Moonlight Promises


DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters.

TIMELINE: post season 5, pre season 6.


Willow twisted away from her attacker in a last, desperate attempt to rid herself of the thing that was clinging to her back. She lashed out, twisted again, then fell to the ground in defeat.

"I give up." She panted, lying on the grass in the park. "You win, you're stronger than me." A sly grin crossed her face. "You can be the man in the relationship if you want."

The person who had attacked her turned over and glanced at her. "I thought that was the reason you were dating me," Tara began, "no men."

Willow shrugged and caught Tara's hand in hers. "Kidding babe, just kidding."

They both lay on the grass, staring at the moon in the sky, both knowing it was dangerous for them to be out this late, neither of them really caring. Since Glory they had rarely had any time alone and this was the only place they could escape to together.

"It's been a long time since I've noticed how beautiful Sunnydale is at night." Willow murmured. "But that could probably be because since I met Buffy in tenth grade, I've been hiding from it."

"Hiding from the night?" Tara asked.

Willow nodded. "Meeting Buffy was like a sudden revelation, like, hey, I shouldn't be outside past dark because there really are boogeymen out here. It was like having all my worst nightmares come true."

Tara leaned on her elbow and studied Willow's face. "You don't really mean that, do you? I mean, Buffy was your best friend and-"

"You're my best friend."

Tara smiled. "I mean your best friend who's not also your girlfriend. You and Buffy have been through so much together."

"I know and . . . well, it's not as if I mean I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, because that would be stupid." Willow grinned. "Her being here has put me through a lot of stuff, but if she hadn't come my life would be so different."

"How do you mean?"

"I would probably still be shy and a total geek, still pining away after Xander. She's the one who made me open my eyes to him and made me realize that there are so many other guys out there." Willow paused. "I wouldn't have been with Oz if she hadn't come to Sunnydale. I don't think I would have been able to deal with the whole werewolf thing if Buffy hadn't explained to me that these things existed. I wouldn't have begun practicing magick and that means . . ."

"You wouldn't have met me." Tara finished.

Willow nodded. "Right. I owe her a lot." She grinned. "And, as you said, she is my best friend. I love Buffy and I wouldn't have it any other way and . . ." she trailed off again, "except that it is another way and Buffy's not here anymore because I couldn't figure out a way to kill Glory and instead she had to die."

"It's not your fault Will. You tried, everyone did, but there wasn't anything you could do. Glory was just too powerful."

"I miss her." Willow whispered in a small voice.

Tara leaned over and hugged her. "I know baby, we all miss her. And for a while, life's gonna be hell. It's gonna be hard for you to learn how to live without her, but you'll do it. And it will get better. Little by little, it'll get better."

"Seeing that Buffy bot every day makes it so much harder." Willow said. "I see it every morning and I think 'there's Buffy'. But then I remember that Buffy's dead and the thing I'm seeing is just Spike's sexbot."

Tara placed a gentle kiss on Willow's forehead. "I promise you, it'll get better."

Willow nodded and was silent for a moment. Then, "Tara? Do you think we could do something about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a spell, I guess." Willow sat up. "A spell to bring back Buffy."

Tara shook her head. "Bad idea Will. Anything could happen when you play around with death. Look what happened when Dawn tried to bring back Mrs. Summers. That was a disaster."

Willow sighed in exasperation. "We're more powerful than Dawn is. She's just a kid and she's not even really interested in magick. We're serious witches Tara, we could do this."

"It's dangerous. Just because you're powerful doesn't mean you're God, Willow."

The red head looked hurt for a moment. "I never said that."

"I know, it's just that . . . it's scary stuff Willow. It's not meant to be played around with. Wherever Buffy is . . . it's where she belongs."

"In a hell dimension? Five minutes ago you were getting me to tell you all the good things she's done for me and now you're telling me she belongs in a hell dimension? I can't leave her there, suffering, in constant pain and torment. It's not fair. A slayer doesn't deserve that."

Tara sat in thoughtful silence.


"How do you know she's in hell Willow?"

"I-I don't know. I just think she is."

"Can you explain to me why you think that?"

"Well, we know that when you die you get sucked into any one of millions of dimensions. More of those are hells than heavens."

Tara nodded. "Sure, you're right. But why take a chance? Why risk pulling Buffy out of a possible heaven? Willow, what if she's happy?"

"No, that's not true. She can't be. She's alone and she can't protect Dawn or be with us. She's not happy Tara, don't say that."

The other witch shrugged. "It's just a suggestion. Promise me you'll think it over."

Willow nodded.

Tara stood up, "And promise me you won't even think about trying to bring her back."

Willow nodded again.

"Say it."

"I promise Tara . . . I promise."

Tara smiled, then turned and began to walk away. As she watched her, Willow whispered something under her breath and waited for a long moment. Suddenly, Tara turned back around.

"I promise I'll help you find a way to save her Willow." She smiled. "I promise." Then she began to walk away once again.

Willow smiled, then lay back down and stared at the moon.

The End

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