'Death' Does Not Become Him
    Hadji had heard tales of the Mayan artifact he held.  Two snakes entwined around themselves on top of a sun, the sun had a face with bright red, evil eyes.  It was an exquisite piece of artwork but the curse it supposedly carried brought death to those who owned it.  The 'death' being very painful and drawn out.
    "Hadji, what's wrong?  You don't look so good."
    Blinking Hadji took Jessie by the shoulders, "Jessie can you recall exactly where your Mother found this?"
    Her jaw dropped in surprise, "She, uh, didn't, I did."
    "We must take it back, immediately."
    Jonny stared back at his friend in confusion, "But why?"
    "It's bad luck."
    Jonny's eyebrows rose, "I thought you didn't believe in luck."
    Hadji turned his serious black eyes on his friend.  "Bad luck is a very mild way of putting it, my friend.  That plaque brings nothing but 'death' to those who remove it from it's true owner.  And Jonny I do not think that 'death' becomes me, do you?"
    "So what are we going to do."  Jonny asked staring at the artifact as if it were a snake ready to strike.
    "We take it back, right now."
    A few hours later they were at the excavation site but Hadji didn't relax until he dropped it back into it's original resting place and covered it back up.
    Suddenly a cloudish mist whirled in front of him until it appeared almost human.  A boy with ancient eyes stood before them, smiling.
    "Thank-you for returning my key.  Go in peace..."
    The boy grinned, disappearing.
    Had iled, turned and bit his tongue to keep from laughing at his friend's shocked expressions.