The Daredevil
    The room was dark but that fact didn't stop Lance from punching in an entry code he'd seen the flight instructor use before into the computer and key the start up program.  As soon as everything was go he set it on its highest level battle simulation and carefully slid the damaged photograph into his upper breast pocket.  With decisive steps he moved into the fake cockpit and after bucklying up, closing the door and putting on the specialized helmet he issued the command to start.
    Almost immediately a view of space spread across his visor, momentarily blinding him.  After the black dots had danced from his sight he was thrown into the mists of enemy fighters.  Without thinking he acted as one after another targeted him, flew by him, buzzed him, shot at him or tried to surprise him.
    The clear warning sound in his earphones told him he'd been targeted and a sudden anger at the unfairness of life gripped him, without a care for what happened he reacted.  He saw the other ship launch a heat-seeker missile and as it caught onto his tail. He pulled back on the controls, flew upside down and came up behind the enemy, missile still in pursuit.  Still completing the motion, he passed just behind and underneath so that the top of his machine nearly brushed the belly of the other; the wash from the other ship's engine just hitting the tope of his wing and jerking the controls in his grasp.  Tightening his hands till his knuckles turned white, he didn't give up but followed through on his plan and shot clear just as the missile blew it to shards.  He had not time to rejoice, however, before another one had taken up where the other had left off.
    Catching a blip on his screen a little in front of him, he began weaving back and forth getting the 'hunter' to focus strictly on his 'prey'.  Then when he was only a few yards away he pushed down with all his might and smirked when he saw the two blips on his screen disappearing at the same time.  Rolling out of his nosedive he grated his teeth as he picked up yet another fighter.
    Without hesitation he went into a dive, the fighter behind him doing the same.  Weaving just a little, he did his best to keep the asteroid hidden from the other pilot's view.  At first, when he tried to pull out the controls wouldn't budge but with the photo burning in his pocket he tried again, putting every last ounce of his strength into it.  And to his satisfaction the fighter's nose came up and he veered mere inches from the surface.  The enemy fighter being not nearly so lucky.
    Going on the offensive Lance targeted the next ship to come into his sight and with a single shot took the fighter out.  He repeated this a few more times before the computer announced that all enemy aircraft had been vanquished.
    Breathing heavily he took off the helmet, unbuckled his belt, stepped out of the cockpit and turned in the direction of the computer only to come face to face with their flight instructor.
    Deciding to stand his ground, Lance met his gaze with is own unblinking stare.  He'd expected pretty much everything but what happened next.
    The instructor's grim face broke into a broad grin.  "About time Braddock.  I was wondering when you'd finally come around."
    Not sure if it was some kind of trap Lance raised an eyebrow at the statement.  "Oh?"
    "Lance, since the first time you got in that simulator I knew you could be the kind of pilot that any teacher wants to be associated with.  The only person who could possibly be in the same level as you are is Keith, but with Keith the rules are the lines for conduct and he won't dare bend them let alone break them.  But you... Lance you have the skill and the creativity and Daredevil pilot needs.  If I didn't see that in you I'd never encourage it."
    "If that's so than why..."
    "...didn't I send you to the advanced class?"
    Wordlessly he nodded.
    "Because I needed to be sure and because I'm skipping you into Sven's class as soon as you have some real flight experience.  The same will eventually happen to Keith, just a little later.  Sven is already there.  The class itself is such a secret that only those who go into it, come from it like myself, and Admiral Montes know about it."
    Lance cocked his dark head to the side.  "And how am I supposed to 'really' fly if I'm fifteen, and an entire year from the age they allow Cadets to tag-along.  I mean Keith is barely old enough."
    A twinkle entered his eyes.  "You'll get your papers shuffled like everyone else.  Besides I happen to know you're actually fourteen, just turned, and that your Uncle pulled some strings in order to take care of you."
    "You mean dump me."
    "You're not going to deny it?"
    The instructor, a.k.a Ditch, watched the ice cold eyes with a sadness born of experience.
    "No, it's true, after all.  And you have a network as good as mine so I know you can find out what you want when you want to."
    Ditch swallowed around a sudden lump in his throat then laughed, "I should have known you would figure it out!"  Then pointedly he gazed at the door, "Don't you have a party to join... or end?"
    Lance blinked then backed to the door, "You'll let me know what you come up with?"
    Ditch nodded his blond head, "You bet, oh and when we're alone you can call me 'Ditch", just don't ask why, kay?"
    A grin broke over his face.  "Sure... Ditch.  Bye."
    As he watched the boy leave he knew that his grandfather, Elder Jolan had been right.  The boy really was a Lion's heart.  As was Keith and Sven.  The only difference was their dominant elements: Sven-water, Keith-air, and Lance-fire... what it meant he had no idea but he did know it was important.