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Shar, The Rising Star

Shar Jackson is one of the next rising stars who will dominate our television sets and movie screens. She is an actress who posesses traits that always shine through. She is very down-to-earth, funny, and friendly. She tends to make many friends and fans very easily. Her face is one that will bring lots of laughs and tears to our households as we watch her career grow. We will have the pleasure of seeing her face on various sitcoms, films, and soom magazine covers as well. In short, Shar is climbing the ladder to bigger and better things.

She has starred in numerous sitcoms;such as, My So-Called Life, Hangin With Mr. Cooper,South Central,(with my man, Larenz Tate), Sister Sister, The Steve Harvey Show,and her current role as the funny, yet mistakeably clueless Niecy on UPN's Moesha. She has roles in various HBO spe cials, and full-length features as well. Some of her films include CB4 with Chris Rock, Demolition Man by Robert Townsend, and her most recent, the hysterically, funny, Good Burger.

In most of her sitcom,shows, and films, Shar tends to be branded with that crazy, airhead, act, but don't let that fool you Ms. Jackson is far from the roles she play. She is funny yes, but has a witty sense of humor that follows. She is a bright,young star who knows what she wants out of life, and will ultimately get them, with the help of her many talents, acting, singing, dancing, and soon to be modeling. Shar has the ability to be our next superstar, and most likely will, so to all those slacking off, beware because Shar is on the rise!

Shar's Fav Links

Khyrej's Page
Damm Crew Page
Lamont's Page
Shar II
