
    Hagar put the final touches on the spell and then with a wave of her hand it was done.
    "Are you finished yet?"  A voice demanded from behind.
    "Yes, Prince Lotor.  Keith will be 'dead' in a matter of days."
    "Good.  Very, very good."
    Lance was watching Keith as he showed them a new combat move.  It had been so quiet lately, too quiet.  Lotor hadn't made a move in over a week and he was beginning to feel restless.
    So when Keith collasped, he wasn't prepared.  Allura was the first at his side.  When she looked up her face was white and her voice shook.  "There's no pulse... h-he's dead."
    Lance bent down next to his friend, found no vitals, picked up his limp body and ran the entire way to the infirmery.  Dr. Goma pronounced him 'dead' too but Lance wouldn't, couldn't believe that.  He had to threaten the Doctor to within an inch of his life but Keith's 'body' was put on life support.
    As he left the room he couldn't help but notice his friends worried glances.
    Keith floated above his body and he felt his mind go numb as he heard Allura say he was dead.  And he was greatly relieved when Lance put his 'body' on life support.
    "It's not fun being 'dead' is it, Keith?"
    The Commander's eyes widdened.  "King Alfor?"
    The King smiled, "Yes."
    Dawning came to Keith, "I'm 'dead'?"  He choked the words out.
    "Yes and no.  You see, you were 'killed' by Hagar.  She released a spell that seperated your soul from your body.  Luckily, Lance got your body taken care of, so all we have to do is get Allura to use the Lion's paw's magic to bring you back."
    "We can contact her?"
    "Unfortuanately, to contact her now would be impossible, even together we would be too weak, but we will be strong enough in about two days.  All we can do is hope Lance doesn't let them take your 'body' off life support."

    Lance sat by Keith's 'body'.  He talked to him as if her were awake.
    "Hey Allura, how are you?"
    "Fine... Lance you do realize Keith is... gone, don't you?"  Her voice cracked and Lance knew she's been crying.

    Lance stared down at Keith's face and the tube that breathed for him, "He's not 'dead'."
    There was silence from Allura.  "Sven's coming from Pullux.  He wanted to pay his respects to Keith and he'll be flying the Red Lion.. we're bumping you up to the Black.  Can you handle it?"
    "Yes, Keith'd agree to it.  Besides he'd want the seat kept warm till he wakes up."  Lance said stubbornly.
    "I imagine he would."
    As the Princess left she felt tears pour down her cheeks.  Quickly she made her way to the recreation room where Pidge, Hunk, Coran and Sven waited.
    "Oh guys, he won't admit that Keith is gone.  He thinks he's going to wake up."  Unable to control her grief, her sobs wracked her 'body' and she sunk to the ground.
    Sven came up to her and wrapped his arms around her, "Et es divicult to 'ave such a close viend die, but Lance es strong. 'E vill be alright.  You vill zee."
    "I'm not so sure about that Sven... I'm not so sure... Keith meant a lot to us but you three were best friends in the Academy."
    "Aye but Lance and Keith are almost brothers and Lance 'as lost almost everyone 'e as ever cared for."
    Lance looked down at Keith, "Look buddy, I don't know if you can hear me but I just have this feeling that you're not really 'dead'!  I've faced 'deaths' before and this just doesn't feel the same."
    But as he knew, Keith didn't respond.
    Alarms sounded.  Lance's back stiffened.  But that was his only hesitation.  Leaping from his place at Keith's side he ran the entire way to Castle Control.
    "What's happening Coran?"
    Coran's grave face turned to Lance, the lines etched in his face making him appear far older than he was.  "Lotor is attacking."
    The others arrived just in time to hear the last.  Lance didn't miss a beat.  "Okay guys, let's go.  Sven you have the Red.  Treat her nice."  He ran to the elevator knowing the others were doing the same.  He was wearing his red uniform but being in the Black Lion he felt like some kind of intruder.  Wishing Keith were with him he launched.
    They flew in and out taking as many Doom ships as they could down.  In fact, they were winning when the Robeast appeared.
    Lance's heart raced but he put a plug on his emotions, he opened up a communications link.  "Okay guys we have to form Voltron.  Activate interlocks, Dinatherms connected, Infracels up, Megathrusters go."  He released the breath he was holding.  "Form feet and legs, form arms and 'body', and I'll form the head."
    "Go Voltron."
    No one sounded very enthusiastic.  Keith would 'hate' him if he ever found out what he was about to do.  "Guys, let's do this for Keith."
    "Yah!"  Came the reply.  Better, much better.
    "Fire Proton missiles!"
    The missiles hit but were of little affect.
    "Lion head attack!"
    Again, the same results.
    "Form Blazing Sword!"
    The Robeast charged forward, swinging it's muscular tail.  Voltron's left hand grabbed onto the tail before bringing the sword down, severing the limb from the 'body'.  The beast swung a fist and Voltron fell backwards the grip on the sword, lost.  With a mad dodge Voltron managed to grab the sword and as the creature hurled it's body at the massive machine, the sword lifted ever so slightly and the Robeast impaled itself on the point.
    "Let's go home guys."  Lance's voice shook and his eyes burned painfully.  He felt as though he were going to throw up.  It was the first victory he couldn't feel any joy in.
    Back at the Castle, Alfor and Keith waited as Allura slept but no matter how hard they tried they couldn't enter her dreams.
    "We'll just have to try someone else, my daughter's grief is too great."  King Alfor said to the dejected pilot.  "Perhaps Lance..."
    Keith sighed, "Well it's worth a try."

        Lance was in a dark room, all the walls seemed to close in on him.
        The voice was like a whisper but he smiled as he recognized it.
        "Lance... I'm alive... power... Lion's paw... save me... help... "
        Lance woke up, heart hammering in his chest.  Quickly he tossed his blankets off and snuck down the hallway to the Princess's Room.  Slipping through the door he went to her dresser and picked up the Lion's paw.
    Suddenly the lights flashed on, blinding him momentarily.
    "Lance!  What are you doing in my chamber?"
    Lance blinked and found himself staring right at the Princess.  "Nothing."
    "What're you going with the Lion's paw?"
    "An experiment."  He started backing toward the door.

    "Allura vhat es vong?"
    Lance spun to see Sven at the door.
    "Lance is stealing the Lion's paw..."
    Lance didn't wait for the Princess to finish.  Gathering his 'body' underneath him he did a neat flip over Sven's head, running as soon as his feet hit the ground he made his way to the infirmery.  Sven and Allura running after him.
      Quickly he closed the door and locked it.  Outside Sven and the others pounded on the door, but he ignored them.  Glancing at the paw he moved next to Keith, casting a furtive glance at the window and his friends.  "How do you work this thing?"  He shook it and it glowed red rising from his hand above Keith's 'body'.
    Light beams shot out, engulfing the room.  Then in one great explosion that plasterd Lance to the wall the paw's power ebbed and it landed on Keith's chest, cold.
    Ears ringing, Lance moved to Keith's side.  "Keith?"
    He saw the chest rise.

    "Yes!"  Lance shouted leaping into the air, fist raised.  "I knew it."
    Keith's eyes fluttered open and he grabbed the paw as he sat up and smiled at Lance, "Thanks."
    "Any time buddy, anytime.  Besides I was tired of having everyone think I was crazy."

    "Aren't you?"  Keith asked innocently.
    Lance smiled and lightly punched him in the shoulder as he watched the other's surprized and shocked expressions.