  He put a hand to his mask.

          Kero watched as she straightened her gray shirt.  “This could be an interesting few days.”

          “We should just get King-Stag Tyrsell to give him our tongue.”  Starfall grumbled.

          “Father, I doubt this boy has ever been mindspoken to or he may not even have mindspeech at all.  And he has likely not even had the chance to meet a dyheli yet.  Having one talk to him would only cause him to tense up and make it harder on both of them.  We’ll give him a few days to get adjusted to the Vale and give us time to see just what he his intentions towards us are.”


          Silverfox stood next to the boy, who he discovered was called Duo Maxwell, four days later as he silently listened to conversations around them.  Still wearing his priest-like outfit, despite his urgings for anything with color.

          A small group of young hunters next to them were talking, loudly, about… Duo.

          “He’s probably a Barbarian.”

          “Then why don’t they take care of him…”

          “Maybe they feel sorry for him, I mean he can’t even talk right.  Maybe he’s stupid or something.”

          Next to him Duo suddenly burst out laughing.  Everyone looked to him in shock but seemingly without noticing it he sauntered over to the group with a large grin on his face.

          Then in perfect Tayledras he said, “Excuse me?  But I couldn’t help but over hear your conversation and I can assure you I’m definitely not a Barbarian, as for being stupid… well I prefer to be called Idiot or as Heero would say ‘Baka’.  And I don’t know what you think, but I happen to think I talk well for someone who learned your tongue in just four days.  Of course, you’re allowed to have your own opinion.”  He turned on his heel, winking playfully winked at Silverfox who couldn’t help but smile back.  “I’ve heard a LOT about the dyheli, especially King-Stag Tyrsell.  Mind if we pay him a visit.  My feet are itchy and I can’t stay still.”