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How to join:
* Make sure you have a webpage. ;)
* Make sure you're a homeschooler, and are of the age 13-18.
* Click on the 'Join' link, and fill out the form.
* Go back to the main page, and click on 'Samples'.
* Select which setup looks the best to you, and you would like on your page.
* Go back to the main page, and click 'Fragments'.
* Copy the corresponding HTML fragment of the sample you chose.
* Put this HTML Fragment on your webpage.
* Make sure you add you personal info (E-mail, Name, ID#s) into the fragments where indicated.
* I will review your site, and add you to the list. Until then, you will remain in the queue.
* I will e-mail you if there are any problems.
* Questions? E-mail me! :)