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"How rare it is to find a person quiet enough to hear God speak"

Hi and welcome to our Bible Study Page. I guess we all could be encouraged to read and study more of the Bible. Hopefully this page will help you out. We have added some GOSHEN Bible Study Search Forms to assist in searching for phrases, verses and other aids. We hope you enjoy the GOSHEN forms.

"But you should continue following the teachings you learned. You know they are true, because you trust those who taught you. Since you were a child you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." - 2 Tim 3:14-15 NCV

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e.g., Jesus

Bible Search Engine




Select the Bible or other resource you wish to search, enter the verse, keyword or other data in the search box and hit search. For example; John 3:16 or the keywords; book of life 

American Standard Version
Darby Version
King James Version

New International Version
New King James Version
Revised Standard Version
Youngs Literal
Greek Modern
Greek NT West.-Hort
Greek OT Septuagint
Hebrew OT
Hebrew OT (Unicode)
Transliterated Hebrew
Interlinear Bible
Parallel New Testament
Parallel Old Testament
Intermediate Lexicon
Advanced Lexicon
Strongs Lexicon (use English)
NT Lexicon
OT Lexicon
Parser of Greek words
LXX w/ Accents (Unicode)
Darbys Synopsis of New Testament
Jamieson Fausset Brown
Mathew Henries Complete Commentary
Naves Topical Bible
Strongs Concordance
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

Tools by...
Authentic Walk Ministries 
Bible Gateway Bible Study Tools
Perseus Project  My Bible Toolbox Builder The Unbound Bible


Acts 17:11 Bible Study
The Audio Bible
Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
Basic Training Bible Studies
The Berean Bible Studies Home Page
The Bible Commentary Page
Bible Stories for Adults
Biblical Studies Foundation
The Blue Letter Bible Project
Christian Shareware
Church History
Executable Online Series
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Grace Notes
Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible
Greek Lexicon
Guide to Early Church Documents
The Hall of Church History
Hard Sayings of the Bible
Hebrew Lexicon
Issues That Make Christians Squirm
Matthew Henry's Commentary
MEMLOK/PC MemLok Bible Memory System
Methods of Bible Study
Nave's Topical Bible
The Online Study Bible
Outline of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible
Parables of Jesus
Pastor's Helper
Ray Stedman Library
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Sermons, Stories & Illustrations
Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Virtual Encyclopaedia - Philosophy and Religion
Washington Heights Baptist Bible Study
World Wide Study Bible

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