Party Hard
    The decorations were up all over their room, but no matter how gay the colors, Lance found it difficult to get in the mood.  Refreshments showed up, not much really, just punch and some chips and dip.  Despite his reputation Lance really wasn't into Liqour.  For one, it tasted bad and two it made you do and say things you wouldn't normally do.  He knew that all too well from watching his grandfather drink, normally a kind and gentle man by nature the booze caused him to become irritable and violent.  More than once Lance had worn the proof of that. Of course, he never did tell his parents; why he wasn't sure.
    People began arriving and it wasn't long till Keith and Sven came back with a load of disks for them to play.  Things began well and Lance kept a tight vigil on the partiers.
    Everything might have stayed that way if it hadn't been for Ace and Mallone showing up with a hoard of their friends.  Moments after, alcohol was making its rounds, and Lance's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw Keith take a swig from a beer bottle.  The straight arrow wasn't so straight after all.  The music got louder,  the people more rowdy but that in itself wasn't what disturbed Lance.
    It was when he saw his beloved picture (the only one he had of his family) tossed to the floor and trampled that set him off.
    Scooping it up in one fluid motion, he continued moving right out the door towards the gym, but at the forked hallway he abruptly changed direction and headed to the simulator instead.