Part Two

    Lance tossed and turned under his blanket on the sofa.  The clock on the castle wall said 5:00 pm.  The Gargoyles had been asleep since 6:30am but he had been less fortunate.  No matter how tired he felt, his mind wouldn't let him rest.  Frustrated he kicked off the blanket and got to his feet, fighting a sudden wave of nausea.
    Wrapping his arms around himself he stepped out to where the Gargoyles slept.  The sun was going down, when it had gone below the horizon they would wake and the hunt for Hagar would begin.
    Silently he waited as they woke, pressing himself hard against the wall.  The sight was something that would forever stay with him.
    When Brooklyn saw him he jumped from his position on the wall and came over.  "Are you ready to start the search?"
    "We'll be divided into two groups.  Hudson, myself and you will be one group the other will consist of the trio and Bronx."  Goliath added as he came up next to Brooklyn.
    Lance nodded,"Sounds good, let's go."  Then he stopped.  "How am I supposed to go with you?  I don't have my Lion or a pair of wings."
    Goliath ground his teeth together, "You'll have to ride on my back, between my wings."
    Lance smirked, "Flying a Gargoyle?"
    In a blur Goliath reached forward, grabbed him by the front of his uniform and hauled him into the air until they were eye level.  "If I find out you're working against us, nothing will be able to save you."
    Brooklyn watched his leader open-mouthed, expecting Lance to be terrified.  Instead Lance glared back.  "You think I'm afraid of you, you big arrogant monster?  Well I'm not!  If I can fight the Drule, Robeasts and Hagar I'm sure I can take you on too!"
    Goliath seemed to get even more angry but Hudson cut in before anythin else could happen.  "Lads enough.  If we wish to put a stop to Demona's plan, now be the time."
    Slowly Goliath set Lance down.
    Relieved Brooklyn moved closer to Lance's side, hoping to stop any more fights by his presence there.
    Lance held on tight to Goliath as they glided through the air.  Scanning as much of the city as he could but his eyes weren't nearly as good as the Gargoyle's.
    "Over there Lad.  Do ye see what I see?"
    As one Goliath and Lance turned to see what Hudson was talking about.
    "Magic."  Came Goliath's weary reply as they saw some strange light flashes.

    "Aye.  That's what I'd thought."
    Without a word the three of them veered in that direction, they landed in the shadows a short way from where the two witches were comparing notes.
    Reaching for his gun he cursed himself when his hand found nothing, drawing a couple of glances from his companions.  Shrugging, he whispered, "I'm a sniper, one of the best gunners in the entire Alliance.  If I had my gun I could have taken them both out by now."
    Goliath frowned, "That isn't the way of the warrior.  To fight one's enemy head on is the best way to fight."
    "Fine.  Then why are we hiding?"
    "Correction, pilot of Red Lion.  Why were you hiding?"
    Swinging around Lance stared directly at Hagar and Demona.
    Demona tossed her head, leveled a laser gun at Goliath, and smiled.  "Bye-bye Goliath."
    Moving faster than anyone would have expected Lance jumped in front of the blast, knowing it would be impossible to try and push Goliath out of the way.
    Pain tore through his shoulder but ignoring it he grabbed the gun out of the startled Demona's grip and turned it on them.  Before he could fire, though, they disappeared in a puff of smoke.
    Unable to think clearly Lance stood rigid, letting the gun fall from his hands.  His knees buckled and he fell to the ground but not one to give in he forced himself to get back on his feet and found Goliath at his side trying to help.  Stubborn he refused, not daring to look at his shoulder.
    "What do we do now?"
    Goliath looked at the young man who had saved his life only moments before.  The wound in his shoulder was bleeding profusely but somehow he remained rigid and on his feet.  Realizing he had misjudged him Goliath took hold of his arm, "Next we get you back to the castle and see if Owen knows anything about fixing a wound like that."  Goliath's words seemed to have taken Lance by surprise and for a brief moment Goliath was able to see the extent of pain he was experiencing.  Not waiting for Lance's reply he grabbed him and launched into the air, hoping it wouldn't be too late.