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Welcome to the Forum Mug Shots page!

Here's your chance to get a peek at many of the folks from the Trapperman.Com Trap Talk Forum and  Trap Chat . Too often, we get to know one another online by name only and never get a chance to put a face to the name. The Forum Mug Shots has changed that and given us the opportunity to get to know the face as well as the name.
If you have a picture or two that you'd like to have on the Mug Shots, get in touch with MsCat, she is in charge of the Mug Shots (at least thats what we let her the best interest of our safety). You can contact her at  and she'll give you directions on getting them to her.

Please be patient when sending pics for the MugShots. We try to get them on as fast as possible, but, we have other commitments such as our regular jobs, families, and of course trapping that must come first.

Due to the increase in visitors to the MugShots site, we are using more than our allowable bandwidth on a regular basis. You will notice that there are now two sections to the site. One from A - M and one from N - Z. In order to reduce the bandwidth consumption, we are now using two different servers to host the site. Please chose which section you want to view.

Forum Names That Start With
A - M           N - Z

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