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Sing a New Song

Sing, sing a sad song
Sing of longly hours spent
in desperate trials.  
Sing of life being lost
life the flame of a candle
in an over zealous breath of the wind.

Sing, sing for the ages!
Sing of war adn destruction;
of might
of power pitted on power
of the terror that springs from the night.

Sing! sing with loud voice
of the years still yet to come.
Of defeats not yet faced
of death not yet embraced.
Sing, sing the song of my soul.

Alone in a world that does not care. alone in this world no one to share deep feelings with love with peace with. Peace? what is that. Not something I know. Peace? A joke played on us by a cruel life. Alone is all we are alone....all together and alone.
What have you to fear but fear itself? What turns your blood to ICE? My life, it seems, has abandoned me and left me all alone.

Blank, glassy eyes no expression they stare up at me from bleow. They stare at me from all sides they stare at me from the world. Eyes that have no feeling eyes with no soul. Eyes that care nothing for me.

Alone I wander the lonely corridor voices ahead, voices behind but lonely to me. Noone is there noone ever around for me. As I wander through life people talk at me but never with me. I am surrounded-- I am alone. I wander in thought thoughts passing by me but never I entertain. Alone in my stilness always alone.
Move On What is there in life that is offered that is so great that for it we'd die for that is essentialy what we're doing.... Die to this life, and move on.

What is there in love that is offered that is so great that for it we'd endure all the pain and suffering it gives us.... Search no more for love, and move on.

What is there in death that is offered that is so great that we long for to know we spend all our time learning myths.... Be free from thoughts of death, and move on.

I tried to do all i felt was right yet still you seemed to slip further from sight. Why was I so wrong? What did I do wrong? New feelings now eat at me guilt, shame, and tragedy. Nothing feels as it should... Nothing...why? Eyes now stray heart not true a need overpowering a lust to be loved. No solice from my pain here So I turn to go... Why was I so wrong? What did I do wrong? Why is love such punishment True torture devised for me. My hell, right here for me. Please me...need me... show me the way. Middle of the night I wake-- dawn's first light far off. You are now on my mind you, and something else. Fear for all I think and feel; fear that time will never heal all these wounds of heart and soul wounds that tear me apart. "Take away my niglecties (spelling???); cleanse me from my sins." for some reason that couplet comes into my mind. I feel dirty, but I know not why. No, I do, my thoughts... I do, my heart... Fear.... (add the chorus type thingy if you wanted this to be a song) I know I've done wrong turned my heart away turned my eyes away. But what else could I do? Constant adoration and love from one.... What have I gotten from you? Nothing but pain from you.... Yet I still love you.... DOES EVERYONE HATE ME? You call me friend, then turn away ridicule behind turned back. Do you see the fibers of my heart tearing? Do you see the damage you do? No more... I've given chances you've taken. I've loved, and lost. misery consumes me, black waves wash over my soul-- an ocean of distrust. My only friend, myself-- my only friend, myself, i hate. I'm always wrong or so they say, when I turn my back

INNOSENCE The cold wind screams in agony. It whips through dead limbs of acient oaks. My voice rings out like this wind; on this wind. My innocence is forever lost; my life no longer mine.
PAPER MACHE' WINGS Be wary of angels with their wings glued on-- For try as they might they can't fly They will never reach to heaven's gate Are they fallen, or paper mache'?
ONES WHO SET US FREE There are angels and devils and they both have wings. Both can sweep us away from our life. But only one can set us free.
WINDY WINTER'S NIGHT Soft sounds-- tears flowing down his cheeks he says goodbye. He holds his love's hand as he feels her slip away no longer his to hold.
BIRD OF SUMMER The bird of summer sings no more, just hides his feathered head. The words don't come out right-- the melody distorted. Inside his nest my birdie hides from all the world outside; and in his nest, my birdie dies: songless and alone.
HEAT heat, pain everlasting burning the smell of chared flesh. But death cannot come to this immortal body. This winter's only rose longs to wilt away. But death cannot come-- this damnable immortal life forver longing for the end, forever gruling mortal loss. saved from death sentenced to life everlasting.
DECIDE Shining angel -- Blackened devil silver wings -- Fiery wings close around me Peacefull, bliss -- Torment, fear Beautiful angel -- Stunning devil call me closer sweep me up to heaven takes me -- to hell brings me do I deserve this? I don't -- I do
VOICES Do you hear them? I do. The voices, you know! Voices of the dead.... or maybe, not yet born. Why? Why do they torment me?!?! Why did they choose me..? and leave you alone? No, don't you leave me! With you there's a body too! No, well, farewell then..... I guess I'm stuck with them.
UNNOTICED SIGH A sigh soft, in the night so soft, that even the dead (who have perfect hearing) don't har it-- only the archangels can and the demons. But the angels, they're buisy with matters of their own. My sigh's only listeners are the damned, and what do they care for me?
LOST The world pases quitetly we watch our insides cry out souls lost forever.
LOVE You say you love me. You say I can have it all. But that's not what i want. Your love is binding me, like a stone in a wall. Cast aside at pleasure-- taken out at leisure-- what life is this? Not love . . . .
SLEEP The darkness comes as a black cat, eyes bright. The thunder crashes lightning strikes. The little bit I have blown away by the storm. Night with all its beauty is a cat burgular stealing away your consiousness for night. NEW YEARS EVE A year gone by. Fireworks cracking lighting up the sky. But I sit at home watching the clock memories pouring through my hand onto paper. The memories ripped, torn, thrashed, burned, destroyed. A weight lifrted from my heart: ashes spread on the water perish with the year.
SNAPSHOT If I'm not dead, then what do you call me? The living whose life is destryoed? The pale and the meek? The wierdly insane? do I scare you that bad? Don't worry; we'll all die someday and rot away in our graves. Here you see the beauty of me. The walking, the ghostly, the damned.
EMPTINESS There's a place in my heart that cannot be filled. A need to reach out for a hug--loving embrace. I want to be whole, but something is lacking-- someone beside me to love.
PEACE The beautiful blade sharp as a razor, a slice, the length of my wrist. Dark crimson flows. I taste it in pure delight-- the taste of control. My life, my death, is now in my hands one more slit ends it all as I sit here quenching my thirst.
WALKING IN THE PARK Beautiful groups of children playing flowers blooming on all sides brighetest colors come and go right befor eour very eyes. A lone rose sits in the garden children come, around it, play. The thorns prick the childrens fingers tear their clothes, they run away. The lone rose cries oh so softly, wishing it too could run. Slowly closes its all its petals-- in this heavin, slowly dies.
UNTITLED, AGAIN Strong as ocena waves it hits me. Overpowering my weak body and soul. a flood of pain and sorrow drench me to the bone. Numbness overtakes all my senses. All because of memories rushing in.
SIGH As the night peaks, i sigh no real reason, just . . . i long for something . . . i know not what. All i can do is sigh. A SOUL'S LONGING 'Tis a lonely place, my soul. longing for a friend. The night-- the dark--it calls to me . . . telling me to come. It tells me of the beauty. The softness of its touch; its caress. The crickets call to me, sing to me, tell me to come. They swear to me that if i listen i will find a friend. 'Twas a lonely place, my soul until it met its end.
SET ME FREE Night shines down with all its glory. Night so dark as dark can be. Night, my time, my love, my life Night, the time when i am free. Let me be free, of worry and doubt. Let me be free, and live once more. Let me be free, to hunt in the darkness . . . Let me be free, to be me. Darkness surrounds me, the moon shines down pale. Darkness surrounds me, the shadowed limbs of trees. Darkness surrounds me, calling me softly. Darkness surrounds me, the dark sets me free.
UNTITLED #2 Sleep and peaceful dreams why won't they come? The night's cry is too loud a longing to stay with it it seems to be crying-- needs comforting . . . I can help it, let me try. The wind, so sad mourning for day's death. No rain. The grass, it seems to cry Rain is what it pleads for . Every time I take a step it crys to me. The trees--they cry too I can hear them, crying . . . Crying. No, I am not mad--not crazy. The lake is caling me to help it, come to it soothe its crying soul. I will come to youmy friend-- my only friend-- you need me. I dive into your soul, I come . . . .
WIND OF SOULS The wind whispers through the branches of a cold, dead tree The wind calls out its pain into the night for all to hear its misery. And on this wind all souls ride when heaven won't take them in . . . And on this wind my soul shall ride until the screaming dies . . . .
ASHES TO ASHES The night is dark, the cry is loud the cry of a mother, the cry of her son the son being born of her womb. The world seems to shudder as the cry falters and only one voice still rings out. The son will grow strong with the strength of his mother; the ground will embrace the mother once more "Ashes to ashes, dust to dus as it was; will be forever."
A flash before my eyes Blinding light Closing in the edge of my vision Distorting familiar images Rendering my eyes useless. A sound rides the wind Defening, Loud! Throbs around me, Louder! then past . . . Gone now is all sound Touch my only friend now I rejoice in the textures against my skin. Fell the wind pulling me up and away. Fly away my soul body now usless. Fly away my mind in death I am free.
CARVE ME AN ANGEL Carve me an angel a beauty she must be a light in my darkness by which I'll see Carve me an angel but give her no flesh for flesh lusts and rots and others will covet her. Carve me an angel but give her no heart for a heart can love others and she is mine alone. Carve me an angel of stone, dark and cold carve her to match the cold darkness that is me. TREE SIGHS As the strong wind blows the old tree sighs its branches weakened with age. The winter comes and ice coats branches that aren't as strong as they were. A crack rings out the air shivers the limb falls on a child. The wind cries over sad death and whispers over an unmarked grave "I'm sorry"
OH SAVE US FROM #1 Oh save us from the heated blast the deadly shrapnel falling. Save us from the crazed killer the making of his ideal world. Death and destruction, cruel chaos in his heart. The death of a soul in the burning rubble. OH SAVE US FROM #2 Oh save us from the death destruction of the world. Oh save us from our fears the fear and the hate. The world will die because of us oh save us from ourselves
TWO MOONS The full moon shines on a lake of glass the nip of fall is in the air a fish breaks the glass a tear from heaven falls. The ripples still. two moons shine again... A TREE SOUL'S PRAYER Dark branches aganst the moon, gnarled fingers reaching for something they can never touch. Something calls to them yet they can't answer. If you listen you can hear the soul of the tree cry into the night: "let me be free." If you have any constructive critizm or other coments about my poetry, please, feel free to tell me. I appreciate it.

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