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2000 Centenary Gents!


Yeah!!!! Funyuns Man!
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Team Photo
A little team fun.

Gents swing into things preparing for what should be a great 2000!

The perfect swing Mark Duranski hitting Aaron Garcia hitting

BEER? Best looking team in college baseball

With our sights set upon Omaha we are a team full of position players ready to get dirty to reach our potential.

Eric Tisdell at third? Eric Tisdell picking a ball out of the dirt Can you say.... DUMP!!!? I'll be your Don Juan (Garcia) Ryan Hageman trotting around the bases Gabe Bailey throwing to second Shindle killing Robbie

With pitchers just as eager to prove there worth at times the intersquads can get a little hairy!

Watchout Agar! Heads up Hageman

Mike Hicks Team Photo Bump Lockhart, myslef, and Cassidy

A key way to come upon sucess is a team with great chemistry and sometimes craziness is needed for that chemistry.
To see this chemistry click here (it is a video of agar stripping).
