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The Nation and People of Israel

Lord, You will not cast off nor spurn Your
Your people, neither will You abandon
Your heritage. You have regard for the
covenant [You made with Abraham]. Father,
we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May
peace be within your walls and prosperity
within your palaces! For our brethren
and companions' sake, we will now say,
Peace be within you! For the sake of
the house of the Lord our God, we
will seek, inquire for, and require your good.

Father, we thank You for bringing the
people of Israel into unity with each
other, and for bringing Your Church (both
Jew and Gentile) into oneness--one new
man. Thank You for the peace treaties
with Israel's former enemies. May these
treaties be used for good to make way
for the good news of the Gospel as we
prepare for the coming of our Messiah.

We intercede for those who have become
callously indifferent (blinded, hardened,
and made insensibe to the Gospel.)
We pray that they will not fall to their
utter spiritual ruin. It was through
their false step and transgression that,
that salvation has come to the Gentiles.
Now, we ask that the eyes of their understanding
be enlightened that they may know the
Messiah Who will make Himself known
to all of Israel.

We ask You to strengthen the house of
and save the house of Joseph. Thank You,
Father, for restoring them because You
have compassion on them. They will be
as though You had not rejected them,
for You are the Lord their God, and You
will answer them. We thank You for Your
great mercy and love to them and to us,
in the name of Yeshua, our Messiah.

Father, thank You for saving Israel,
and gathering them from the nations,
that they may give thanks to Your holy
name and glory in Your praise. Praise
be to You, Lord, the God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting. Let
all the people say, "Amen!" Praise
the Lord.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Written by:
Germaine Copeland

Scripture References

Psalm 94:14

Romans 11:7

Ephesians 1:18

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