Of Darkness and Shadows
Part One
(An Alternate Reality)

     This story takes place in an Alternate Reality of my own creation, hence our beloved Gundam pilots are a LITTLE different…

Let the story begin………..

     Soft rays of sunlight poured from openings amongst the branches of the tall trees of the Royal garden, and bathed the leaf-covered grass in an unearthly light.  Making the elf who walked the path beneath them seem as if he were glowing with the light of the deities.
     He was the heir to the Seelie Court, the Prince of Life, Quatre Rabreba Winner.  And he was lonely, though no one but his close friends in the guard would have known.  One in particular, would have noticed the young Prince’s depression but he had yet to return from a mission and so the heir was left to his own thoughts.
     The blond was known as the Prince of Life for many reasons, most of which stemmed from his Nymph grandmother.  Not only could he heal, but he could encourage growth in living things, sense their emotions, induce emotions and even control a few minds at once.  The last was something he’d only ever told his guard and companion Trowa.
     The green sect Lumaria (winged people-five sects: white, green, red, blue, and black; also the color of their wings) had grown up with him and over the years a strong friendship had grown between them.
     Running a hand through his platinum blond hair he gently caressed a slightly pointed ear.  He wished he could be sure of how deep the winged boy’s feelings went.  He did know how far his own emotions ran but if the populace knew of his…. Preference… it would be insisted that they be separated and he would be married to the first eligible elf maiden to appear.
     If he’d been part of the Unseelie court it wouldn’t have mattered if he preferred men, women, goblins or trolls… But the Seelie court had its restrictions.
     “Why such a long face, little one?”
     Quickly looking up he felt a bright but shy smile light up his innocent-looking face as he took in the sight of the dark green feathered wings, the brown uni-banged hair and soft hint of an answering smile on Trowa’s lips.  “Trowa, you’re back!  Everything went well?”
     The other nodded, his one visible green eye turned serious.  “I retrieved the prisoner with little trouble, Prince.”
     Quatre blinked, slightly frowning at the note of disgust in Trowa’s voice, “What is it?  What’s the matter?”
     “The Goblins had nearly beaten him to death, Prince.  He gave me no trouble because he was unconscious the whole time.”
     Quatre’s frown deepened in worry and a tinge of anger.  “Then you should take me to him.”
     Trowa bowed gracefully, his wings folding around him and creating the illusion of a green cloak.  “Of course, my liege.  But perhaps you should wait a moment.  Both your cousin, Wufei Chang, Warrior Prince of the Unseelie Court and the Captain of the King’s Guard, Heero Yuy have come to see for themselves the Shadow tribesman that was captured during the battle.  It may be wise for you to go together.”
     Quatre tilted his head to the side so that he could see both of his friend’s eyes.  “Whatever Queen Relena, of the Goblin race, had done to the prisoner is truly bothering you, isn’t it?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say so much at one time.”
     Trowa’s fists clenched, his teeth grinded against each other as he stared at the ground, leaving no double in Quatre’s mind how the other felt.  “When you see him you’ll understand, my liege.”
     Wufei walked with Heero towards the Royal Garden, following a court fairy who had called herself Hilde.  He let it do its job with little acknowledgement.  He’d never been overly fond of fairies; they tended to be extremely annoying.
     He found himself smiling as he saw his small cousin and the Lumaria walking up the palace steps to meet them.  There’d never been formality between the two of them so he did what he always did when they were visiting.  He pulled the deceptively frail blond into a quick, but warm hug.  “Quatre, it’s good to see that you are well.”
     Quatre nodded, and beamed up at him.  “I missed you too Wufei and thank-you, it’s been a while.”
     Always polite, Quatre stepped back and held a small, white hand out to the stoic Captain.  “Captain Heero, it’s a pleasure as always.”
     The dark-haired man nodded, his black cat-like tail twitching behind him as he firmly shook his hand but as was his norm he remained strangely quiet though always seeming as if he could see right through you.
     Suddenly looking very tired Quatre let his smile fall, becoming serious.  “Trowa and I were about to question the prisoner, would you two care to accompany us?”
     Wufei let his eyebrows rise but nodded, noting to himself how smart and deceptive his blond cousin could be without even realizing it.  Quatre knew what the real reason for their visit was, but didn’t want them alone with the Shadow filth, so he was taking the middle ground.  “Of course.”
     It was a wise move.
     Quatre followed Trowa, who held a lantern and lead them down the crumbling black stairs of the dark and damp dungeon.  They had to pass numerous cells before they reached the last cell, the one that held the Shadow Tribesman.  Without waiting for the guard’s appearance he moved to the bars, surprised when Trowa made no effort to stop him.  Unable to see anything within the darkness of the cell he lifted his hand, created a glowing ball of light that he sent into the cell.  With careful concentration he made it glow brighter until it lit up the small enclosed space and couldn’t help but gasp softly at what he saw.
     The Shadow Tribesman was dressed in ragged black cloths that at one time must have been expensive and lovely if the material was anything to go by.  He had the longest brown hair, pulled back into a braid, that Quatre had ever seen.  But some of the bangs had been plastered along his face with blood from a gash on his head.  His tanned skin was black and blue on nearly every visible piece of skin and Quatre could sense severe pain, though it was obvious the boy behind the bars had thrown up a barrier to hide it.
     There was a dry chuckle from the figure against the wall, and when he opened his eyes Quatre was greeted by two violet pools and a cheeky grin that spread across the banged up face.  Ever so slowly he got to his feet and for the first time Quatre noticed the chains around his ankles and wrists.  “You guys come to PLAY with me too?”
     Quatre met his gaze, his hand moving to cover his heart.  “I’ve come to see if I can help you.  My name is Prince…”
     “Quatre Rabrera Winner.  The Prince of Life and the heir to the Seelie Court thrown.”  The prisoner laughed harshly and ended up doubled-over coughing, barely able to choke out the last.  “I know who you are.”
     Quatre winced as a wave of pain rolled off of the broken form in the cell and crashed into him.  “Trowa open the door.”
     He felt his friend hesitate and turned a gaze colder than ice on him.  It was a look so rare that no one could remember having ever seen it.  “Trowa don’t make me repeat myself.”
     Trowa eyed him a split second before nodding, taking the keys and unlocking the door.
     Waiting till he’d backed up Quatre entered the cell, shutting the door behind him and spoke to the Lumaria without turning around.  “Lock it.”
     “Do as I’ve asked, please.”
     Waiting until he heard the key turn in the lock he looked at the young man in front of him.  “You know my name, would you do me the courtesy of telling me your?”
     He met the honest baby blue eyes, eyes that didn’t flinch from him.  The only thing he could see in the face and eyes was determination and… concern.
     He smiled, causing the crack in his bottom lip to reopen and bleed, despite his predicament.  “I suppose I shouldn’t loose my manners, even if everyone else has… that is, everyone but you apparently.”  He took a bow, making it seem effortless and graceful despite the chains and his injuries.  “I’m Duo of the Shadow Tribe, but those who are my enemies call me Death.  Which will you use?”
     The Prince moved forward slowly, reaching out to him, “I am not your enemy.”
     Duo felt his mask slip slightly but he quickly shoved it back in place when he saw something flicker not only over Quatre’s face but the face of the dark boy with the ponytail as well.
     The small blond in front of him shook his head sadly.  “You don’t trust me do you?”
     Duo plastered his trademark manic smile on his face.  “It doesn’t matter if I do or don’t because I’ve given my oath not to say anything concerning the tribe in anyway.  No threat could make me talk, no pain could make me talk and befriending me won’t make me talk.”
     Quatre sighed, “You don’t have to talk yet, I’ll just heal your wounds…”
     Duo danced out of the way of Quatre’s questing hand.  “I won’t let you heal me, Prince of Life.”
     The blond elf’s eyebrows rose, “Why not?”
     Duo melted back into the darkness, “I don’t want to owe a favor to a person who claims not to be my enemy but holds me captive in a jail.”  Then he grinned, “Besides, I’m used to pain.  It’s like an old friend.”