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Ontario Mennonite Music Camp

This page is my tribute to Ontario Mennonite Music Camp. I wish I had time to tell you all about everything that happened, but that would take about forever, so I'm just gonna say the best stuff.

I first went to OMMC in the summer of 1998. I went with one of my cousins. Both of us are from Manitoba, and we knew no one except each other. We got to know everyone really fast and it was awesome. Some of us new people were a little confused at first as to what the "cushy chairs" were. We were confused about many things, but after a few days, the camp was like home.

Here are the ten most memorable things about OMMC '98 (in no particular order).

In the summer of 1999 I went back again! It was so awesome! At first we didn't think it had been good as the last year, but looking back, I think most of us would say it was better. Me and Lisa got to give a tour of the campus. We made sure we explained what and where the cushy chairs are!!

I did three things at the camper concert this year. I was in a play, where we wrote our own much abridged Star Wars version of David and Goliath. I was Yoda! Me and a few other people went up and did the diarrhea song, including verses we made up ourselves! And of course me and Lisa had to do our traditional airband. This year it was "Pigs, Pigs, Pigs" by PFR!

Here's my list of top ten best things about OMMC '99.