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Character Bios

Dr. Eleanor (Ellie) Arroway (Jodie Foster) is a brilliant radio astronomer, who has spent all her life searching for life in other star systems. When she and her team discover a message from Vega, containing information never before dreamed of, Ellie embarks on the greatest research of her life: travelling to another system.

OK, food for thought: Who thinks that Ellie was really in league with the Christian terrorists?? Each time, she saw the same sicko (gorgeously played by Jake Busey). Coincidence? Maybe not!! And she wasn't exactly heartbroken when Drumlin got blown into a thousand teeny-tiny pieces, now was she? Was anyone?

Palmer Joss (Matthew McConaughey) is the religious adviser to the President of the United States, and Ellie's friend and lover. His deep religious commitment, and Ellie's scientific scepticism, lead to an interesting relationship. When he is chosen to participate in the Machine Selection Committee, that relationship is strained to breaking point.

Only one word can describe this man: YUM! For a science nerd, Ellie has great taste in men!

Dr. David Drumlin (Tom Skerritt) is a colleague of Ellie's, who is set against the SETI program, seeing it as a worthless waste of tax-payers money. That is, until Ellie's discovery, when he attempts to take over her research. He is chosen by the Machine Selection Committee to be Earth's representative to the Vegans.

BOO HISSS! Best part in the movie is watching Drumlin get blown to heck. Isn't abject violence WONDERFUL?

S.R. Hadden (John Hurt) is Ellie's benevolent benefactor. He supplies Ellie with the funds she needs when her research at Arecibo is cut short, and also shows Ellie the primer, needed to desipher the message's meaning.

This man is really cool, but do we really need the bowling ball look? Sheriff Shinetopp! But he gets the best line in the movie: "Wanna take a ride?" Dirty old man!

Michael Kitz (James Woods) is the National Security Chief, and is suspicious of the message sent by the Vegans. He doesn't believe in human nature, let alone alien nature, and so does not trust their intentions. He fights Ellie's suggestions, and after her journey is over, he condemns her as a liar, because she has no proof.

I'm not sure what to think of this guy. He has style, but he seriously stuffs up Ellie at the end. He gets really nasty! But the scene when they all first see Hitler, his reaction is legendary: *eyebrow raises* "Uh huh!" OK, so it's just me.

The Machine is the product of the message discovered by Ellie. All the countries of the world gather together to fund and support the building of this transport, which will take one occupant 26 light years away from Earth, to the star system of Vega.

Break anybody elses heart when the first one went *kersplat*? Oh well, at least it took Drumlin with it.

Vega is the star system where Ellie's message originates, and where Ellie is eventually sent, to get the answers the world so desperately wants. Little is actually discovered about Vega, but promises are made that further contact will be established.

Trivia: Scientists now say that Vega isn't 26 light-years away, but 25 and a bit. Do we care? Not much. But there you go.

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