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*N Sync Backstage-The all new and original interactive *N Sync Site!

Since March of '99.

Hey yall. I have some news. This was more of a summer project, and now that school has started the page will not be updated anymore. Maybe once every month or so. I am just gonna leave it up for a while and see what comes about. So don't reall bother emailing us cause we check like once a month. If anyone is interested in taking this site over, please email us at and we will contact you asap!

If you were disgusted with the Britney Spears Rolling Stone cover, you won't believe this. Click here to find out

Welcome to *N Sync Backstage, where we'll give you your very own backstage pass (not literally...)! Scroll down and choose which areas you'd like to visit, but first check out the news and updates!

This Site is except maybe the Britney Spears part....

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*N Sync fan to visit our page! Thanks!

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Vote for *N Sync...

Vote for *N Sync! Last time I checked, Hanson was winning by a landslide as best band of the century! Post this link on your page too!

Everyone please take some time to sign the book and give us your tips and ideas and tell us what you think! Thanks!

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What's New with our Crew-Us asking you questions about the site, WE NEED YOUR HELP! It's just a few simple questions for the better of this site! PLEASE COME!

Just News-Up to date *N Sync news

The Dressing Room-pictures of some of *N Sync's most unusual fashion choices!

The Sound Stage-hear *N Sync sounds (interviews, songs, etc!)

Ticket Outlet- Get the low down on where *N Sync is and when they'll come to you!

Center Stage-the official photo gallery!

Tour Bus- Odds, Ends, Pics, Etc.

Front Row-Your concert experiences!

Camera Studio- The pictures that didn't quite make it to the magazines!

Behind The Curtain- Polls, Contests, and more!

The Hotel- Links, Add-a-Link, Webrings, Awards, Adoptions, and Other Junk we didn't know where to put!

The VIP Room-Our animated works of art, doodles, and *N Sync graffiti!!!

The Mail Box-Send friends an *N Sync Postcard with a pic and sound you can choose!

That BSB Part-Yes, no N Sync site could be complete without that tiny mention of this other boy band (good OR bad!)

The Newspaper- a classifieds section for all those with *N Sync needs and cravings!

Sister Site Stuff-A page devoted just to advertising out Sister Site! Check it out before ya go!

This site is always under heavy construction! Tell us what you think, because we need your help! If you'd like to email us with any comments, tips, or questions, please do!

EmAiL uS!!!

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P.S.- You are free to take any pictures on this page (except those scanned and found in the tour bus or front row sections, or otherwise noted) but please (if you can) add a link (like our banner) to your site or give us some credit ( like 3 words will do)! For sound or multimedia files, please email us first thanks! And again, please don't copy the pictures from concerts (like the ones we paid to go to, not the stuff from magazines or TV) because we have poured our time and sweat into scanning these. Thanks again!