Fire And Ice

    He shook his head slightly at the dull pain he felt behind his eyes.  Running his hand through his slightly long brown hair, he sat up and surveyed his surroundings.  He was in a large room, laying on top of a bed with blue satin bedsheets.  But he didn't recognize the place at all.
    The door creaked as a man with white hair and blue skin entered,"Ah, brother... you're awake."
    "B-brother?"  The dark haired lad asked, he couldn't seem to remember the person before him.
    "Well, of course, Lance.  But maybe Hagar was right, perhaps you do have amnesia.  You see, I am Prince Lotor of the Drules and you are Prince Lance, my younger brother." Lotor waited a moment, the corners of his mouth turning downward as he moved and sat on the bed next to him.  "Don't you even have a hug for your worried older brother?"
    Confusion rose in his stomach but he forced a smile,"I'm sorry... brother, it's just that I don't know...."
    Lotor put a hand on his shoulder, "I understand.  You'll have plenty of time.  Just remember, I'll always be here for you, after all what is a family for?"
    "Have you guys seen Lance?"  Keith asked as he walked into the recreation room.
    Pidge shook his head as he looked up from the tangel of circuitry he was working on.  "Not since last night."
    "Yah, the last time I saw him was right after practice yesterday when you two were fighting.  Didn't he storm off after that?"  Hunk asked as he popped another kernal of popcorn into his mouth.
    Keith felt his cheeks redden,"Look, you both know as well as I don thtat he was goofing off."
    "Yes, he was Keith but we also know that the manuevers we were going through were too easy for him.  You know he's easilly bored, besides some of the tricks he did were improving on the basics."  This came from Allura who had just entered the room.
    Keith grew defensive, "So you're saying this is my fault?"
    The Princess sighed,"Of course not, what I'm saying is that you let him get under your skin."
    "With his stupid antics he could get either himself or another one of us killed."
    Allura put her hands on her hips and looked Keith 'dead' in the eyes.  "Has that ever happened?  Keith, everyone here including yourself has fought with Lance in battle.  I admit, I'm not his best friend but I've seen the way he punishes himself when he makes a mistake or the way he bends himself backwards trying to fix it.  I'd put my life in his hands anytime."
    "So would I."  Pidge added.
    "Me too."  Hunk mumbled around a mouthful of food.
    Keith took in each of their faces before he admitted to himself that they spoke the truth.  He let out a long sigh, "I just wish there was some way to curb his anger."
    The Princess grinned sheepishly, "I hear ice does a good job of putting out fire,  maybe the Blue and Red Lions should face off..."
    Lance roamed around the room.  Everything around him seemed foriegn and he felt out of place amoungst the furnishings.  But that's probably what having Amnesia is like, he thought.
    Frustration boiled up inside him as he paced the floor.  His brother had told him to rest but with all of his nervous energy he flet it impossible to stay still more than a few minutes at a time.
    Tired of staying in one place her opened his door and stepped into the dark hallway.  A little exploring might help restore his memory.
    Alarms rang throughout Castle Control as the remaining members of Voltron Force gathered around Coran.
    "Lotor's Doom Ship and his main battle fleet are heading straight toward Arus."  Was all the older man said to them, never taking his eyes off the screen.
    "And we still don't have Lance."  Allura added softly.
    "Coran, call Sven on Pollux and tell him to get here as soon as possible."  Keith's voice was firm but inside he couldn't keep the worry he felt over their missing member from flowing.
    "Lance, what are you doing here?"
    Lance jumped at the sudden harsh voice.  And was amazed to see it belonged to Lotor.
    "Sorry, I just couldn't stand staying in my room another second.  I figured that maybe if I wandered around I would be able to jog my memories."
    Lotor's face melted into a smile that seemed a little strained to him, "That's fine.  I just thought that rest would be best for you.  Come, you can accompany me to the bridge.  The Great Drule Empire is planning to punish those who stole your memories.  It would be a great honour if you were by my side during the final hour."
    Lance grinned at him, "I think I'd like that brother, I think I'd like that a lot."
    "Sven isn't going to make it here in time Keith."  Allura siad softly.
    Keith stared at the screen and the approaching ships.  "I know.  We'll have to head out a Lion short."  He rubbed a hand over his face, "If only I knew where Lance was?"
    "We have an incoming call from Prince Lotor."  Coran said, giving them a moment to compose themselves before he put it on the large screen.
    Lotor's face smiled at them, "Greetings Arus.  I'm afraid that due to your ill prepared attack on my brother I am forced to retaliate."
    "Your brother?"  Allura asked incrediously.
    "Yes."  Lotor smiled as he pulled someone into view, "I believe you've met my brother Lance, after all you are the ones who tried to do him harm."
    Keith's 'blood' froze when Lance's face appeared next to Lotor's.  "Lance?  What's going on?"
    His friend's face wrinkled in confusion and he turned to Lotor.  "Do I know them?  The seem vaguely familar..."
    "Of course you know them Lance!  These are the members of Voltron Force, they were the ones who kidnapped you from us and erased your memory."
    Lance turned back to look at them.  "I... "  Then he shrugged his shoulders in uncertainty.  "You're probably right."
    Keith couldn't believe his ears, "Lance, what on Arus are you saying?"
    Lance stared at the black-clad figure on the vid screen and was about to say something when Lotor interrupted.
    "What my brother is saying is that he won't listen to your lies!"
    Lance didn't like the way he said it and a flutter of suspicion grew inside him.
    "Lance... "  The pilot in Black said... pleaded?  But before anyone could say anything else Lotor cut the transmition.
    He turned to Lance, "That's enough for today.  Why don't you head back to your room and rest?"
    Lance stared at Lotor for a moment before smiling, "That's probably a good idea.  I am feeling a little tires.  Good night, brother."  With that he left.
    Lance easily made his way back to his room but there were questions he needed answered.  Without hesitation he opened a secure channel to Arus.
    "There's another message coming from Lotor's ship."  Coran announced to the bewildered pilots.
    "Put it on screen."  The Princess ordered but she couldn't hide her gasp when Lance's face appeared in front of her.  "Lance!"
    Lance stared at them a moment.  "Look, I don't know who you are but then I don't know who I am either.  This... palce, Lotor... it feels wrong...."  He shook his head.
    "That's because it is Lance!  You're one of us.  Part of the Voltron Force,  Pilot of Red Lion."  The black-clad figure said with intense emotion.
    "Who are you?!"  Lance mumbled.
    Keith's throat felt dry, "I'm Keith, your best friend, Commander of Voltron Force and pilot of Black Lion."  He pointed, woodenly to each of the others, introducing them as well.
    Lance's forehead wrinkled in frustration, "I thought for sure that I knew you, but I don't remember."
    Desperate Keith tried another track, "You love to fly, Lance.  You and I grew up together.  You nicknamed your Lion Kittycat..."
    The last word caught Lance's attention and pain flared behind his eyes, with such a sudden intensity that he had to lean against the console to stay standing.  In his mind's eyes he saw a volcano and a Red Lion, briefly a picture of Keith and himself brushed the edge of his memory before disappearing, once again out of reach.
    "Lance!  Are you alright?"  This came from Pidge who had moved close to the screen.
    "Fine."  He smirked.  "But does a volcano have any meaning to you guys.  I seem to have linked a volcano to you and a red and white Lion shaped machine."
    "You remembered... "  The Princess whispered.
    "Maybe.  But I want to meet you, it might bring something else back."
    "How?"  Pidge asked.
    "Leave that to me."  He smiled wrily and turned the screen off.
    "What do we do Keith?"  Allura asked staring at the blank screen.
    "What else?  We wait."
    Lance snuck out of his room, creful to keep quiet.  Having seen the security cameras earlier he managed to avoid them on his way to the hanger.  If he was wrong about the Voltron Force and he really was Lotor's brother he had no doubts that he'd be stepping from the frying pan into the fire.
     But there was something familar about the Voltron Force, something he couldn't put his finger on.  Avoiding a couple of guards he entered a waiting ship.
    Settling into the pilot's seat he started the plane up and under the cover of a cloak he left the Doom's mothership on a coarse for Arus.
    A faint smile curved his lips as he remembered the wonderful sensation of flying.
    "Has he contacted us yet?"  Pidge asked Keith for what must have been the millionth time.
    "No."  Keith replied in monotone, hiding the worry he felt.
    "This is Lance calling Arus.  Is anybody home?"
    Pidge dived at the control panel and Lance's solemn face appeared on the screen.  "Requesting permission to land."
    The Princess smiled, "Permission granted."
    Lance stared back at her, "I'm warning you now, Your Majesty, I will be coming armed.  I'm still not sure who I can trust and I don't want to take too many risks."
    The Princess's smile slipped and she nodded curtly, "Understood."
    Lance landed the ship and stepped out, coming face to face with the Voltron Force for the first time that he could remember.  Almost unconciously his hand moved to the gun at his hip.  "Hi."
    "Hi buddy.  Long time no see."  Hunk replied uneasily, as he shifted his wieght from one foot to the other.
    A wave of pain and dizziness flooded over Lance and the hand that had been toying with his gun went to his head as he backed up.


    He was helped off the ground by Hunk.  "Thanks for ist!"
    "No problem Buddy.  What are friends for."  The giant grinned.

End of Flashback

    He felt a hand on his arm, steading him.  Opening his eyes he found himself face to face with the guy he'd seen in his brief memory.
    "You okay?"
    Lance smiled shakily, "Yah, just reminiscing."  He stood up straighter.  "So what do we do know?"
    "Why don't we look around, something might jog your memory."  This came from his left side, where he saw the slim Princess.
    "Sounds good.  Lead me where you will."
    The grin he gave them made the Princess feel like crying in frustration but careful not to let it show she lead Lance on a tour of the castle, Keith had disappeared to bring the Red Lion to the castle in hopes it would help.
    Though nothing seemed to have triggered even so much as a spark of recognition.
    She was watching from the door to Castle Control when she felt a hand on her back, turning she faced Keith.
    He smiled sadly and nodded at Lance.  "The Red's waiting."
    Lance followed them outside.  There stood the most beautiful piece of metal he'd ever seen, involentarily he took a step forward the stopped.
    "Go on."  Keith urged.
    Like a robot he moved forward, stepping onto the platform that would take him into the Lion.  No sooner had he sat in the seat than his mind exploded with images long forgotten.
    "He's been up there for some time... Do you think he's okay?"  Pidge questioned softly at Keith's shoulder.
    "Why not ask me yourself?"
    Lance saw them look up in uncertainty.
    Keith stepped forward, cautiously, "Lance?"
    "That's my name, as for the rest... I'm still a little sketchy but I do remember a certain 'Truth or Dare' game at the academy in which you spilt the beans about your love life..."  Lance smirked as Keith turned red.
    "Maybe we should have left you without a memory."  He grumbled.
    "Oh really Keith?  Lance.  Why don't you tell us more..."  The Princess asked, raising an eyebrow at Keith.