Gargoyles/JQ x-over
    Lexington sa ching the cars driving along the road below him.  Tonight he was on patrol alone.  Both Brooklyn and Broadway had come down with a severe cold.  He sighed, his breath forming a cloud in the air.  Spreading his wings wide hw dove off the building gliding lower to see if anyone needed protections.
    Hadji huddled deeper in his coat as he followed Jonny down the sidewalk.  "Jonny I believe your father will be very upset when we return from the movie at such a late hour."
    "Ah, no he won't Hadj.  Besides he told us to see the sites during our stay and so far all we've done is stay locked indoors."
    "I believe that is because it is cold."  Hadji mumbled into his coat collar.
    "What?"  Jonny asked, turning to face him.
    Hadji streatched his neck out of his warm burrow in his jacket.  "I said we stayed in because it was warm there and cold out here."
    "Well,you should have stayed inside today because then ya might've avoided us!"
    Both boys whirled to see who the sinister voice belonged to.  Just behing them, in the shadow was a large group of guys, obviously a gang.  The one who had spoken grinned, showing rotten teeth.  Suddenly Hadji felt hands grab onto him pining his arms to his sides.  A quick glance at Jonny confirmed that he'd been caught too.  The two goons dragged them into the ally but Jonny brought down his foot hard on his captor's toes, freeing himself long enough so that he managed to break away.
    Seeing it Hadji yelled as loud as he could, "Jonny run!  Get help!"
    "But Hadji..."
    "Go!"  It came out so forcefully that Jonny took off without saying another word.
    A couple of gang members started after him but the guy who had spoken called them back.  "Don't worry about him.  We still have his friend to play with."  The look he gave Hadji caused his throat to close up.
    "You'll have to go through me first."   Suddenly, out of nowhere, the creature who spoke appeared, eyes glowing.  He, or at least Hadji assumed it was male, grabbed the nearest two guys and tossed them across the narrow ally, into a dumpster who's lid banged closed afterwards.
    The man holding him loosened his grip and Hadji got ahold of his arm, shifting his wieght, threw him over his shoulder.  Out of the corner of hi eye he saw another guy draw a gun and point it at the green creature who had helped him, moving quickly Hadji threw his weight into him.  The gun flew from his hand but he remained on his feet unleashing his pent up anger on Hadji.  Unprepared the blow hit Hadji full force.  Stumbling back ward he cracked his forehead against the brick wall behind him.
    Red exploded behind his eyes then as he watched limply from his place on the ground he saw the creature knock his attacker unconscienous before turning his glowing eyes to him.  Slowly the eyes stopped glowing and he/it bent down to him.  "Thank-you."
    Had iled weakly.  "It is I who should thank you, my friend, but I'm afraid that I am unable to do so properly."
    The creature appeared concerned.  "You're hurt."
    Hadji wanted to answer but the pain became to much and he slipeed into a dreamless sleep.
    Lexington leaned over the dark-skinned boy.  The injury on his forehead worried him.  Unraveling the cloth around his head he used it to bandage the wound.  The fact that he, unlike all the others they had helped save, had called him 'friend' had surprised him.
    A groan from behing him told Lexington that the gang members were waking up.  Unwilling to elave the injured human with them, unprotected, Lexington gently lifted him over his shoulder, slimbed the building and jumped from the top catching thermals that propelled them above the city.  Wondering what Gliath would say he made his was back to the clock tower.
    Jonny's lungs burned as he ran back to the hotel.  He burst into the room and it took him two minutes to explain to his dad and Race what had happened.  On the way back he could only hope that they weren't already to late.
    Lexington gently laid the boy on the sofa, covering him with a blanket as Goliath grimmly watched.  Hudson stood next to their clan leader, quietly petting Bronx.  Both Brooklyn and Broadway had blankets around their shoulders and Angela was seated in a chair near the sofa.
    "How is he Lex?"  Brooklyn asked his voice sounding nasal because of the cold.
    "It's not as bad as I thought.  In fact I think he's waking up."
    "Shouldn't we hid or something?"  Angela asked.
    "I'm afraid it is too late for that."  The boy said as his eyes meet Angela's.
    Hadji's head ached but he struggled to sit up.  The green creature gently forced him back down, for such a small guy he was awfully strong.  "You need to rest."
    Nodding Hadji lay back down.  "Wiser words have never been spoken."  He sighed and closed his eyes briefly.  "I hope I do not seem rude, but I have never seen your kind before and we have not yet been properly introduced... My name is Hadji Singh... you are?"
    This time he looked at the green being, waiting.
    "We're Gargoyles.  I'm Lexington, that's Angela, Brooklyn, Broadway, Hudson, Bronx and Goliath."  Lexington said, pointing to each as he said their names.
    This time Hadji did sit up, clenching his teeth against the pain in his head.  "Gargoyles?  You did say Gargoyles, correct?"
    In a flash the large blue Gargoyle was in front of him.  Hadji  remembered he was called Goliath and he could see the name suited him.  "Why do you want to know?"  He was suspicious.
    Hadji got to his feet, barely able to stand on his wobbly legs.  He just barely reached Goliath's shoulder.  Bowing his head slightly before looking into his hard eyes, Hadji spoke calmly.  "I apologize if that came out wrong.  It is just that Dr. Quest has been investigating your possible existance for nearly two weeks to no aviel."  Slowly he shook his head a wry smile on his lips.  "You are very difficult to find.  It took a very unfortunate incident in order to finally come face to face with you."
    "Lexington I warned you this would create problems!  You should never have brought him here."
    Lexington stared at the ground in shame and Hadji couldn't leave it like that.  Gazing back at Golaith, who had begun to walk away, he gathered all of his courage.  "You can't say that."  He said quietly but firmly.
    Goliath stopped in his tracks and swung around to face him. "What?"
    Hadji kept his face expressionless, not daring to flinch.  "I said you can't say that.  Lexington did a noble and honourable deed.  If we were back in older times I may have had a debt to pay.  I life for a life.  He saved mine.  He did the best he could under the circumstances.  If anyone is at fault her, it is me."
    Goliath's eyebrow arched.  "You?"  It was clear he didn't believe what he was hearing.
    "Yes.  It was very stupid to have been out so late.  If I'd stayed haome, this whole mess would not have happened."
    "You know, you saved my life as well.  If you hadn't knocked that guy's gun out of his hand..."  Lexington said, shaking his head in disqust.
    Hadji put a hand on his shoulder.  "Do not be troubled, my friend, actions occur because they must.  To act is better than to be idle."
    "Is that so lad?"
    Hadji looked up at Hudson.  "I believe it is.  Though the action that is taken is dependent on the situation and the person."
    The elderly Gargoyle's eyes twinkled with amu t.  "Aye lad.  That be the truth.  Ye speak like one older than his years."
    "One need only look at the world to make such observations, sir, following what you learn and believe in it is the hard part."
    "Aye, that is an observation Goliath did not make until he was much older than ye be."
    "Hudson!  We mustn't forget what problems this has caused..."
    Hadji cut Goliath off.  "Your problem is that you think I'll tell Dr. Quest where you are and who you are.  Well, that is easily solved; I give you my word that I will not speak of you to anyone."
    "'Cept me."
    "Alyssa.  It's nice to see you again."  Angela said warmly, the new comer smiled before turning to look at Hadji.
    "You're Hadji Singh, aren't you?"
    Hadji blinked in surprize.  "Yes, ma'am."
    "Your adoptive father's going nuts downstairs, demanding that all of our available officers go out looking for you.  I thought, my friends here could help but I guess they must have read my mind."  She smiled again.
    "Adoptive father?"  Hadji's forehead wrinkled.  Then his eyes lite up.  "Oh, you mean Dr. Quest.  Is Race and Jonny here as well?"
    "Yep.  That blond kid is really upset.  Blaming himself for what happened to you."
    "But I told him to go for help."  Hadji said shaking his head slightly.  "It's a good thing Jessie wasn't here or they both would have come after me."
    Alyssa laughed, "You're telling me!  Dr. Quest doesn't just have to hold his body guard down but his sone too."
    "Jonny doesn't always think about what he's doing he just follows what his gut and heart tell him."
    "Oh and what about you?"  She asked, hands on her hips.
    "I use my head and my heart.  Then I follow Jonny and Jessie.  What else can I do?  They are my friends and I have to do what I can to help them."  He looked back at Lexington.  "I'm going to be in the city for a while so I'll stop by and see you again, my friend."
    "I look forward to it, Hadji."  They shook hands and Alyssa lead Hadji downstairs before Goliath could argue.