Voltron/JQ X-over
Part One

A light glowed in front of them and Hadji struggled against his bonds even harder than before.  On the ground next to him, Jonny and Jessie lay unconcious from when their assaliant had hit them.  As the light intensified Hadji's heart faultered as he realized there was no escape from their fate.

Lance flinched as Hunk grabbed his arm and squeezed.  "Hunk, I was only bugging Pidge!  I didn't mean anything by it!"

Hunk glared at him and his grip tightened on Lance's arm until he couldn't feel his fingers any longer.  "Kidding's one thing Lance but you really hurt him.  I've never seen the little guy so upset.  Now I wanna know exactly what you said to him, and I wanna know now!"

For a moment Lance forgot who he was dealing with.  "What we talked about is between us, it has nothing to do with you.  And if Pidge couldn't handle it then he never should have brought it up!"

The next instant Lance was flying through the air.  He hit the opposite wall with a loud 'crack' and it was a good minute before he could breathe again.  Though his face ached and he could feel tears of pain and frustration stinging his eyes he got to his feet and leveled his gaze on a very confused Hunk.

"Geez, Lance.  I'm sorry about that..."  The bigger boy apologized softly.

"Yah, whatever.  Just stay away from me!"  Turning on his heel he left the room without looking back.  Heading to the door he passed Keith and Allura who barely managed to hide their shock at what they'd seen.

Without a word to either of them he made his way by them and down the corridors until he stood outside Pidge's room.  Resisting the urge to rub his sore face he softly rapped his knuckles on the door.

"Come in."

Slowly he twisted the knob and entered the tiny room.  Pidge lay flat on his back, starring at the ceiling.  But when Lance didn't say anything he looked over.  "What's up Lance?"

Lance was sure to stay in the shadows of the darked room so that Pidge wouldn't see his battered face.  "I was just coming to see how you were doing.  You follow my instructions?"

Pidge nodded his head bitterly and sat up.  "To the "T" and she turned me down flat."

Lance's heart went out to his young friend.  "What did Laila say?"

"She said she was busy.  Homework."

Lance's mind whirled, "Okay, here's the deal.  You're a genius right?  Right.  So you call the 'girl' up and ask her if she'd like you help with it."

Pidge stared at him, eyes wide.  "Do you think she'll agree to that?"

"Why wouldn't she?  You're smart, a hero, pilot of Green Lion, part of the Voltron Force... the 'girl' would have to be a complete moron to say no."

Pidge's face lite up with hope.  "Maybe she would agree..."

"Well it's up to you Pidge.  Let me know what happens."  He turned and left the kid thinking on his bed.  Making sure to close the door as he left.

Shoving his fists into his pockets he walked down the hall and ran into Keith.

"Lance!  I was just looking for you.  Look,  I want to know what happened betwenn you and Hunk."

Lance pushed past him, "Why don't you ask him?"  He didn't even wait for Keith to answer his question.  Instead he made his way outside.  He needed something to do.

Hadji's head ached fiercely but he struggled to open his swollen eyes.  When he did he saw that he was in a cell.  But the ropes that had held him were gond.  Sitting up he rubbed the rope burns on his wrists and ankles.

He remembered him, Jonny and Jessie being grabbed in the middle of the night by Zin.  Zin had been studying a strange anomaly he'd accidently stubbled across.  His theory was that it was a type of dimensional gateway but unwilling to risk his own people he decided to achieve his answers and possible dispose of his enemies in one swoop.

So he was either in another dimension or he was being held captive by Zin.  But that left the question of where Jessie and Jonny were.

Lance walked into the castle courtyard head bent, hands still in his pockets, so when Laila spoke he jumped slightly.

"Hi Lance, what are you up to?"

He looked up and met her deep, blue eyes.  "Nothing."

She batted her eyelashes and giggled slightly.  Reaching out a hand she lightly traced his bruised face with her fingers.

Roughly he pulled away not enjoying where the situation might lead.  "I thought you were supposed to be studying.  That is what you told Pidge, isn't it?"

She didn't miss a beat as she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his face nearer hers.  "That boy.  Who would want a little boy when I could have a real man?"

Lance's lips formed a grim line.  "Look, I don't know what kind of game you're playing but I don't want any part of it, or you."

"Lance... Laila?  What are you doing?"

Lance spun, tearing out of Laila's hold, only to come face to face with Pidge who seemed just barely able to keep his emotions under control.  "Pidge I can explain..."

But Laila beat him to it.  "Oh Pidge.  I told him that I was a one man woman but he wouldn't listen."  She ran to him and gave him a hug that caused Pidge's face to redden and when he looked at him, Lance could see the suspiscion in his eyes.

Frustrated, Lance stared back at him, mouth open.  "I don't believe you're believing that lame story!  But hey, if that's the way you feel go right ahead."  His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides.  "I can't believe you'd think I'd break our friendship up just because of some.... some 'slut'"  Angrily he turned and ran into the Castle, straight for Castle Control, the elevators and his Lion.

The guard who came to his cell when Hadji called was what told him he was in another dimension.  The blue skin was a 'dead' give away, and when he spoke it was in another language he'd never heard before.

Using his arms he held them out in the Universal 'body' language to say he didn't understand.

Immediately the guard openned the door and grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt.  Hadji's dark hair was sent cascading all over the place and he wished he had his turban on.  The guard marched him down a maze of corridors until he was tossed onto the floor of a large Royal-like chamber.  He fell at the feet of a blue skinned, white haired man seated in what resembled a thrown.  Surprisingly he spoke English.

"So the last Alliance scum finally woke up."

Hadji looked up at the man before him.  "Where are my friends?"

The man glared at him.  "Do you hear that Hagar?  This impudent boy dares to speack to me!"

"Such a fool Lotor.  He's meerly an Alliance brat.  Not enough to spend your valuable time on..."

"Maybe, maybe not witch.  I'll decide what to do with him at a later date.  Guards!  Take him to the mines and put him to work!"

Lance sat in the Red Lion for a moment before inserting his key.  Then launching from the volcano he soared towards the stars.

Hadji lifted another shovel full of dirt and added it to the swiftly growing pile in the cart.  Strands of black hair stuck to his slick skin and sweat poured down his bare chest.  He wasn't sure how long he'd been working but they were finally being herded towards the cells and all of his training as a Yogi wasn't helping him stiffle the pain from his acheing limbs.

As he was soved into a large, crowded cell he spotted a familar blonde head and moved through the milling pwople until he came up beside his friend.

Jonny's tattered shirt didn't hide the deep cuts that had been made from one of the guard's whips.

"Jonny?"  His friend didn't even bother to look up and Hadji's heart grew heavy with worry over his brother and the Red-head who was absent.

Jessie sat stiffly in the room surrounded by many other 'girls'.  All of them, including herself, were dressed in clothes so skimpy that she felt 'naked'.

The man they called Prince Lotor had come, taken a couple of his captives for his entertainment that evening, and left.

If only she could figure out a way to get to Jonny and Hadji, she knew thay could break out.  They had to.

Hadji couldnt' allow Jonny to be hurt any more than he already had been.  But the only way to do that was to escape and find Jessie.

Letting Jonny lean on him he moved to the door.  "Guard!  Help, I think my friend is dying."  Carefully Hadji laid his friend on the floor and waited until the guard entered.  He didn't give the guard a second to think before he moved, with a lightening speed he had obtained from his Yoga techniques he place a fist directly into the man's face.  He fell unconcious to the ground.

Rubbing his fist he pulled Jonny over his shouler, struggling under the weight.  Looking back at the other prisoners he noticed that they had retreated further into the room, unwilling to risk the wraith of Prince Lotor.  Knowing it would be no use to encourgae them to escape, Hadji turned away, tears threatening his eyes and stepped into the hallway to begin his ssearch for Jessie.

Jessie sat on the edge of the bed watching the despirited girls around her in anger.  How could anyone be allowed to do this to innocent people?

Standing she paced the room and jumped slightlly when the door opened a crack.  Deciding, the second she saw the others cower away, that she would fight and escape or die trying.  Slowly she crouched into a fighter's stance.

Hadji opened the door a little farther after letting Jonny down.  And just barely managed to dodge out of the way of a flying red-headed Demon.  But he didn't manage to avoid the razor sharp nails that cut deeply into his cheek, just below his eye.  "Jessie.  Hold on!  It is only I."

She whirled around to face him, eyes wide, "Hadji?"  Then, in two steps she had her arms around him in a bear hug.

Hadji, having seen her slimsy and rather revealing cloths, was unssre of where the appropriate and gentlemanly place to put his hands would be.  And after she pulled away he was unable to look direectly at her, thankful that he was blessed with dark skin so that she couldn't see his deep blush.  "It is good to see you again, my friend.  But now is not the time to rejoice.  First we must find a way out of here or a device with which to call for help...."

"One of the girls was muttering about a room not far from here that could hold a radio of some kind."  Jessie told him and then she saw Jonny.  "Oh no...."

Hadji rested a hand on her shoulder.  "He'll be alright but only if we get him away from here.  Do you remember where she said the room was?"

Jessie nodded slowly, "But what about the other prisoners?"

"They are too afraid to leave but if we escape we might be able to get them some help...."

"Alright Hadji.  Pick up Sleeping Beauty and we'll get off this rock."

Lance flew in anger, cutting dangerously close to assteroid clusters.  Sweat poured down his face as he pulled out of a complicated manuver when the sound of a distress call echoed in his helmet.

"This is an emergency.  We are being held as prisoners by a man by the name of Prince Lotor.  If anyone can hear me, please copy."

Lance still needed something to do in order to burn his anger so he opened a channel.  "This is Lance Braddock of the Voltron Force.  If you can get out in fron of the castle, I'll meet you there.  Understand?"

The voice spoke again, calm and cool, and too low to be female.  "I understand.  We, my two friends and I, will meet you outside.  Good luck, my friend.  And thank you."

The line went static and  Lance shut it off as he turned the Red Lion towards Planet Doom.

Hadji swiveled in the chair after sshutting off the radio, to see Jessie cradling Jonny's head in her lap.  She seemed genuinely upset over his injurries and he was almost reluctant to disturb her but if they didn't move, things would get nasy and fast.  "Come on Jessie.  We have to go now."  As she moved back he lifted Jonny over his shoulder again and just barely kept his legs under him.  "Let's go."

Checking the hallway he silently stepped out of the room and headed the way he hped would lead them to the exit.

Lance crept along the ground, gun drawn.  He had landed in a cavern behind a slight mountainous range before going back to the castle.  He wanted to play it safe, in case it turned out that it was a trap.

A cold wind attacked him but he held steady watching the shadows around the castle for any signs of movement.  What he saw was more than he bargained for, in more ways than one.

Hadji quicdkened his pace as he tried to stay ahead of the guards and their weapons.  Jessie had sped ahead of him but with Jonny's additional weight it was putting a great deal of strain on his legs.  As they crossed the outer perimeter he was awaare of someone shooting from in front of them.  He almost stopped, thinking that the mysterious fire was aimed at him but he soon noticed that the shots were connecting with those following him.  Doubling his efforts he headed in the direction the shots were coming from.

Lance pressed his locator beacon and prayed that his Red Lion would arrive in time.

The prisoners were running as fasst as they could towards his hiding place.  A man and a woman.  The man seemed to be carrying another man which explained why he was rapidly falling behind.

Looking into the dark sky, Lance just barely managed to make out the outline of his Lion.  As the machine landed nearby he returned his attention to the retreating forms.

Hadji felt something cut into his leg and an intense burning filled his body but falling back on his training as a Yoga he shoved it to the back of his mind and strove forward.

He rounded a rocky outcroppp and felt his jay drop as he ccame face to face with a large, red and white, mechanical Lion.

"Don't stand gawking!  Just get in, that is unless you want to be targets in Lotor's  Cat and Mouse game."

Looking quickly at the guy wearing a red and white flight suit, Hadji nodded and stepped onto the platform where the pilot and Jessie stood.

Jumping into the pilot's seat Lance launched the Red Lion.

Glancing down at his monitors he noticed a lot of blips following hiim.  Making a split second decision he head for the asteroid belt.

Finding a meteor big enough he set his Lion down in a cavern and turned to take in his guests while he waited for the area to become less conjested with ships.

Hadji let Jessie tend to Jonny's injuries as he fell into the shadows.  His mind and body felt numb but he knew that it was the best for the moment.

On the floor Jonny groaned and blinked aas he sat up with Jessie's help.

"You're okay."  She said, smiling.

"Ya.  But I wish I knew what machine that was that they ussed on me."

"How wonderful.  Now why don't you tell me who you are and what you're up to?"

Hadji looked at the speaker who turned out to be the pilot, gun in hand.

Slowly Hadji moved out of the shadows, one painful step at a time.  "I am Hadji Singh, and these are my friends.  Jonny Quest and Jessie Bannon.  As to what we're up to... We meerly want to go home."

The pilot stared at him in uncertainty and slowly lowered his weapon.  "Alright, I believe you.  Like I told you earlier, I'm Lance and since you already introduced yourselves I guess the formal stuff is over and we can get on our way."

As quickly as Lance had coome he left and Hadji settled down into a chair as Jessie hovered protectively over Jonny.

The landing was rough but Lance put that to the back of his mind as he and his passengers exited the Red Lion and he came face to face with a very unhappy Voltron Force.