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Finally! An update of the Dan Page...long time coming...

A more recent pic of Dan being...well...Dan LOL! He's an odd one ;)

But...MORE importantly than Dan... his puppy SAM!!! Whom I miss so much and don't get to see enough...but look at how cute he is!! He's just THE best ever...

The rest of this stuff is older...but most still apply... btw...I apologize that some of the images are ridiculously large, one day when I'm bored I will find the software that'll let me crop them all, re-upload them, and change the pic...but for now...DEAL WITH IT ...

Heehee. Yep this is Dan. Bad pic of him but u get the idea...heehee. It's also old!!

A school pic of Dan when he used to bleach his hair...and dress all preppy...and stuff...heehee :)

A's mocking us!!

Heehee. He keeps chasing the squirrel, but it always eludes him...we decided it's mocking us also!!

....not as cute as my blue teddy bear hamster, but you get the idea!!

My alien...consequently named for Dan...named "MySmurf"

Lazy Smurf...aka Dan!!

Dan!!!!! :)'s not Arubix, but it's close...

Dinky the dodo bird (a Beanie Baby)...aka the Dan voodoo doll...
Beanie Info:
(What it ACTUALLY says on the Beanie Tag)
Date of Birth: September 25, 2000
Alright I know, I'm a little small
But what's so great about being tall?
Soon I'll grow up and you will see
Just how beautiful I will be!
......that fits him so well!!!

It's Dan with his beloved computer

Here's Dan again, just sitting there blinking away....

Here's Beeker...aka Dan...I hope people are getting the orange theme here...I really need a pic of Dan with his current orange hair on here. *sigh*

And here would be Dan in the bathtub...

This is Herman...the mousey he killed!

This is Algonquin, where we went for the summer...and where he killed Herman!!

And here is the cricket that got into the crack Dan does in his sleep!

A world war 2 plane, cuz he's interested in the history of the wars

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