JQ/Gargoyles X-over
Part Two

    Hadji stood on the clock tower with Elisa Maza watching as the Sun slowly dropped beneath the horizon.  Elisa tapped her foot impatiently and glanced down at her watch.  "Matt said he'd be here.  I can't believe he's late!"
    Hadji grinned at her, "Everyone is where they must be at every minute of every day.  Detective Bluestone is exactly where he is meant to be."
    Elisa looked at him wearily.  "Why is it that I feel like I should be the one in high school and you should be the detective?"
    He didn't get to answer because right then the Gargoyles burst from their stone hybernation.  Hadji's eyes widdened in amazement.  "I must confess, Detective Maza, I did not truly believe what you'd said about... this but I can see that what you said was an understatement."
    Elisa slapped him lightly on the back, "Now you're acting more like a kid."
    "Hadji you're here!"
    He turned in time to see Lexington bound up beside him, Bronx trailing at his heels.  "Goo night, Lexington, it is good to see you again.  Hello Bronx."  Hadji bent down and rubbed the beast's head, only to be greeted with a happy whine.
    "I presume you mentioned nothing of us to the Doctor?"
    Hadji looked up at Goliath from lowered eyelids.  "I gave you my word and I will not break it."
    "Humans have told me that before and it has not stopped them from taking advantage of us.  Lexington knows that only too well from his run in with the Pack."  The big Gargoyle commented as he moved past him into the tower.
    Hadji noticed a flare of suspiscion enter Lexington's eyes.  The green Gargoyle was eyeing him wearily.  Hadji felt his stomach do a flip-flop.  Even Bronx pulled away from him.  Reluctantly he backed up a step.  "Perhaps I should leave.  I only came to say hello to Lexington and fullfill my promise... Good bye."  Quickly he turned on his heel and was about to leave when a wave of dizziness hit him.  Taken aback by it's suddeness he stumbled backwards, falling over the railing's edge.
    He didn't fall very long before a pair of strong arms grabbed him.  As quickly as it had happened he was back on the clock tower, facing an angry Goliath, "What were you trying to do?  'Kill' yourself?"
    Head still spinning he shook his head, finally finding his voice he called out weakly, "Elisa?"
    He felt a hand on his shoulder, "What is it Hadji?"  She sounded concerned.
    "Do you have a cellular phone?"
    Her features showed her puzzelment, "Why?"
    "Please."  Reluctantly she gave it to him and he quickly dialed Dr. Quest's number.  Jonny answered.  "Jonny, what's wrong?  Something is not right, I..."
    "It's your Mom, Hadji.  She was involved in an accident... Dad's making arrangements.  Get back as soon as you can and don't worry, she'll be alright."
    "I'll leave immediately."  Hadji hung up and passed the phone to Elisa before he doubled up in pain.
    This time it was Lexington who helped him up.  A quick glance told him that Goliath seemed worried.  He shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs.  "Her sickness is not natural."
    The others exchanged bewildered looks.  Hadji sighed, the strength seemed to flow out of him.  "My Mother, she has fallen ill..."
    "Well, we'll take my car..."  Elisa started.
    Hadji shook his head.
    Brooklyn scratched his head, "Didn't you say you were adopted?"  The suspiscion had returned, even to Elisa's eyes.
    "My mother is Neela, she's the Sultanous of Bangalore.  My Uncle, 'killed' my father and told Pasha the peddler to do the same to me when I was but a young child so that he could take over the thrown.  Pasha allowed me to live and one day while we were traveling we met Dr. Quest who agreed to adopt me.  It was not until about a year ago that I discovered the truth..."  Inside his head he could hear his Mother's voice faintly calling his name.  "But I sense discord with the natural laws, the sickness that inflicts her is not..."  His knees buckled and he fell to the ground, scraping his hand.  Leaning against the wall he closed his eyes and focused hard on his training.  He slowed his breathing and let himself calm down, seperating himself from his Mother.
    He reopened his eyes and stood.  Quickly he looked at Lexington's concerned face, "I must go.  Thank-you for your kindness."  Then he turned and bowed to Goliath, "And thank-you for saving my life."
    Lexington could see that the boy was preparing to leave but he wasn't sure it was safe for him.  So he moved in front of the doorway blocking his exit.
    "Lexington, would you please move?"
    "No.  Hadji you aren't making sense!  And the only unnatural thing that I can think of is magic.  If so, you and your Mother are going to need us."
    "Lex.  The only way to Bangalore is by plane.  If you tried to come you would be unable to hide yourselves.  Even with Dr. Quest's private jet, it would be risky."  Hadji seemed distraunt, though he hid it well.
    "We'll find a way."  Lexington looked at Goliath in surprize.  Seeing it Goliath continued, "He is your friend and he is in trouble of a kind that he can not possibly handle.  We are sworn to protect those in the city and he is in the city..."
    Elisa stepped up, a 'develish' smile on her lips.  "I have some vacation time so let's do it."  Before Goliath had a chance to refuse she turned to Hadji.  "Why don't you tell me about this jet of yours?"