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A Word from the Lord to Dr. Norman Dykes
For All Those Who Have an Ear to Hear

February 01, 1999

I am love. You say, how can you love? I gave my life up as a sacrificial offering for you. Give your self life up for Me. This must be voluntary; it cannot be forced. You must choose to love. Love is the fruit that proceeds all others. Through the new birth, the seed of my love was placed in the soil of your heart. As you learn to worship me, your love will grow. The highest act of worship is obedience. Obey not out of fear but of love. Love never fails. Perfect love casts out all fear. Ask me to pour more love into your heart. Love must flow. As it flows out to me and into your neighbor, my love will flow into you. Love gives; it does not seek its own way. Speak my word in love. It will touch the hardest heart. Faith works by love. Remember my blood. The cross expresses my love. Take up your cross of love and follow me, Your servant. Jesus.

February 03, 1999

Yes, the fire of My Presence shall consume all that is not of Me. The baptism of fire is My work as the refiner. My nature is pure gold. You shall have no other gods before Me. Yes, the fire of My Presence will cause you to be formed into My Image and Likeness. Even as the lamp of God was formed out of one block of gold, so shall My People be one with Me. Yes, they shall be the light of My temple. Only in complete unity with Me, the Light of Life, shall they be the light of the world. Allow the veil of flesh to be rent. Forsake all and come into My presence. My love is the refining fire. I long to deliver and purge you of all defilement. I will have a pure bride. Seek to know Me that we may become one. Yes, out of this union the birthing will come. The man child of Revelation 11 will be birthed, birthed to rule with Me! I love you. Jesus.

February 04, 1999

Say not that there are four months until the harvest. The fields are wide into harvest. My seeds have been planted. Yes, reap the harvest and bring them into My barns. Prepare them. The must be equipped for the work of the ministry. The final harvest will not come until My people learn to know Me, to know My ways. I am raising leaders to equip My people, to learn how to sow the seed of My Word into the hearts of the lost. I proclaim the gospel and the kingdom. My gospel went forth with authority, demonstration and power. The early church had a measure of this anointing. The latter church shall be filled with the fullness of My Spirit. This many-membered body of believers shall go forth as a mighty army to sow and reap. Yes, the process will accelerate and the reaper will overtake the sower at the end of the age. I say to seek first My Kingdom and Righteousness. The first commandment is to love Me with your whole being. Out of this relationship, all ministry will flow. Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men! I love you. Jesus.

February 06, 1999

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Would you like to catch a full net? Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me. If any man chooses to follow Me, he must deny himself and take up the cross of obedience daily. He must become a disciple to learn how to fish. Many are like Martha. Mary chose to sit at My feet. To follow is to walk in My steps. My sheep follow Me. They heed My Voice. They are called, chosen and faithful. I am seeking those who will draw nigh to Me with their whole heart. Those that seek My Face in prayer, praise and worship shall behold My Glory. They will be baptized in fire. They will be refined by fire. They will be protected by edge of fire. The fire of My Anointed Word shall proceed out of their mouth. They shall proclaim the gospel of the kingdom with demonstration and power. They shall bring in the final harvest. Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus.

February 07, 1999

My Glory will shine the brightest in the gross darkness coming upon the earth. Fear not what lies ahead. Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Many are running to and fro seeking direction. Many are doing good works. Many are blown about by winds of false and unbalanced doctrine. There are few that seek My Face. Sit at My Feet, My People. Learn to hear My Voice within you. Daily the dew of fresh manna falls upon the earth. That manna is the truth for each day. It is in earthen vessels. This nourishment will flow from the lips of My Messengers. They will speak My Truth to you for your daily provision. Learn to hear Me in others. Many times it may be written, but it will speak to you and direct your path. My sheep must learn to hear My Voice in others. Discern My Voice of truth for the enemy speaks also. As you love Me and your neighbor, My Voice will be clear. I love you. Jesus.

February 08, 1999

I have come, I am coming, and I shall come again. I came as the Lamb of God. I came into your spirit at the new birth. I am the lover of your soul. I am coming into your soul daily as you allow me. I will come in the air, in My glorified body with My holy ones. Yes, I must first come into My temple and My fullness before I return with My rewards. Those that watch for Me and listen for My knock shall receive Me. I desire that you would have a supper of intimacy with me, that you might know My love. You say, how can I know your Love? Make yourself ready. Be dressed in white. Put off the garment of sin and put on the robe of righteousness. Your vessel, your soul must be full of oil. The seeds of truth will begin to mature withing you. After they have undergone the pressure of persecution, the oil will be produced. The fire of My Holy Spirit will ignite this oil. The lamp of their spirit shall shine brightly. They look for me. They love My appearing. They are My worshippers. They obey Me. They are decreasing as I increase in them. They are to be My bride. Yes, I love you. I am knocking at the door. May I come in? Jesus.

February 09, 1999

Watch My people, stand guard. Be sober, be awake for the hour is late! The night is dark. I have called you to guard your heart, for out of it flow the forces of life. The enemy would steal the seed of life sown in your heart. He desires to sow his seeds of destruction to your heart. Guard the gates of your heart. Let not your eyes look upon evil. Harken not to the voice of the enemy. Look into the mirror of My Word, and you will find life. Listen to the voice of My Spirit, and He will direct your path. I am coming to knock on the door of your soul. I have good gifts for you. You must be alert and expect me at any moment. Be quick to answer the door. The porch light must be burning brightly if I am to find you. Yes, I desire to come into you, to serve you with present truth to dine with you, to form you into My image and likeness for I am the master architect. I will make you ready to be harvested. Yes, I am coming for the fruit of the earth. Did I not say that when I shall appear, you will be like Me? Yes, watch My people. I am knocking at the door of your heart. I love you. Jesus.

February 10, 1999

My people, I am calling you to the top of the mountain. This is the Moses company, the Peter, James and John company, this is the hundred forty-four company. Who may ascend unto the hill of the Lord? He that has clean hands and a pure heart that has not lifted up his soul unto vanity or sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing of the Lord. His face shall shine with the glory of the Lord. He shall be baptized in the fire of My presence. I will write my laws upon his mind and heart. My Word shall become a fire in his bones. He shall rule with a rod of iron. He shall set the captives free at the bottom of the mountain. He shall see me face to face. He shall proclaim the laws of my kingdom unto all nations and all the world and then the end shall come. He is My Son, He is My Overcomer, He is called, chosen and faithful. Come up to the top of the mountain. Ascend in Thanksgiving, praise and worship. Yes, I will meet with you. I love you. Jesus.


Dr. Norman L. Dykes
Word of Faith Ministries
Landmark Bible College
Pastor to People
July Word
August Word
