Safe At Home?
Part Three

    Duke explained everything to the General.  It was a long story but somehow Nosedive managed to stay awake during it's telling.
    The General leaned back in his seat causing the joints to creak.  He seemed to be thinking over everything Duke had said.  Then once again he was leaning forward on his elbows, his chin resting in his hands.  "What if I said I had a mission for you two?"
    "A mission?"  The words caught Nosedive's interest.
    The General nodded, "You'd accompany one of my best teams to the camps and free a group of people whose knowledge and skills would be most benificial to the resistance."
    Duke rubbed his chin.  "Like Canard did for us."
    "Exactly.  So would you agree?"  The General was only looking at Duke, making Nosedive bristle slightly but miraculously he held his tongue.
    It surprised him and the General when Duke turned to him, "What do you think kid?"
    Taking a deep breath Nosedive met his friend's gaze.  "First of all, our main duty is to Wild and the others so we'll have to at least have somone thinking about a way to get us back.  Second, like I said before, I'm not leaving anyone we have a chance to rescue to stay and rot in the camps.  Third, if I know my bro.  He wouldn't want us to sit around on our butts all day, he'd want us to do what we can."
    Duke nodded, "I was thinking the same thing but we'll have to give the people working on our problem something, information wise, to get them started."
    Nosedive swallowed hard. He 'hated' having to admit he was smart, if you did, people always expected more from you but he didn't have much choice right then.  If only Tanya were with them.  "Tell them that the vectorial sonar vibrational frequency was at a pitch of approicimately 6 million waves per second and that the galactical orbits of our two worlds vary at about 20 billion gm's.  The formual for the jump would be something like [E(k)] mR =3(2c7n)-L divided by x to the factor negative 33."
    The General's eyes were wide with amazement but Duke only smiled, "I knew you were spending too much time with Tanya."
    Shrugging, Nosedive felt a blush creep over his cheeks.  Slowly he stodd,  "I was wondering if I could be dismissed.  It's been a long day..."
    "Of course Nosedive.  But I'd like to ask you a couple of things Duke, that is, if you wouldn't mind staying a little longer."
    Duke nodded, "Not at all General."
    The General turned back to Nosedive, "Go down the hall, at the end you'll enter a large room.  You'll find Nat there and he'll take you some place where you can wash up and get some rest."
    "Thank-you."  Without another word Nosedive left.
    After Nosedive shut the door the General swung a questioning gaze in Duke's direction.  "Care to explain about our young friend?  Last time I saw him, if I recall correctly he wasn't like that!"
    "No.  Time and War have changed him a little.  Not a whole lot though.  He's always been as smart as Tanya, he just doesn't like anyone to know.  Back on Earth he's still rash but he's a valued member of the team.  He has the best shot out of all of us, not a bad mechanic, incredible at flying and driving all types of vehicles and he's getting to the point where he's almost as good at 'Stealth' and hand-to-hand combat as I am."
    "He has changed...."
    Duke shook his head and sighed sadle, "Nosedive has had a rough life but somehow he still manages to keep the facade of being an arrogant teenager up.  It's a good thing he does, though, because I'm pretty sure everyone including myself is not ready to see who he really is underneath."
    "War has that effect on people."
    "It sure does."