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Stand Up and Speak Out: A Website Dedicated to Getting Voices Heard!

Under Construction

Updated 04/20/00

For everyone who has ever been left with so much to say and no one to listen. For everyone who has ever felt like they were standing alone in the night, fighting for a cause no one else cared about. For anyone and everyone who has something on their minds. For anyone who has ever been discriminated against or persecuted. These are the people this website is for. For all humanity.

We call ourselves Speakout. Our goal here is to give everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, or any other group, a voice in this world so determined to drown them out. We realize that only through understanding and knowing each other can we truly understand ourselves. We know that the range of experiences does not include merely our own. The old are wise, and so are the young in their own way. All races have suffered in their struggles, and all religions have strained to be recognized at some time or another. The teacher teaches, to learn from the student. We are all beautiful.

We all have hopes, ideas, and dreams. We all have issues that we hold close to our hearts, but fear there is no time, or we have no place to reach out and speak our hearts and minds. Stand Up and Speak Out is the place, and now is the time. Write essays. Write poetry. If you cannot express it in words, draw what you feel in your deepest heart.

What sorts of topics will we discuss here? Below is a list, but these are only suggestions. You, the viewer, will be asked to send in suggestions of your own. We will do our best to be able to accomodate all forms of expression. Interested in submitting? Submission Guidelines.

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And please visit our friends at:

Free Your Mind

Let them know that people still care

And if you have problems, visit:

A Moments Pause


Current Voices

Current Essays
Current Poetry
