DS9/Space Cases x-over
Part Three

    After explaining all he could about his people and Bova's to Captain Sisko they gathered in the meeting rooom along with the entire senior staff.
    Sitting down at the foot of the table beside Bova and the Klingon named Warf.  Clearing his throat the Captain drew everyon's attention to him.  "It appears that a few things were over looked when our two friends came aboard, mostly the fact that they have abilities unlike any I've ever seen."
    Radu felt his cheeks redden and he stared at the table top, next to him.  Bova yawned not trying to hide the fact that he was bored.  Guilt overcame RAdu's embarassment and he spoke before the Captain could say another word, not once taking his eyes off the table.  "Captain.  You have to believe me.  I hadn't intended to break the Klingon's arm.  It was an accident.  Sometimes, even with the dampeners in my gloves, it's difficult to judge how much pressure I'm applying...."

    "Yah, tell me about it.  Remember the time you got that space virus when you were trying to do Rosie a favour and it lowered your body's internal atmosphere to blizzard conditions?  You tore poor Thelma limb from limb.  It took forever to put that Android back together."  Bova grumbled as he leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.
    Radu lowered his head further and his blond hair fell over his face like a curtain hiding him from everyone's questioning gaze.
    "Let me explain."  The Captain began, grabbing their attention once more.  "It appears that young Radu, who's an Andromedan by 'birth', shares some unique qualities with his people.  As does Bova.  You see, Radu has incredible hearing.  Radu can you tell me if you can locate a man by the name of Garreck?"
    Radu looked up, startled by the question but he nodded and concentrated.  He picked up the name easily.  The man was talking to somebody else about Cardassion literature in his own quarters about four decks down on the far side of the station.  Radu told this to the Captain.  The Captain smiled and looked up.  "Computer could you give me the exact location of Garreck?"
    "He is in his quarters on deck four."  Was the reply.

    Instantly there was mumbling around the long table that cause Radu to wince slightly, strangely it was Bova who got them to quiet down.
    "If you think that's great you should wait until they tell you everything else he can do."
    "What?  It's true you know.  You could beat anyone here in a fight just because of your streangth and if you used the Andromedan war chant I pity anyone who got in your way.  I'd 'hate' to think how much damage you could do if you 'knew' how to fight."  He shook his head in disbelief.  "I wouldn't want to see the other guy, that's for sure!"
    "Bova!  You know I would never intentionally hurt someone unless I was told to by Commander Goddard or.... unless I had no other choice."
    "Exactly my point Radu.  Think about it for a minute.  If that rebellion hadn't occurred and you as well as everyone else were still prisoners of the Spung then the U.P.P. wouldn't have stood a chance.  An Andromedan under the war chant could easily take out about 20 to 30 members of the U.P.P. within seconds.  If your people hadn't gone back to being the passive collective that they are now... the outcome would have been horrible."
    "Obviously they aren't totally passive or Radu wouldn't be part of the U.P.P. would he?"  Major Kira said, leaning slightly forward.  Radu bowed his head again.
    "Radu?  Radu's an 'individual'.  There's no room on Andromeda for someone with his own ideas."
    "Surely he must have parents there who...?"  Kira persisted.
    "Ha.  Radu?  Parents?  You've got to be kidding me!  Radu along with everyone else hatches from eggs.  All the eggs are brought together when the times right and no one knows which belongs to who.  That's why Radu's name is Radu 386 because he was the 386th egg hatched in his cycle.  The guy doesn't have a 'family', he doesn't..."
    "Bova shut-up."  Radu growled as he stood up and faced his friend.
    "Oh wait I forgot.  You don't like people to know about that or the fact you don't have a birthday.  Or that because you're an individual they ridiculed you and then when the U.P.P. wanted an Andromedan cadet to attend the academy and symbolize nearly ten years of peace between them your people decided it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of a trouble maker like you.  Only problem was that when you got there because of the Andromedan's part in the war you were made fun of none stop and not trusted.  Course you knew that because of the great hearing you possess."  It all flooded out of Bova as he stood to meet Radu's shocked gaze.  "You want to hit me Radu?  Go ahead it won't hurt you though it might kill me."
    Radu felt as though he'd been dropped into an icy river.  And he stepped back as if he'd been slapped.
    Bova sighed, "Look Radu.  They have to know about that, it's crucial to who you are.  I admit it came out wrong but that's just the way I am."
    Radu nodded, though he wasn't so sure.
    "Well now that that's over, there's a mission I wish to talk to you about."  The Captain commented, once more drawing their attention.  Much to Radu's relief.