Part Five


    Lance’s blood ran cold but he didn’t flinch under the scrutiny of Xanatos and his aid.  Instead he smirked, “I didn’t think you were an author of fairytales, Xanatos, but I guess looks can be deceiving.”

    Xanatos’ eyebrow rose slightly.  “So you’re denying it, then?”
    “What’s to deny?  I don’t even understand what you mean.”
    Owen just looked at him strangely.  “You will.  Destiny can’t be avoided.”
    “Quite right Owen but if you’ll excuse us, we do have work to attend to.  Do feel free to stop by and chat Lance.  I’ll welcome a visit whenever you feel like one.”
    With that the two left and in his head Lance was remembering the day his family had died.  The day the Elder had held him back, preventing him from trying to help his family, all in the name of destiny.
    His fists were clenched so tightly that he couldn’t feel his fingers.  He jerked away from Goliath’s hand as he reached out to him.  He didn’t even have to try to form a cold glare; it was already in place.  “Don’t touch me!”
    “Lad!  Pray tell an ole Gargoyle what has gotten inta ye?”
    Lance just shook.  “I’m not!  I can’t be!  The Elder was wrong!  He-he had to be…”
    Brooklyn’s face was furrowed in worry.  “What are you talking about?”
    Taking a deep breath Lance shoved the raw emotion into a dusty box, locked it and threw the key away.  It wasn’t the time to rehash old memories and regrets.  He had to find Hagar and get back to Arus, that’s what REALLY mattered, and that’s what he had to concentrate on.  “Nothing, Brooklyn.  It’s nothing.”  He’d have to be careful.  Xanatos and Owen were planning something and letting them find out what he did and did not know would be trouble.
    “It’s not nothing Lance.  If it was you wouldn’t be upset.”
    “I’m just tired Brooklyn, that’s all.  Well, that and Hagar and worrying about the team.  It puts me on edge when things are out of my control.”  With that he gave Goliath a sheepish but apologetic smile.  “I’m really sorry Goliath.  It’s just sometimes I act before I think.”
    He laughed and rolled his eyes at him, thankful to be on familiar ground.  “Well you know, I HAVE to make a few mistakes so I don’t shame you with how perfect I am.”


    Goliath perched on the wall of the castle; Lance had fallen asleep a few hours earlier, and he was waiting impatiently for Elisa.  He hadn’t liked the way Xanatos had acted or what Owen had said.  He might have thought less of the whole incident but the flare of emotions from Lance had put an end to that.  Owen had spoken of Destiny, he’d even called Lance the ‘Lion’s heart, the inner fire’, whatever that meant he wasn’t sure and despite what the young man had said to Xanatos, Goliath had a strong feeling that he knew more than what he’d admitted to.

    Whatever ‘Lion’s hear, the inner fire’ was in reference to, he knew one thing for certain and that was that if Xanatos was interested in Lance the best thing to do was get him as far from the castle as possible.  And that depended heavily on whether or not Elisa would be willing to help.
    “Goliath?  You wanted to see me?”
    He turned to see her standing in the archway, watching him and jumped down, moving to meet her taking her hands in his larger ones.  “Elisa, it is good to see you again.  Are you well?”
    She smirked up at him, removing her hands and sliding them into her jacket pockets.  “Nice to see you too big guy and I’m fine – thanks, but something tells me that this isn’t a tea and crumpet session.  So what’s up?”
    As always, Goliath marveled at her intelligence.  “I hate to ask favors of you Elisa…”
    She laughed, moving casually to lean a hip against the place he’d been perching when she’d arrived.  “I know Goliath.  If there was any other way you would have done it first so just spill it and stopping dancing.”
    “Never-mind, just an expression.  So, stop being a tease and tell me what you need?”
    “There is a young man staying with us presently who is not from around here, but I have come to the conclusion that during the day this may not be the best play fro him.”  He carefully worded what he said to be on the safe side in case anyone was ‘listening’ and hoped she’d understand the silent message.
    Almost impermissibly Elisa’s eyes narrowed.  “I’d be glad to Goliath.  I have a few days off so I could even show him around a little.  Just fly him over a couple of hours before sunrise and I’ll have everything ready.”  She patted his upper arm as she passed him and stopped at the door.  “Oh and Goliath don’t be a stranger okay?  You and the others are welcome at my place any time.”
    “I will Elisa and thank-you.”


    Lance felt like someone was using yellow lion’s rock blaster on his head but he opened his eyes slowly when it became apparent that whatever it was, wasn’t going to stop.  “Wha-?”

    A large mauve face was hovering in front of him.  “Sorry to wake you Lance but we have to go.”
    “I’m taking you to meet a friend.”
    “But - ?”
    Goliath didn’t give him time to think about anything as he scooped him up into a pair of vice-like arms.
    But they’d already stepped out or more precisely Goliath had stepped off the wall.  His mind whirled as he tried to calm his stomach and nerves.  Back at the castle he could hear the others chuckling, especially Broadway, and he planned revenge when he got back.  He was silent for a few minutes, giving the Gargoyle plenty of time to explain and when he didn’t Lance lost his patience.
    “So what?”
    “So what on Earth are you doing?!”
    “I’m taking you to a friend.”
    “Yes, so I’ve been told.  Care to elaborate.  Maybe tell me WHO this mystery friend is and WHY I’m going to see him?”
    “Her.  You’re going to see her.  Her name is Elisa and I’m taking you there because Xanatos has something going on and is showing WAY too much interest in you.”
    “A girl!  You’re taking me to a girl?!”
    Goliath looked at him quizzically.  “Yes. Is there something wrong?”
    “Wrong?!”  His voice squeaked.  “Wrong, he asks.  Goliath you could have let me shower, or put on a t-shirt and pants!  I’m in my boxers for crying out loud!”
    “That is why I wrapped you in a blanket.”
    Lance just stared at him but couldn’t see so much as a hint of laughter or malice.  Goliath really didn’t see anything wrong with it, but then what did he expect from a guy who ran around in a loincloth?
    “I’ll still need cloths.”
    “Yes. Elisa’s brother, Derek, left some of his cloths there a while ago.  I’m sure you’ll be able to wear them.”
    “Isn’t this going to look suspicious to Xanatos?  I mean it’s the day after he brings up that whole ‘Lion’s heart’ thing and he doesn’t seem to be a stupid man.”
    “It’s the best for now.”
    “And what about Hagar and Demona?”
    “We’ll handle that after your wounds are less severe.”
    “We’re here.”
    Lance felt a jolt as Goliath landed on the balcony of a high rise.  The sliding door opened and a woman who seemed to be half Native American and half African-American motioned them inside.  Frantically he tucked the blanket tighter around him as Goliath moved inside the neat living room.
    He felt stupid as Goliath set him back on his feet, but he forgot all about it as pain shot through his shoulder.  Not expecting it he doubled over, in the process loosing his grip on the blanket.
    Elisa was at his side, as was Goliath, when the world stopped imitating a top.
    “Geez Goliath what happened?  This dressing needs to be changed, and where’s his cloths?”
    At the last Lance dived for the blanket and quickly pulled it around himself, cheeks burning.  Not daring to look at Elisa he glared at Goliath, instead, but the Gargoyle didn’t seem to notice.
    “Goliath I think you should introduce us.”
    “Of course.  Elisa, this is Lance.  Lance, this is my friend Elisa.”
    The introduction forced Lance to look at the woman or be rude so reluctantly he did.  Her smile took his breath away.  “Uh, hi.”
    “Hello Lance.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I don’t have a shower but I do have a bathtub, if you go wash up, I’ll fix that dressing and get you some clean clothing if you like.”
    “That sounds great.  Where is it?”
    Elisa smiled as she moved over to the closet and came out laden down with clothes.  She handed them to him.  “The bathroom’s down the hall, first door to your left and the cloths may be a little big for you but don’t worry.  I may not sew but I know a few people who do.”
    “Uh, thanks.  I’ll be back.”
    Lance made short work of a bath, careful not to irritate the wound too much, and slipped on everything but the shirt and the sweater.  The jeans were a size too large but that wasn’t so bad.  When he re-entered the living room he found that Goliath was gone.
    Elisa looked up from a first aid kit she had laid out on the coffee table.  “Sit on the wooden chair and I’ll fix you up as good as new.”
    Having had Paramedic level first aid training he watched as she quickly and deftly completed the act.  His shoulder felt much better.
    Lance threw her a grin.  “Thanks Elisa.”
    She grinned right back, “No problem.  If you throw on your shirt and sweater I’ll get my jacket and we’ll get some breakfast before we hit the town.”
    This time she laughed, Lance liked it, it was like his sister’s had been.  “I don’t cook terribly well and I REALLY don’t recommend the consumption of anything I concoct.  Much safer to go out.”
    Lance grinned as he pulled on his sweater and the pair of shoes she tossed at him.  “Ready when you are Boss.”
    “Then let’s go.”


    He’d never thought a day just hanging out with a friend would be so good.  It was near to impossible to get either Keith or Sven to do anything and Pidge was always with Hunk building something.  True he didn’t know Elisa well but his gut said she was fine and his instincts hadn’t lead him wrong yet so he wasn’t about to start second guessing it.

    He might have felt guilty about not looking for Hagar and Demona but he was, and he was noting plausible hideouts.
    “Hey Earth to Lance.  You there?”
    Grinning sheepishly Lance turned to his guide and host.  “Sorry Elisa.  What’d ya say?”
    “It’s ok, I was just asking if you'd like to go to a museum.  I know it’s not a ‘cool’ thing like the fair, or roller-blading or the amusement park or…”
    “Actually I think that would be VERY cool.”
    “You do?”
    He shook his head at her startled expression.  “I happen to find history interesting but the nearest museum to where I come from is too far away to get to.”
    “Well this one’s only around the corner.  Come on!”
    She burst into a run and Lance had to jog to keep up.  He’d had a lot of fun with her, she was like the perfect mix of fun and seriousness.


    They’d covered most of the exhibits and were going onto the Medieval one when warning bells went off in Lance’s head.  The reason for it became clear when they stepped into the room.

    A thousand things popped into his head at once.  Way to handle the situation, complications, reasons but none of it prepared him for what happened next.
    “Stop police!”
    Lance’s jaw dropped as he stared at Anita, holding an old-fashioned gun on Hagar.  He was starring for two reasons.  The first was because he hadn’t known she was a cop or had a gun and the second was because using a gun against Hagar was like using a butter-knife against a tank.  If he’d only hung onto the laser gun…
    He just barely knocked Elisa out of the way as a bolt of energy flew through where she’d been standing.  His sore shoulder complained at the action but he ignored it as he got back on his feet, making sure to stay out of Elisa’s line of fire while not moving too far away.
    “Well, if it isn’t the pilot of Red Lion.  Aren’t you dead yet?”
    Lance smirked cockily.  “Hiya Hagar.  You know if you’re not careful I’m gonna start thinking you missed me.”
    The witch sneered.  “This is no concern of yours Arus scum.  Stay out of it and you may be allowed to live.”
    Lance spotted the clay jar under her arm.  “PLEASE tell me that’s beauty cream.  Cause you sure need it, you should probably use all of it and quickly!”
    A bolt flew towards him and he shifted out of the way.
    “Tsk tsk Hagar.  You should really learn how to control that temper of yours.”
    “I haven’t any reason too control it, not if it gives me opportunity to put an end to your meddling.”
    Lance had to dive out of the way to avoid a ball of fire and he had to grit his teeth from crying out as he hit his shoulder.  He rolled into a crouch, eyes never leaving Hagar as he listened for Elisa.  She was an unknown to him and if things became interesting he wasn’t sure what to expect from her.  After all, what could someone expect from a woman who was a cop as well as friends with living Gargoyles?
    A shot was fired but the bullet stopped two feet in front of the witch.  Hagar’s green face twisted into a hideous scowl.  “You’re a troublesome woman, almost as bad as that pink princess.  Do well to remember that it is ill advised to choose me for an enemy.”
    Lance almost laughed out loud when Elisa answered with another gunshot but his good humor left him at Hagar’s parting comment.
    “You’d do well to explain to her what happens to those who defy the Drule Empire, pilot of Red Lion.  I believe you are well acquainted with the results.”
    If she hadn’t disappeared seconds after her comment Lance might have tried ripping what passed as the witch’s heart out.
    As he stood, Elisa grabbed a hold of his arm tightly, growling in his ear as they moved quickly to the exit.  “You’re going to explain everything to me as soon as we get to the car.”


    No sooner did Elisa put the car in gear and peel into traffic before she was demanding an explanation.  “I want to know what’s going on, from the beginning.”

    Lance ran a hand through his hair.  “You’re not going to believe me…”
    “Try me.”
    “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”  Taking a deep breath he spoke bluntly, “I’m from another dimension.  In my world there’s a war going on between the Drule Empire and the Galaxy Garrison, which is made up of numerous planets.  I am the pilot of Red Lion and the second-in-command of Voltron Force.  Voltron is a large robot that is formed by combining the five Lions together.  It’s the main force preventing the Drule from taking over the universe.  As to how I got here, I’m not entirely sure.  One second I was tackling Hagar and the next I was on a castle, which was on top of a skyscraper.  Though I put together that Demona and Hagar are acquaintances and it was Demona’s spell that brought Hagar here with me tagging along by accident.”
    “So it’s Hagar and Demona who are after you, but that doesn’t make sense because the safest place for you to be is with the Gargoyles and Goliath said he thought you might be in danger at the castle if you stayed.”
    Lance frowned slightly, “I think it has to do with what Owen said and Xanatos’ apparent interest in me.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Owen said something about destiny.  He called me the ‘Lion’s heart, the inner fire’ and Xanatos was asking all kinds of questions.  Goliath got over-protective.  He’s almost as bad as Keith.  Keith is my best friend and the commander of Voltron force, Goliath’s a lot like him in some ways.”
    “One more question before we get back to my apartment.  How old are you?”
    “That depends.”
    “On what?”
    “On whether or not you want the age everyone thinks I am or the age I really am.”
    “I’m really sixteen though everyone thinks I’m eighteen.  Everyone except Keith, my Uncle, Ditch, you and the Gargoyles that is… oh and Xanatos and Owen.”
    “Do I want to know why?”
    “Alright.  We’re talking to Goliath as soon as he wakes up.”
    “Yes ma’am.”  He liked her, she was like a female version of himself.