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KLFT Volunteers Needed

Hello, my name is Christine Fouquier, and I am the General Manager for Christ Our King Communications. Christ Our King Communications is an Apostolate that is bringing Catholic radio, KLFT 90.5, to our area as an EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network affiliate in the Diocese of Lafayette. We are a 501C3 non-profit organization and depend on the support of dedicated volunteers in many aspects. We have been praying for many volunteers that are as eager as we are to hear the truths of our Catholic faith on the airwaves of Southwest Louisiana. Currently, there are several Protestant formatted radio stations that can be heard in our area. The only one Catholic voice out there is Radio Maria. We will differ from Radio Maria in that we are affiliated with EWTN Radio, and that our first station will be an FM station. I say our "first" because we have a three-year plan that will eventually cover most of our Diocese by radio, and that will require a few more KLFT stations.

As we have all been blessed with different gifts, below is a general description of the different committees we need to bring KLFT radio to life.

KLFT Presentation Committee assists our Apostolate in the parishes when we are scheduled to make our presentation for KLFT Radio. A KLFT Speaker from the committee will be assigned to speak at a parish on a certain date. KLFT Presentation Committee members assist by setting up the church before masses with pledge cards, pencils, and pledge card collection boxes at the entrances to the church. They will also be informed on how to answer some of the questions the parishioners may have regarding KLFT radio, as well as distribute our brochures. A quick phone list with just names and phone numbers will be made from all the pledge cards for the KLFT Telephone Committee. Bonnie Blanchard is our Chairperson for the KLFT Presentation Committee and can be reached at The next KLFT Presentation Committee meeting will be at St. Pius in Lafayette, Wednesday, December 28th at 6pm.


KLFT Telephone Committee goes to work the Monday after to call those who filled out a pledge card. This can be done from home and will be mainly leaving messages on voicemail. The message is to thank the donor for their pledge and to let them know that they can expect some correspondence to be mailed to them in the next few days. This is a committee that will take many volunteers and will also serve once we are on-air taking pledges during our On-Air Radiothons which traditionally last for 3 days in Catholic Radio. Please reach Stephanie Dugas at to be put on the list for this committee.

KLFT Networking Committee are volunteers that are able to relay messages through email, and Facebook to people that want to keep up with the progress of KLFT Radio. There will be progress updates, fundraiser events to announce, and special guests to the radio station. If a popular speaker such as Immaculee, Johnette Benkovik, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa is in town, we need our KLFT Networking Committee to help get the word out until the radio station grows in its own popularity and can announce such speakers on-air. We need dedicated volunteers that are able to consistently pass along the announcements KLFT Radio sends to the public. Randy Blanchard is the Chairperson for our KLFT Networking Committee and can be reached at

KLFT Correspondence Committee are volunteers that are crucial to the success of our fundraising efforts. Once the other committees have done their work, the KLFT Correspondence Committee will mail the necessary correspondence regarding pledges, letters of receipt for tax purposes, or any other official correspondence from KLFT Radio. For a Capital Campaign to cover the Diocese of Lafayette, we need a committed group of individuals to meet at St. Pius at least once a week to help organize our mail outs. Retirees, Stay-at-Home Moms, or anyone with a flexible schedule during the week would be suitable for such a committee. Without timely correspondence between the radio station and our donors, we may not raise the funds we need to sustain our Catholic Radio Station. Mrs. Earline Blanchard is the KLFT Correspondence Committee Chairperson. Mrs. Earline can be emailed at

KLFT Fundraising Committee assists in large fundraisers such as our upcoming KLFT Inaugural Dinner with the Bishop on January 7th. These volunteers will help directly contact individuals and businesses either by phone or in person regarding our Fundraising efforts and events. Our KLFT Fundraising Committee Chairman is Larry Bernard. He can be contacted at to request our Inaugural Dinner Announcement.

KLFT Auction Committee is a sub-committee of the KLFT Fundraising Committee. They visit local businesses equipped with a "Request for Silent Auction Item" form. The form can be requested from Donna Smith, KLFT Auction Committee Chairperson, at The form will give a description of what event KLFT is promoting and request that the business provide a donation for our Silent Auction. The form is to be filled out by the business and returned with donation item to KLFT Auction Committee Co-chair, Donna Smith. Donna will then mail the Tax letter receipt to the business.