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Welcome to our third page of quotes. We hope you enoy them. If you have a quote, we would love to add it to our Quote pages. Why not email it to us. Thanks.

"The morning congregation is an indication of the popularity of the Church; the evening congregation is an indication of the popularity of the pastor; the prayer meeting attendance is an indication of the popularity of JESUS CHRIST."

If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

There is not an arrow in the quiver of the devil but has been fired at the Bible and has failed

A lot of Christians are living on crackers and cheese when God has prepared three square meals a day for them.

The Bible promises no loaves for the loafer.

When the Word of God is as sweet as honey, the vanities of he world will be bitter as aloes. ....... Amen

Holiness is not the way to Christ, Christ is the way to holiness

Christians never meet for the last time.

We should be
- a PUZZLE to the outsider
- a TERROR to the devil,
- a JOY to Him who bought us with His precious blood.

Christians are not sin less, but they should sin less.

No man ever regretted CHRISTIANITY on his deathbed

Faith makes a man a Christian,
His LIFE proves he is a Christian,
TRIAL confirms him as a Christian,
DEATH crowns him as a Christian.

"Every christian must witness, there is an impelling GO in the GOSPEL."

In the christian life we must lose to gain; we must give to obtain; we must be humble to be exalted; we must be least to be greatest; we must die to live.(Go figure - only a Christ filled believer understands it)

Christians, like pianos need frequent tuning in order to sound right

The church is not a refrigerator for perishable piety but a dynamo for charging men.

Some people devote all their religion to going to church.

Some churches seem to be sound in doctrine but they are sound asleep.

One minute of keeping your mouth shut is worth an hour's explanation.

Face powder can catch a man, but it takes baking powder to hold a man.

Make the most of life before most of life is gone.

If you think you are two small to do a big thing, try doing small things in a big way

A greatful mind is a GREAT mind

God has two thrones: one in the highest heaven and the other in the lowest heart.

What we weave in this world we shall wear in heaven

Home is the place where we are treated best and grumble most

It takes an honest man to tell whether he's tired or just lazy

You cannot lift your children to a higher level than that on which you live yourself

You should ask God for HUMILITY, but never thank Him that you've attained it

He is made more worthy who dispenses with what he deserves.

"The beginning of greatness is to be little, the increase of greatness is to be less, and the perfection of greatness is to be nothing."

Some people are very polished, everything they say casts a reflection on someone.

No branch escapes the pruning knife,
No jewel the polishing wheel
No child the correction rod,
No chosen vessel the thorn

The man in the right with God on his side is in the majority though he be alone

Ask not HOW, but trust Him still;
Ask not WHEN, but wait His will;
God SHALL all your need supply.

Better to be ignorant than to know too much that is not true.

Without the WAY, there is no going;
Without the TRUTH, there is no knowing;
Without the LIFE, there is no living
- Thomas a Kempis

Be bold in what you stand for, but careful in what you fall for.

Truth doesn't hurt, unless it ought to

Truth is not always popular, but it is always right

The truth is no less because it cannot be explained.

The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.

When you jump at conclusions you can't always expect a happy landing.

It's not what you eat that causes ulcers; it's what's eating you.

Life like a mirror, never gives back more than what we put into it.

The pleasures of sin are for a season, but it's wages are eternal.

Jesus was content with a stable when he was born, that we might have a mansion when we die.

Nature FORMS us,
School INFORMS us,
but only CHRIST

It is more important to watch how a man lives than to listen to what he says

Where God's finger points, God's hand will always make the way

Everywhere that Paul went, he made some people glad, some people sad, some people mad.

Do what you can today, you may not be here tomorrow.

How seldom we weigh our neighbour in the same balance with ourselves.
- Thomas a Kempis

So live that you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.

Sometimes the Lord calms the storm; sometimes he lets the storm rage and calms the child.

Dont criticize your wife's judgement ......look who she married.



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