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King Of Fighters III: The Arena Of SHIN-Sho Reppadan

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Fans At The Arena

1/10/04: That's right, I updated after over 3 years (last update was 3/29/00!!!) I have regained faith in SNK again and will continue this homage to their art. I will FINALLY finish the Kyo Bio and then go to work on updating the Terry one (which should have been done first). This, along with the 2087508 other projects i'm doing in these times, will be done in a sporatic fasion.


Dedication-Character of the Moment

Hibiki Takane

I'm gonna write abuot her when the site gets going again. I wouldn't want her sitting up here while the site is completely dormant. I let characters sit here for too long...


This site is going to become basically an "SNK" site. With other things such as SNK vs CAPCOM, CAPCOM vs SNK (they are different), and also the OH SO COOL LAST BLADE SERIES (Kojiroh and now Hibiki rule.... and HIBIKI made it to the CAPCOM vs SNK 2 game!!!) there is just so much SNK to concetrate on that a KOF ebpage won't do it. There will still be the KOF section and of course, it will be the most dominant ection. This site isn't even close to being dead.

I have eliminated all the crappy gimmicks. This will be an info site only.

Previous Dedications:

2/15/01: Hold On, now I know what you're going to say. "I thought you weren't into cheap-heat eye candy characters" and i'll say "shut up." No, I won't say that. I have been playing Garou: Mark Of the Wolves (finally) and Jenet's actually got a lot of substance to her.

First, she had a huge crush on Terrance (Terry Bogard) when she was younger. Keep in mind, she's from the Fatal Fury game that took place about 10 years in the future (she's as old as Kim's younger son Jae Hoon). So in the game she's, like, 19. We all know Terry is a big legend by the time KOF 99 came out, but there were so many other popular guys out there. Course, she chose Terrance (this is all assuming that the game takes place 10 years after when it came out, which was a little after KOF 99). I just thought that was kinda neat. just found that out about 2 minutes before writing this.

Second, she's all suggestive looking.... like what some people would call a bimbo. "I thought you didn't like that" you say, and I say "shut up." No, that's not what i say. The reason that's cool is take a look at Mai. See her outfit? Well, the only person to acknowledge her super revealing outfit that I know of is Yuri (KOF '95 ending- Mai: Oooh, beauty mist! Yuri: It's gas, bimbo!). Like Jenet's that lucky. Just about everyone seems to comment on her suggestiveness... numerous times. Heck, even the well mannered end boss, Kain R. Heinlein (who was also a Character Of The Moment for being smoove) directly called her a bimbo. That'll teach her. I guess as time goes, people get less forgiving and seem to notice more things.

Third, she's a pirate. Pirates are cool. They say things like "Arr" and "Scurvy" and "Matey's" and "booty" and "loot" and stuff.

Fourth, and final and most of all..... she has THE most awesome move. Even though she stole her wind attack from a character I made up (not really, but I did create that attack for a character I created about 3 or 4 years ago), she's got the awesomest of awesencion in the most ultimate of moves. IF you can take advantage of the wonderfully awesome "Just Defence" in the game (it's also fun to say "Just Defence") and you guard cancel out of it by hitting A then B then C REAL fast, assuming your guage is at P (I think it needs to be) she'll take off her high-heel shoe and commence to beat down her adversary after going temporarily crazy (of course, she apologizes for it afterward...). 9/7/00-I bet Margoyle would be delighted to see this page dedicated to Leona...Again! Except the first time it was for her. THIS time, it's because I now think of Leona as one of the coolest KOF characters, as well as Rugal. WHY??? Well, as far as Leona's concerned, when I imagine someone defeating the new KOF 2000 cheap-heat, rich, white skinned girl with a japanese name Hinako, (why if a japanese girl is rich she has to look white... Karin Kanzaki and Hinako), I think of Leona (hey, I have no prob with white skinned girls, but what's the eal with these blode english looking "Japanese girls, as I have to tell my dad that half the characters are japanese in the first place). She was the first one who came to mind and since then, all my biased views turned positive (this calls for a profile remake).

With Rugal, He just kept doing cool things. I tried to hold out and keep considering him a Jack-Ass. First there was his '98 official picture which was cool. then his '98 win quote, then his funny '98 taunt, then his '98 spin-on-you move (which was hilarious, and characters that humor me always get positive vibes from me), then there was his cool '98 original and arranged song ("Make some noise"... X-Pac!), and then I heard his '94 arranges (with that crazy guy going "K....O....F..F..F!) and that was hilalrious and so here he is and with Leona as well. A humorous character is always easily cool. As you can tell, the character that bothers me a lot now (aside from Athena) is Hinako.... i'll explain later.

6/7/00: K' looks too cool and he has too much in common with me (age, views on sports, etc.) Plus he looks like Orochi and has The Trigger. He's supposed look like a present day japanese cyber punk which explains why he's all thin and gaunt. He also dresses in all black, so he's the best.

5/15/00: My favorite Tekken Character of all time, Lee is no KOF character, but he sure is as cool as one. Can you see the similarities between He and K? I saw this picture (the first new Lee picture since 1996) and said "Ok, that's one of the best pictures." It's half the reason Lee is the man for now.

3/20/00: Why why why Leona??? Have you ever been to the Super Dee Duper Leona Shrine? Well, the owner can turn almost any semi-Leona fan into a big one. (She's even put up with all my negative Leona stuff, which i've stopped because of the site). This is the place to find all the positives (and negatives) of Leona from the biggest (and I can say that) Leona fans point of view. So if I had to find three good points about Leona, they would be:

1: She has a lot to do with good ol' Heidern.

2: She fights like good ol' Heidern.

3: She can salute REAL cool like (especially to good ol' Heidern).

Enjoy your moment Leona.

2/7/2K: OK, Krizalid looks cool, He has neat hair, He created Clone Kyo's (funny as sin), He's got a neat jacket and can make wings of fire. All that, and his transition from form 1 to 2 is the slickest thing. 'Nuff said, Krizalid takes it out.

1/10/2K: OK, I know nothing Kain R. Heinlein(can't read the Japanese bio's. Anyone want to help???), but I do know that he looks slick. Kain is the boss from the new Fatal Fury game, "Garou Densetsu: Mark Of Wolves" or whatever. SNK always makes cool bosses (except for maybe Rugal...and Wyler).

12/12/99: Yes, I went with the flow. Why is Iori up here even though I talk about how Iori is just an average character to me...? How I always say "well, he's just Iori." "I'm not going to be like everyone else and obsess about him." Before you call me a hypocrite, remember, I never said anything about Iori's MUSIC! This guy has one of the coolest 'track' records in the history of music. Cool Jam, Sadistic eyes, Control Crisis, Arashi No Saxophone 1, and my personal favorite, Arashi No Saxophone 2!!!! (which I still can't find). Ah yes, he is cool and has a neat voice. I like his jacket. Plus he'll claw you up using claw-like strikes! My sister thinks he's the best (along with Anubis from Ronin Warriors who has nothing to do with this). Lets all tribute at least the music or Iori will claw you... with claw-like tactics.

11/11/99:What? Why? Heidern? Because I saw the '98 heidern and he's all smoove with one of the COOLEST battle stances and neat intro's and taunts. Look at his CD knockdown attack. It's so cool... like Buster. And he wants to kill some Rugal. I mean, Heidern! His Storm Bringer is all evil death now, and his other super, the one like Leona's, is all slick. (Do it when his theme song, In Spite Of One's Age, slows all down and loses it's beat. It's all dramatic. Of course, you'll need the Arranged Version of the song to do it.) Look at his winquote. He calls you a weenie! (Too bad not Weenie King).

11/3/99: I'm sorry, but Chizuru Kagura has to be one of the neatest characters EVER! She's got the neatest personage, carries herself well, and my sister and I think she has nice shoes. It just doesn't get much better. AND (even though many-a-fanfic writer replaces her with their own characters) she was one of the three destined to seal off orochi. YEAH!

10/27/99:YEAH! Alfred is so cool! Just all outta nowhere in RealBout Fatal Fury 2. I don't know where Alfred came from or his original game (I think he has one) or anything about Alfred, but he looks so out of place in the picture on my 10th anniversary special Fatal Fury CD (the one with all the RBFF2 characters) that he just has to be cool. He's all dressed like a Chrono Trigger character. I have to find out more about Alfred (he should be in a KOF). I mean look! Alfred! Yeah! He seems to be real popular...

10/15/99: Yahoo! Li Xiangfei de yang! (or whatever she says in the Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury) 10th anniversary special CD). Yes, listening to her on this (always wanted to know how she sounded) I got that feeling I get when a character is so cool! I think it started when Duck King said her name in the last track and she yelled "woo woo woo!" Li Xiangfei takes it out! She sounded neat when she hit Mai in the "Best" track too! (And she can Rap up somethin' fierce; I can see the CD cover now... Lucky G and Xiangfei Li). Yeah! She's so cool, and she doesn't dress all manpleasing either. Gotta like the big pants! Can't wait to play her! Might just have to buy Real Bout 2....

10/14/99: Wilson....Bob Wilson. Yes, part of the words to a song I made up to the arranged Real Bout Fatal Fury soundtrack version of the Bob Wilson Song. Whats so neat about Bob Wilson? 1: He spins on his head! He uses the Yashiro N. Fighting style (or, Yashiro uses his to be politically correct). And his name! It's just so plain! I like his hair too! It's just that no one gives any credit to Mr. Wilson.....Bob Wilson. I likes the Bob Wilson. I freakin' WISH I could find out some info on Bob Wilson, like his background or something.....someone help me out!

10/11/99: CLONE KYO'S!!!!! CLONE KYO'S!!!! YEAH!!!! The idea of Clone Kyo's is SOOOOOO crazy, but strangely funny and cool. Not dumb like Rugal plans. I mean, the extra Kyo's of '99 are JUSTIFIED!!! And they even are sent out all over the world in KOF '99 i.e. the monitor cyborgs of the Street Fighter Animated Movie. AND everyone seems to be oblivious to the fact that there are freakin' three of the world famous Kyo Kusanagi's standing next to a street light across the street, lookin' all stern and stuff. (The best part is when the CLONE KYO'S!!!! are in the helicopter with goggles on!). There IS be a section dedicated to CLONE KYO'S!!!!!! Right HERE!

Guy: "Counter Reads:"

1/30/00= 4367

2/17/00= 4518

3/2/00= 4702

3/10/00= 4939

3/20/00= 5172

3/28/00= 5371 - 1000 in 2 months is a lot to me...

4/12/00= 5840

5/10/00= 6651

8/24/00= 8189 - I've been slacking on updates and it shows....

9/28/00= 8640

2/15/01= 8873 - He's been slacking.

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