"...turn up my collar and mix with dark..."
This page will be an ongoing project, so if something like this interests you, please check back often. I'm just getting started on this project, so please don't judge it too hastily. This is not a 'powder-yer-butt' web site. It's not fancy. It doesn't even have frames. I wanted to keep it simple and get to the point. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy it. Please sign my guestbook by clicking on the link below. Also many thanks to Gary for listing this site on The Official Gary Numan Web Site, NuWorld. If you wish to view other excellent Numan sites (some far superior in quality to this one), please click here.
One of the purposes of this page is to enlighten people who may have heard of Gary Numan, but just know him by the hit single Cars (which reached no. 3 in the charts here in the United States in the early 80's). Since then, unaware to many music fans, Gary's music has transcended and matured to levels light years beyond Cars. Don't get me wrong.....I think Cars is a fine song. It paved the way for many new wave acts to follow in it's footsteps. However, it's unfortunate that many music fans, who by the way had the intelligence to see Cars as not just another hit single but something new and refreshing, do not have the faintest idea of what Mr. Numan is capable of and what he has been achieving.
Be advised......Gary Numan is still a very vibrant and contributing instrument of the continuing evolution of music as we know it. Just take at look at his discography and you will see just how busy he has been. And also be advised that since there are many levels of music not yet familiar to us, I feel that Gary will have some sort of role in introducing those levels to us.
For those of you who have never heard of Gary Numan, I hope that viewing this web site will spark curiosity in you. If you're tired of the same old crap being shoveled down your throat day after day on the airwaves, then you may want to explore further. To put it simply, the resulting patterns of predetermined oscillations emanating from the dark crevasses of Mr. Numan's Machine kicks serious ass.
~ Cars cover by Fear Factory ~
Due to be released May 10th as a single is the latest cover of Cars, this time by the alternative-dance-industrial-metal band Fear Factory. I was really impressed with this latest cover......probably the best one ever done. A Cars video was shot on April 4th which includes an appearance by Gary (see photo below). The video has recently appeared on MTV's 'Flying Indie' and '120 Minutes'. The production of the vid was first class to say the least. The tentative cover for the single is shown above. For more information on Fear Factory, click on the picture above. They're definately worth checking out. One of my personal favs.
I'm sure that a lot of you have heard of and seen the fairly recent movie Dark City. A song from Gary's most recent release, Exile, is featured on the soundtrack. The name of the song is Dark, and in my opinion, is the best track on Exile. It certainly fits the mood of the movie. I consider this to be a major achievement for Gary, since the soundtrack is sure to be popular world wide. It also silences the critics that argue that Gary is not a credible musician, since the producers of the soundtrack are not likely to put crap on the soundtrack of such a reputable movie. For more information on the Dark City soundtrack, click here or the image above.
it to you? This Noise Noise..."
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