Vampiress LadyJane
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I am LadyJane
Daughter to no one..
I submit to none..

Watching you coolly from the shadows as you enter my domain. Whispers swirl around.
Shining eyes take in your measure. I think you'll do nicely!
Yes, that's right you have entered a vampires lair. You are lucky it's
only me and not some other loathsome creature of the night.
I am not like others of my kind. I can make things oh so pleasant for
you. If you would only let me. Stay awhile, visit me and I promise to
let you leave relatively in tact. We can have such a lovely time together.
~soft sensuous laughter~

are you real?
Or just a dream?
Are you something in between?
What is real?
What are lies?
When do i open or close my eyes?
am I dreaming or awake?
Does it truly matter whether I be
In rest or in Wake?
by: Garou

If you just had a minute to breathe
And they granted you one final wish
Would you ask for something
Like another chance..

Perhaps I shall give you another chance...

Come on in.. do not be afraid! *a sweet fanged grin*

If dreams were lightning
Thunder were desire
This old house would have burnt down
A long time ago...

Let me see who came to see me. Sign my guestbook!

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