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This group is for those of us who are different by way of life style, religion, or thinking. Sound the wake-up call to abolish ignorance in society, and do away with superstition and prejudice.
The above paragraph is the description of the Darklings E-group. Seems to me we have all had to suffer the indignities of a horribly close minded society. We are all different in many ways and shouldn't have demeaned for these differences, but society has deemed it necessary to degrade us for who and what we are. They fear what they do not know, what they do not understand. Lets help them understand and know they do not have to fear so that we can all some day live peacefully with out the fear of retribution for our differences. This site is under construction at this point. We have some excellent links. already as well as a few pics, we will in the near future (hopefully) have poetry, articles, and many other great areas for information and various things. We will periodically update the site in order to bring you the best we can. Pagans,Vampires and anyone else who is deemed unfit by society, welcome, and be free. How can YOU help fight for freedom of religion and lifestyle? Join the list or e-mail me, lets talk about it and find ways to help our communities.Thank you.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We now have a new group for parents and parents to be. It's called Darklings_Parents you can find the sign up button at the bottom of the page!